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Pakistan pushes for reset ties with USA

There is no reset possible. We cannot give the Americans 1/10th of their demands. American wish list is impossible to comply to. To mention a few:

1. Denuclearise
2. Abandon China
3. Become an Indian colony
4. Give up on Kashmir
5. Allow US soldiers to feast in Balochistan and other important regions of Pak
What else will be left after complying with those demands? Might as well merge with bharat mata, and end the whole thing.
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Agreed. Worse was probably Zardari. US aid was at all time highs yet Pakistan's economy was in collapse due to the security issues. He was put into power with CIA backing..... a democratically elected idiot (after the USA had enough of Generalissimo Musharraf).

This has been a big problem with USA's backing of democratically elected leader's in Pakistan.....they were usually corrupt idiots that did foolish economic things. CIA usually backed the PPP....socialist morons modelled on the labor party in UK. They completely destroyed industry in Pakistan with nationalization.... and making the country uncompetitive with other countries in Asia from a manufacturing perspective. Damage that is only now being undone.

The USA is now using the same approach in Kabul (of all places). Any wonder why the Taliban have not been defeated. One big lesson for USA strategists going forward is to try to back competent democratic factions in other countries. Blindly backing any idiotic faction because they're "pro-democracy".....may not result in positive outcomes.
But it's these so called "idiotic elements" as you stated, that work best for the foreign money that they get. They have no qualms about selling anything to their foreign masters, including their souls. Genuinely Patriotic and democrat leaders wouldn't do that for personal gains, at least not in places with some semblance of accountability.....something Pakistan has never had. Heck, we keep rehabiliting the scoundrels of today into angels of tomorrow.
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