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Pakistan pushes for reset ties with USA

Biden's in no hurry to do anything.

Right now, his immediate foreign policy priority are China and India. To the US, Afghanistan is already a done deal. Much like I predicted months ago, Biden will delay the pullout, but he's already said he's gonna pullout completely before the end of the year. In other words, the US no longer feels it needs Pakistan, other than pulling out its troops, and even then it feels it can strong arm Pakistan into continuing to use Pakistan's gloc and aloc freely.

No matter how much PTI wants to pretend otherwise, the US not inviting Pakistan to the climate summit, and skipping over Pakistan to visit India and BD, are both a major snub.

Biden is now looking to strengthen ties with India and QUAD as a whole. Biden is also looking to go after China even harder than Trump. A lot of people called Trump protectionist, and he certainly was, but Biden is in many ways even more of a protectionist than Trump will ever be.

With Pakistan moving towards neutrality, the US wants nothing to do with Pakistan. Just like how the US only partnered with Pakistan during the cold war after joining the western-bloc, so to will the US move away from Pakistan, once Pakistan leaves and becomes a neutral nation once again. The US doesn't deal with neutral nations all that well.

On a side note, Biden is already making multiple major mistakes. Its clear that for all the information that US intelligence provides him, he does not know how to run successful foreign policy. I believe even a former Obama official called him a failure when it comes to foreign policy.
All good points.

Being on the ignore list......may be a good thing (especially if trade flows keep on going up anyway). Look at all the countries that have economically prospered when they are no longer on the USA's priority list. Japan prospered when the USA focused on Korea. Korea prospered when the USA focused on Vietnam. China prospered when the USA focused on the ME (and Vietnam to a lesser extent).

With the USA leaving Afghanistan and the ME and focusing on the Indo-Pacific we have a a better chance to prosper if we focus on economic growth. Same with the rest of the ME.
There are woke people in White house and Congress, they will have problem with every Aspect of Pakistani society, I am expect the relationship to better for Mera Jism Meri Marzi type, but the majority of Pakistan will still be seen as they show in Homeland .
unless US leave Afghanistan, and remain out of the region for around 5 years with no new wars imposed on anyone then there is a chance that US and Pakistan might start trusting each other, until then there is no chance.

US trusts pakistan up to a certain limit , but for matters related with taliban , al qaida , osama bin laden US never trusted pakistan.
correction Pakistan isnt neutral.. it just not with USA.

On USA snub, it is unfortunate on their part. Climate change affects us all, with Imran Khan such a passionate nut about environment would be a great asset to collaborate with.

this episode just showed how shallow the americans really are from inside.

it was really strange america did not invite pakistan despite billion tree plantation by imran khan. some lobbey opposite pakistan is working in cabinet of biden .
Are Bhai rafi do something on your own as well. Why we always want others to influence us? Is there any independent foreign policy? Why always reset ties with Americans? How many more dollars do we want? Do you forget trump tweet that we are a terrorist state? Do we have any self respect? Same dollar game again. Do you know that china is unhappy? Your only friend in the world is unhappy.

Bro, we do what is in our interest, we defied yanks on communist China, Nukes, Af-Stan, etc etc. And we got away with it, what else do you want.
You already fucked it with the yanks when you let them rent a terrorist to fight the russians. Still paying a price for that debacle, Zia gave you nukes but he was a sucker for a bit of ego stroking and zbrienski did just that. Fell into that trap nice and easy. This world will punish you for stupidity.
When will Pakistan get Dr Aafia Siddiqui back from USA. She’s innocent and daughter of Pakistan. Musharraf sold her to usa
There is no reset possible. We cannot give the Americans 1/10th of their demands. American wish list is impossible to comply to. To mention a few:

1. Denuclearise
2. Abandon China
3. Become an Indian colony
4. Give up on Kashmir
5. Allow US soldiers to feast in Balochistan and other important regions of Pak
Biden was a member of Senate Foreign Relations Committee for 3 decades. Sorry he and his advisors are better prepared than anyone

There is nothing neutral about Pakistan. You are seen as pro-China
correction Pakistan isnt neutral.. it just not with USA.

On USA snub, it is unfortunate on their part. Climate change affects us all, with Imran Khan such a passionate nut about environment would be a great asset to collaborate with.

this episode just showed how shallow the americans really are from inside.
Pakistan is moving towards neutrality, Pakistan may have increased ties with China, but its clear that Pakistan is not willing to abandon ties with the US.

Pakistan is not only looking to reset relations with the US, but increase its relationship with the EU.

Biden may have 3 decades of experience, but his experience has amounted to nothing. He's making the exact same mistakes that Obama made, and he's doing nothing about it. In fact, he's currently making things worse.

Pakistan is neither in the position, nor the mood to get involved in petty arguments between foreign nations.
Biden may have 3 decades of experience, but his experience has amounted to nothing. He's making the exact same mistakes that Obama made, and he's doing nothing about it. In fact, he's currently making things worse.
Agreed. Biden seems to be doubling down on previously failed foreign policy strategies. Reminds me of Andy Reid in the super bowl............running the same ineffective plays over and over again making no adjustments. Result was not pretty.

USA foreign policy think tanks have been pretty off on Asia. I would say over the last 30 years they massively over estimated India....while underestimating Pakistan. They have also massively underestimated China as well. Huge miscalculations decades ago resulted in the conundrums today......and they still are on the same coarse. Boggles the mind sometimes.
Pakistan is moving towards neutrality, Pakistan may have increased ties with China, but its clear that Pakistan is not willing to abandon ties with the US.

Pakistan is not only looking to reset relations with the US, but increase its relationship with the EU.

Biden may have 3 decades of experience, but his experience has amounted to nothing. He's making the exact same mistakes that Obama made, and he's doing nothing about it. In fact, he's currently making things worse.

Pakistan is neither in the position, nor the mood to get involved in petty arguments between foreign nations.

At the end of the day he is the President of USA. You/I are not.

I see where you are coming from. It is like trying to make a virtue of a bad situation

If USA & EU start measuring Pakistan and other countries by their relationship with China you will have a problem. At the end of the day USA & EU import a lot more stuff from Pakistan than China does
Because you are indian from Delhi.
double yawn o_Oo_O
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Pakistan is moving towards neutrality, Pakistan may have increased ties with China, but its clear that Pakistan is not willing to abandon ties with the US.

Pakistan is not only looking to reset relations with the US, but increase its relationship with the EU.

Biden may have 3 decades of experience, but his experience has amounted to nothing. He's making the exact same mistakes that Obama made, and he's doing nothing about it. In fact, he's currently making things worse.

Pakistan is neither in the position, nor the mood to get involved in petty arguments between foreign nations.

Not much Biden can do when there are influential elements in Pakistan that are prepared to inflict damage upon self to keep the dollars flowing. Pakistan grew accustomed to US Aid and this was where the US did great harm to Pakistan. There was no accountability for the 80 plus billion dollars of aid that Pakistan received from the US since the 1960s. A string of leaders arrived mismanaged the country squandered every opportunity afforded to them by a friendly generous benefactor and then departed after a period of self enrichment. whichever way you look at our tragic relationship it is true that US aid hurt Pakistan more than it helped.
Not much Biden can do when there are influential elements in Pakistan that are prepared to inflict damage upon self to keep the dollars flowing. Pakistan grew accustomed to US Aid and this was where the US did great harm to Pakistan. There was no accountability for the 80 plus billion dollars of aid that Pakistan received from the US since the 1960s. A string of leaders arrived mismanaged the country squandered every opportunity afforded to them by a friendly generous benefactor and then departed after a period of self enrichment. whichever way you look at our tragic relationship it is true that US aid hurt Pakistan more than it helped.
Agreed. Worse was probably Zardari. US aid was at all time highs yet Pakistan's economy was in collapse due to the security issues. He was put into power with CIA backing..... a democratically elected idiot (after the USA had enough of Generalissimo Musharraf).

This has been a big problem with USA's backing of democratically elected leader's in Pakistan.....they were usually corrupt idiots that did foolish economic things. CIA usually backed the PPP....socialist morons modelled on the labor party in UK. They completely destroyed industry in Pakistan with nationalization.... and making the country uncompetitive with other countries in Asia from a manufacturing perspective. Damage that is only now being undone.

The USA is now using the same approach in Kabul (of all places). Any wonder why the Taliban have not been defeated. One big lesson for USA strategists going forward is to try to back competent democratic factions in other countries. Blindly backing any idiotic faction because they're "pro-democracy".....may not result in positive outcomes.
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US trusts pakistan up to a certain limit , but for matters related with taliban , al qaida , osama bin laden US never trusted pakistan.

That is ok

We never trusted USA for any thing

as predicted 20 years ago US would leave us high and dry. Good thing we hedged are bets with Afghan Taliban. We were right.
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