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Featured Pakistan pulverize India at the UN, call out Indian support to terrorism

No, no and no. Because there is no material evidence for your claim. There are no terror organizations running from India or base India as it's operation. FATF has put you on grey list because of your poor financial infra that is used to fund terror organizations in both India and Afghanistan. Designated terrorists and terror groups from Pakistan
1. Masood Azhar (JeM)
2. Sayeed Salahudeen (HM)
3. Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi (LeT)

Designated Terrorists or terror groups from India

Looks like the guy who wrote this is a Pakistani who wants to find some semblance to India in their quagmire at FATF. It's amusing why Pakistanis still haven't figured out why they are in FATF, and why India is a member country.

The big evidence you found about India's $4 billion something untraceable leak is just too small, the one's with Germany is in trillions of dollars, that's just one bank, for China, it's in billions of dollars, for the US again it's in trillions of dollars and all these suspicious transactions are not terror financing, if that was the case half of the members in FATF should leave it.

Given the entire article is based on the FinCEN leak, this is just giving false hope to Pakistanis. The writer must stop living in the fantasy land of India getting blacklisted by FATF.
during the 2007-2018 period, the amount indian stashed away in terrorism is 27.3×150=US$ 4, 095 billion, it is lot of money.
Certainty, Pakistan still has much to do to meet all of the FATF’s guidelines, but a newly published investigation into the shadowy world of the international banking system now raises questions about India’s participation in the sponsorship of terrorist activities.
The below-mentioned statements of Indian political leaders substantiate Pakistan’s apprehensions about India’s involvement in terrorism in Pakistan. They also confirm that India plans and initiates subversive propaganda apart from state sponsored terrorism:

= Modi in his Independence Day address of 15 Aug 2016 has boasted that people of Balochistan, Gilgit and Azad Kashmir had thanked him a lot in past few days.

= Late Manohar Parrikar, then Indian Defence Minister, had said that India will use terrorism to counter terrorism from other countries pointing towards Pakistan.

= More recently, the Republic TV mouthpiece, Major Gaurav Arya, talked of his links to the BLA and other terrorist organisations operating in Balochistan.

Nowadays, the Indian media is giving a lot of space to so-called Pakistani dissidents to advance its agenda of subversion against Pakistan.

Chattarpatti, We understand Why we call it a lost cause? There are three major factors: Afghanistan’s changing situation; Indian periphery waking up to Indian state-sponsored terrorism and political interference; and more recent, the Ladakh blunder.

Indeed there are geopolitical consequences for India: It sees the threat of busting of the terror network of RAW in a number of consulates used to keep destabilising Pakistan; something similar to what happened in Sri Lanka, when LTTE Generalissimo Prabharkaran was killed and a trove of RAW’s terror network to support LTTE was discovered from the Mulailtivu Forests and Jaffna Peninsula. The façade of Indian investment and development in Afghanistan has started crumbling as more stories about how Indian military and RAW directly took part in military operations against Taliban fighters are emerging. No wonder Indian CDS, Bipin Rawat pointed out the need for talking to the Taliban during Raisina Dialogue held in New Delhi.
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That's your own narrative, not inline with Indian establishment calculations. If LAC was to become hot, India would have made sufficient infra and deployments towards LAC. But the overwhelming deployment of Indian assets and infra is facing Pakistan. So cut the BS, and understand the ground realities first. Its India own stupidity over Kashmir and Laddakh moves, which caused China to react the way it did. India have brought the misery upon itself.

And if India has given Pakistan an opportunity to smash it all over the world forums, why would we not take it with both hands?

IOK is still in lockdown, your security men are still getting gunned downed, even those pro India local Kashmiri politicans are now cursing India and one of them recently said he would now rather live under Chinese rule! So tell me, what have you achieved from 5th August onwards in IOK?

You are not looking at the broader picture and china’s pre-planned nefarious intentions. Doklam happened in 2017 way before Aug5 events. India had to intervene in Doklam to secure its north eastern states.

LAC confrontation was always in China’s plans. If anything it’s plans was pushed earlier than planned by opportunistically using covid19 pandemic. China is an immoral enemy considering the pandemic originated in its territory.

Imagine Ladakh confrontation complications for India without Aug5 annexation. If anything, by design or accident India has converted Ladakh to a one front confrontation with Pak reduced to a bystander and cheerleader.
during the 2007-2018 period, the amount indian stashed away in terrorism is 27.3×15=US$ 4, 095 billion, it is lot of money.
Claims without any proof.
Certainty, Pakistan still has much to do to meet all of the FATF’s guidelines, but a newly published investigation into the shadowy world of the international banking system now raises questions about India’s participation in the sponsorship of terrorist activities.
The below-mentioned statements of Indian political leaders substantiate Pakistan’s apprehensions about India’s involvement in terrorism in Pakistan. They also confirm that India plans and initiates subversive propaganda apart from state sponsored terrorism:
Again there is zero evidence for India's sponsorship of terrorism, the report doesn't even mention the word terrorism. It is what some idiots connecting imaginary dots found India - suspicious transactions on the same line and thought it's terrorism, now we have articles after article on India's sponsorship of terrorism, but this propaganda BS is not enough.

= Modi in his Independence Day address of 15 Aug 2016 has boasted that people of Balochistan, Gilgit and Azad Kashmir had thanked him a lot in past few days.
= Late Manohar Parrikar, then Indian Defence Minister, had said that India will use terrorism to counter terrorism from other countries pointing towards Pakistan.
He never made such remarks, it's again some twisted words for your local consumption, what he said, is terrorism Kante se kaanta nikalna means taking thorn with a thorn, it could very well mean covert operations.

= More recently, the Republic TV mouthpiece, Major Gaurav Arya, talked of his links to the BLA and other terrorist organisations operating in Balochistan.
Congrats for finding India's version of Zaid Hamid.

Nowadays, the Indian media is giving a lot of space to so-called Pakistani dissidents to advance its agenda of subversion against Pakistan.
More like you are too concerned about what Indian media talks about Pakistan. India media talks most about domestic issues with a small bite once a while for Pakistan.
Chattarpatti, We understand Why we call it a lost cause? There are three major factors: Afghanistan’s changing situation; Indian periphery waking up to Indian state-sponsored terrorism and political interference; and more recent, the Ladakh blunder.
I didn't get that statement. You understand why you call it a lost cause???
If you saw Afghan situations, the Taliban is conducting almost every deal nowadays in Qatar. Looks like even Talibs go where the money is. Nobody is waking up to Indian state-sponsored terrorism, it's a figment of your imagination and a smokescreen provided by Pakistan establishment for its nasty actions which are usually getting named and shamed.

You think creating a lot of noise is a diplomatic effort, but no it will only erode your credibility, well what's left of it.

Indeed there are geopolitical consequences for India: It sees the threat of busting of the terror network of RAW in a number of consulates used to keep destabilising Pakistan; something similar to what happened in Sri Lanka, when LTTE Generalissimo Prabharkaran was killed and a trove of RAW’s terror network to support LTTE was discovered from the Mulailtivu Forests and Jaffna Peninsula. The façade of Indian investment and development in Afghanistan has started crumbling as more stories about how Indian military and RAW directly took part in military operations against Taliban fighters are emerging. No wonder Indian CDS, Bipin Rawat pointed out the need for talking to the Taliban during Raisina Dialogue held in New Delhi.
LTTE is a story of the past a lot of countries used to do things like that, then 9/11 happened and things changed for everyone. Countries stopped funding gun-wielding yahoos, but some countries still do and they are in never-ending trouble. Whatever Indian activities are in Afghanistan, it is to protect our interests. That includes counterintelligence.

India pushing terrorist outfits in cross-border attacks, Pakistan tells UN

Dawn.com 08 Oct 2020

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First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan exercising right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate. — Photo courtesy Radio Pakistan

Pakistan called out India at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for pushing banned outfits, such as the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), in cross-border terrorist attacks against the country's military and civilian targets.
"Over the last decade, thousands of Pakistanis have been killed or injured as a result of Indian sponsored terrorist acts," said First Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN Jehanzeb Khan. He was exercising the right of reply at the Sixth Committee General Debate.
The Pakistani diplomat's statement came after India asserted that the United Nations Security Council should not be misused by countries with "retaliatory intent to name innocent civilians as terrorists".
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According to Times of India, the Indian statement was an apparent reference to the blocking of Pakistan's bid to have two Indians listed under the UNSC 1267 sanctions committee.​
Without naming Pakistan, First Secretary and Legal Adviser in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Yedla Umasanka said: “India has been and continues to be a victim of terrorism sponsored across our borders. We have had firsthand experience of the cruel link between transnational organised crime and terrorism."
In his response, Khan highlighted that India has used terrorism "as an instrument of its coercive policies against every one of its neighbors, especially Pakistan, and against its own Muslim population particularly in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir".
"India is financing and organising secret mercenary terrorist organisations based outside our borders to conduct attacks in Pakistan to impede the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," he said, mentioning the attacks carried out at the Chinese consulate and the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
"The captured Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav had earlier confessed to organising such terrorist activities inside [Pakistan]."
The diplomat also touched upon Indian atrocities and gross human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.
"India's state sponsored terrorism has done little to weaken the indigenous and legitimate struggle of Kashmiris for their inalienable right to self-determination. The Indian hoax of targeting so-called terrorists was exposed only recently when the victim's of Indian state terrorism turned out to be innocent labourers."
"Indian attempts to conceal the reality of its brutal occupation in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir territory have miserably failed."
He stated that India's Hindu supremacist organisations have for decades preached the violent suppression of India's minorities. "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi [...] was responsible for the pogrom in Gujrat in 2002 which killed 2,000 innocent Muslim children, women and men.
"As the world has witnessed, these anti-Muslim pogroms were repeated in Delhi earlier this year," he said in a reference to violent communal riots in the Indian capital.
"Pakistan proudly reaffirms is steadfast support for the legitimate struggle of the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan will also continue to expose Indian terrorist activities in front of the international community."

For a change some one have shown some balls and now call out US name too for knowingly fully well about those terrorists camps which were run in the areas controlled by the US forces and and still looked the other way . Enough of being being nice to them and protecting their interests while our citizen's were killed mercilessly and they were in bed with India. Well done and keep up the good work.
Claims without any proof.

Again there is zero evidence for India's sponsorship of terrorism, the report doesn't even mention the word terrorism. It is what some idiots connecting imaginary dots found India - suspicious transactions on the same line and thought it's terrorism, now we have articles after article on India's sponsorship of terrorism, but this propaganda BS is not enough.


He never made such remarks, it's again some twisted words for your local consumption, what he said, is terrorism Kante se kaanta nikalna means taking thorn with a thorn, it could very well mean covert operations.

Congrats for finding India's version of Zaid Hamid.

More like you are too concerned about what Indian media talks about Pakistan. India media talks most about domestic issues with a small bite once a while for Pakistan.

I didn't get that statement. You understand why you call it a lost cause???
If you saw Afghan situations, the Taliban is conducting almost every deal nowadays in Qatar. Looks like even Talibs go where the money is. Nobody is waking up to Indian state-sponsored terrorism, it's a figment of your imagination and a smokescreen provided by Pakistan establishment for its nasty actions which are usually getting named and shamed.

You think creating a lot of noise is a diplomatic effort, but no it will only erode your credibility, well what's left of it.

LTTE is a story of the past a lot of countries used to do things like that, then 9/11 happened and things changed for everyone. Countries stopped funding gun-wielding yahoos, but some countries still do and they are in never-ending trouble. Whatever Indian activities are in Afghanistan, it is to protect our interests. That includes counterintelligence.
Don't worry there's a plenty of evidence that indicates that India is sponsoring terrorism from Afghanistan into Pakistan. We have evidence, we presented the evidence, and we're prepared to present more evidence.
Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi's companies jeweller to Hollywood stars including Kate Winslet and Naomi Watts, was involved in scamming India's second-largest state bank of almost $1.8 billion. your naval officer named Kulbhushan Jadhav, arrested in 2016 and charged with espionage, was also caught with cash. who don't know about scandal taints Shetty's success story. your money trail in sri lanka and Kabul gwaduwa attack. list is never end.

problem for you caught red hand in dirty money game. the Evidance we will bring it showed The dark side of India. After the eye-opening revelation, India and her allies have no moral authority to blackmail Pakistan. ChatterPatti who blame Pakistan in the FATF should see their own face in the mirror, which has been exposed.India has been exporting terrorism not just to Pakistan but to all its neighbors.
We understand There is a lot of deception in the western policies. The United States and other western countries accuse Pakistan of money laundering because they are doing it themselves.You guys are always in denial mode look yourself your comments like India has mostly been denying its role in terror financing and has used every opportunity to level the blame against Pakistan. One thing for sure this time The West and the US in particular can no longer be selective in its actions against money laundering.
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Don't worry there's a plenty of evidence that indicates that India is sponsoring terrorism from Afghanistan into Pakistan. We have evidence, we presented the evidence, and we're prepared to present more evidence.
Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi's companies jeweller to Hollywood stars including Kate Winslet and Naomi Watts, was involved in scamming India's second-largest state bank of almost $1.8 billion. your naval officer named Kulbhushan Jadhav, arrested in 2016 and charged with espionage, was also caught with cash. who don't know about scandal taints Shetty's success story. your money trail in sri lanka and Kabul gwaduwa attack. list is never end.
Yeah, whatever floats your boats Pakistanis. I say this, Pakistan has been the best enemy for us, we don't even need to try and gather evidence, Pakistanis will do that for us. Be it like your PMIK calling OBL a martyr, hiding OBL and getting caught. Having some global terrorists in your soil, seeking UN for providing pensions to them. Pakistani media finding the family of Ajmal Kasab for us. Thank you Pakistan.

Nirav Modi or Mehul Choksi's are fugitives, they are not terrorists who wants to attack Pakistan. Not enough for FATF blacklist, find something else now.

problem for you caught red hand in dirty money game. the Evidance we will bring it showed The dark side of India. After the eye-opening revelation, India and her allies have no moral authority to blackmail Pakistan. ChatterPatti who blame Pakistan in the FATF should see their own face in the mirror, which has been exposed.India has been exporting terrorism not just to Pakistan but to all its neighbors.
We understand There is a lot of deception in the western policies. The United States and other western countries accuse Pakistan of money laundering because they are doing it themselves.You guys are always in denial mode look yourself your comments like India has mostly been denying its role in terror financing and has used every opportunity to level the blame against Pakistan. One thing for sure this time The West and the US in particular can no longer be selective in its actions against money laundering.
More such wishes and India fantasies, as I said, if you think India sponsors terrorists, go ahead believe it. Who am I to stop you. FATF is full of hypocrites, Death to America, et, Yahoodi sazish, yeah Israel is in FATF too lol.
Just not Kashmir but Indian sponsorship of terrorism against the Pakistani citizens is now also highlighted at the world stage. Indians can ignore or believe in their own self concocted narratives, that is irrelevant. Pakistan is now building narrative and it will go a long way to deal with Indian nuisance.

This is coming from a country that had Osama sitting in a comfortable mansion and supporting the Taliban
There is nothing wrong with the above actions. It does reduce your credibility by a notch or two
Yeah, whatever floats your boats Pakistanis. I say this, Pakistan has been the best enemy for us, we don't even need to try and gather evidence, Pakistanis will do that for us. Be it like your PMIK calling OBL a martyr, hiding OBL and getting caught. Having some global terrorists in your soil, seeking UN for providing pensions to them. Pakistani media finding the family of Ajmal Kasab for us. Thank you Pakistan.

Nirav Modi or Mehul Choksi's are fugitives, they are not terrorists who wants to attack Pakistan. Not enough for FATF blacklist, find something else now.

More such wishes and India fantasies, as I said, if you think India sponsors terrorists, go ahead believe it. Who am I to stop you. FATF is full of hypocrites, Death to America, et, Yahoodi sazish, yeah Israel is in FATF too lol.
Earlier, a report released by the United Nations also disclosed the presence of a significant number of terrorist groups in Kerala, Karnataka and Assam. There are also reports that gold and diamond were also used for money laundering, while the Indian Premier League (IPL) has been a major source of this illegal practice.The foreign branches of Indian banks such as a State Bank of India account in Canada and an account of Union Bank of India in the UK have been used by clients for carrying out part of the transactions in question.it is likely that India is involved in the command or operational part of the crime and calling india is a nerve centre of terrorism in her neigbouring countries, and almost since centurary you use water as terriosim for your poor neighbouring countries. don't forget your history what type of crime you have committed with yours communities.List is never ends to your filthey mindset.

You always stand at wrong side of history. in 20 years you will learn why PMIK calling OBL a Shaheed whofought against your father USSR . US took U turn , don't forget Hilary Clinton speech and also remember when Hollywood made films on Mujahadeen, the USA brought OBL to Pakistan, requested Pak Army to help and train his soldiers to fight against USSR, USA was playing a game, when Afghan war ended, then there was no need for OBL, USA turned against OBL, but Taliban appeared. The USA fought 19 years with the Taliban; read John book, he admitted Taliban burnt their back and USA begged to Taliban for ceasefire, who has taken U-turn USA, OBL was killed a long time ago than stage drama is done in Abbot abad,
Sit tight in Farkhor Air Base before we roll back; hot winter is coming along with Russian-china armies deployments to teach US kids a good lesson and tell you who your daddy is in the region.
For you, this a reading snacks; why are you are supporting Armenia side

Your atrocities and terrorism are too high; we can see how Indian inclined Kashmiri is not on your side. What a shameful act of a terrorist nation, neighbors' foreign policy, and your internal matters both are out of your hand.
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For a change some one have shown some balls and now call out US name too for knowingly fully well about those terrorists camps which were run in the areas controlled by the US forces and and still looked the other way . Enough of being being nice to them and protecting their interests while our citizen's were killed mercilessly and they were in bed with India. Well done and keep up the good work.

India was/is in Afghansitan solely because of America/CIA. No two ways about it. Anyone who do not believe that Indian terrorism campaign against Pakistan and its citizens since 9/11 was not done without the support of American establishment is blatantly lying on the face.
This is coming from a country that had Osama sitting in a comfortable mansion and supporting the Taliban
There is nothing wrong with the above actions. It does reduce your credibility by a notch or two

Credibility on what? We have lost 70K citizens in blatant campaign of terror run by India from Afghan soil, right under the nose of her ally America. These are the facts. OBL, if he was involved, killed how many Americans? We lost 70K Pakistanis! Do the math. The Indian state terrorist, the monkey Commander Yadev of Indian Navy that we caught, he alone is responsible of hundred of Pakistani death, including our minorities.

Frankly speaking, we are not in the business of convincing India or her sugardaddies in western world. We know both are partner in crime. India cannot sustain in Afghanistan without America/NATO blessings. All we want is the world to know our side of story, if and when push comes to shove, they will at least know why we exercise our soft or even hard power.
You are saying all this but what is the net effect? Do you really think world cares about our internal problems? Whether we want to stay secular or not. As long as they have economic interests with our country, they do business with us. Heck, they even do business with the communist countries like China even after they voice concern about suppression of rights of Hong Kong, Uighurs, Tibetans etc. Lol.

India's neighbors are nobody, they are a nuisance for us but world can hardly care for our dynamics with them especially when they are doing so at the behest of China. And the world despise such intermediation. Also Nepal is too small economically. And geographically also it is insignificant to the world. They are our brothers, we fight but we make up eventually.

The way you are going with your obsession with Kashmir, you'll soon alienate the entire world for want of their support on the issue. You already did so with Arab countries.

But good luck if you still think this is having any effect on us. India's FDI this year could even reach $100 billion. Should we thank Imran for that?

Oh, don't forget India's influence in Afghanistan.

"Islamabad had raised objections with Qatar for inviting New Delhi, but they were turned down by both Doha as well as Kabul, Indian diplomatic sources told ThePrint."
Of course. The world doesn't care about India. The whole world. Only AIIB will lend to India. Even when the India massacre Muslims, occupied Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan manipulation. Invaded Goa. Tamil nadu. Manipur and Assam. But the Chinese Bank still lends to India. and Considering that India’s international credit rating is only BBB-. I think foreign investment in India is very prudent.
You are not looking at the broader picture and china’s pre-planned nefarious intentions. Doklam happened in 2017 way before Aug5 events. India had to intervene in Doklam to secure its north eastern states.

LAC confrontation was always in China’s plans. If anything it’s plans was pushed earlier than planned by opportunistically using covid19 pandemic. China is an immoral enemy considering the pandemic originated in its territory.

Imagine Ladakh confrontation complications for India without Aug5 annexation. If anything, by design or accident India has converted Ladakh to a one front confrontation with Pak reduced to a bystander and cheerleader.

What broader picture? India is the ones who tried to change the status quo in Kashmir and Laddakh region and when you had to pay the price for your reckless action, you call it China nefarious actions? What lunacy is at display here?

Pakistan reduced to bystander? HAHAHA. You are a funny chap. Whatever misery and humiliation you are getting at the hands of China on LAC, we are just enjoying the show from distance. Majority of your military assets are deployed against Pakistan, you , yourself have left your behind exposed to China. What this got to do with us ? Even small countries like Nepal are now claiming the territory that India think belong to her and are acting accordingly. This is what you been reduced to. In your obsession with Pakistan, you have exposed your behind other nations and now they are taking advantage of it, so don't moan now. It was your own choice and strategy.
LAC at some point was going to get hot. China was just biding its time to make its move. Chinese have always been sneaky about their LAC claims. It was cowardly of China to do it now when the entire world is fighting covid19. It is even more appalling considering covid19 originated in China.

If IK and the entire Pak didn’t throw a dummy spit after Aug5 I will agree constitution changes meant squat.
Indians there has been a misunderstanding - Chinese people put India as the enemy. In fact, we look down on Indians. India has a lot of naive actions in international politics. It looks funny.

India as a nation that is good at lying. Don't forget that India is a BBB-country (S&P Credit Rating). So India never respects facts. In order to cover up India’s incompetence in fighting the virus and divert domestic conflicts. India frantically provokes China, Pakistan and Nepal. But India all failed even if it faced Nepal.

Need to explain here. Before the 2019 Yankee virus outbreak. The Indian economy has failed.
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