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Featured Pakistan pulverize India at the UN, call out Indian support to terrorism

Look around you, go back few years before IK came to power and see the equation between Pakistan and India. It was hugely in India favour. Since then, Pakistan has wrestled back its control in Afghanistan, making India redundant. Has successfully made LAC hot, thanks to Indian own stupidity. India other neighbours are now getting very vocal against India. India own internal faultlines are now remerging which were patched up by earlier regimes in India. Today Pakistan is standing on very firm ground.

These narratives gives Pakistan space to act against India. Operation swift retort was such example. When we say India is now controlled by Hindu terrorist regime of RSS, it gives us flexibility to exercise our hard and soft power against India whenever we feel necessary. The false narrative of Indian secularism has been crushed as well and taken note by world media.

You are saying all this but what is the net effect? Do you really think world cares about our internal problems? Whether we want to stay secular or not. As long as they have economic interests with our country, they do business with us. Heck, they even do business with the communist countries like China even after they voice concern about suppression of rights of Hong Kong, Uighurs, Tibetans etc. Lol.

India's neighbors are nobody, they are a nuisance for us but world can hardly care for our dynamics with them especially when they are doing so at the behest of China. And the world despise such intermediation. Also Nepal is too small economically. And geographically also it is insignificant to the world. They are our brothers, we fight but we make up eventually.

The way you are going with your obsession with Kashmir, you'll soon alienate the entire world for want of their support on the issue. You already did so with Arab countries.

But good luck if you still think this is having any effect on us. India's FDI this year could even reach $100 billion. Should we thank Imran for that?

Oh, don't forget India's influence in Afghanistan.

"Islamabad had raised objections with Qatar for inviting New Delhi, but they were turned down by both Doha as well as Kabul, Indian diplomatic sources told ThePrint."
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Why don't you ask yourself, what have you gained since 5th August? Has anything change in the status quo between Pakistan and Indian equation. Diddly squat tbh. Pakistan is controlling every inch of what it has on 4th August but for India, it has lost 1000 sq kms of its claimed territory on LAC side, which is the direct result of Indian shenanigans on 5th August. India has successfully made LAC hot and now has to face the consequences with a very real possibility of two front war. The humiliation India received on world stage at the hands of PLA, has been noted all around.

Your constitution or the changes you made on it, worth the paper it is written on as far as Pakistan is concerned. You are still losing men against the freedom fighters in IOK like you used to before 5th August. So tell me, why Pakistan will do anything, when its famously once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".

LAC at some point was going to get hot. China was just biding its time to make its move. Chinese have always been sneaky about their LAC claims. It was cowardly of China to do it now when the entire world is fighting covid19. It is even more appalling considering covid19 originated in China.

If IK and the entire Pak didn’t throw a dummy spit after Aug5 I will agree constitution changes meant squat.
IK has to take India head on. No choice. Modi has already annexed IOK and moved on.

Moved On with Million plus troops stationed in Kashmir, its not a move on its a Indian government realization that Indian aren't welcome in Kashmir, You can change your constitution and call Indian occupied Kashmir "India 2.0" makes no difference to us.
Make no mistake about it, its our land it will remain our land Period Full stop.
We have started exposing India to the world for what she really is a extremist country who sponsor terrorism
Moved On with Million plus troops stationed in Kashmir, its not a move on its a Indian government realization that Indian aren't welcome in Kashmir, You can change your constitution and call Indian occupied Kashmir "India 2.0" makes no difference to us.
Make no mistake about it, its our land it will remain our land Period Full stop.
We have started exposing India to the world for what she really is a extremist country who sponsor terrorism

You are overestimating your importance in the world. Nobody cares what you have to say on Kashmir or anything else. Please highlight what Pak has achieved post Aug5?
Why don't you ask yourself, what have you gained since 5th August? Has anything change in the status quo between Pakistan and Indian equation. Diddly squat tbh. Pakistan is controlling every inch of what it has on 4th August but for India, it has lost 1000 sq kms of its claimed territory on LAC side, which is the direct result of Indian shenanigans on 5th August. India has successfully made LAC hot and now has to face the consequences with a very real possibility of two front war. The humiliation India received on world stage at the hands of PLA, has been noted all around.

Your constitution or the changes you made on it, worth the paper it is written on as far as Pakistan is concerned. You are still losing men against the freedom fighters in IOK like you used to before 5th August. So tell me, why Pakistan will do anything, when its famously once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".
So you are using all your diplomatic currency for nothing but 'Diddly squat'. Then what is the maniacal rhetoric at UN, all about?
Why don't you ask yourself, what have you gained since 5th August? Has anything change in the status quo between Pakistan and Indian equation. Diddly squat tbh. Pakistan is controlling every inch of what it has on 4th August but for India, it has lost 1000 sq kms of its claimed territory on LAC side, which is the direct result of Indian shenanigans on 5th August. India has successfully made LAC hot and now has to face the consequences with a very real possibility of two front war. The humiliation India received on world stage at the hands of PLA, has been noted all around.

Your constitution or the changes you made on it, worth the paper it is written on as far as Pakistan is concerned. You are still losing men against the freedom fighters in IOK like you used to before 5th August. So tell me, why Pakistan will do anything, when its famously once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".

Here is the evidence that proves your above post:

You are overestimating your importance in the world. Nobody cares what you have to say on Kashmir or anything else. Please highlight what Pak has achieved post Aug5?

Australia and USA have backed out of a NATO type alliance with India......largely because conflict risk in Kashmir is high....and they don't want to be sucked in. Western nations Kashmir distancing effect will also impact India.
Imran khan is being ignored by Modi and the world.
Doesn't look like the amount of effort you putting in. Anyway, India is counting too much on US, Australia etc.
US has issues just bcz of Trump and Covid. Australia has issues cz their PM is in crisis, covid issue and fact that Chinese has bought many industries there. Japan had issue with China since centuries. But awards go to India that has lost soldiers, territory, and friendship by calling china day in, day out enemy by military and political leadership.
India also has ruined relationship with BD over NRC issues. Indians proxies in AFG are on back-foot now as US is leaving. Just Dehli stupidity and arrogance has made BD and China its enemy and in a period when its losing economy, AFG and Russia. See how Russia punished Armenia for going towards US camp.
EU? Don't joke. France is trying to stitch anti-China union with India and Australia. Germany's Angela is busy greeting Modi on his 70th Birthday and pushing for FTA with India. And UK, I don't want to embarrass you. No body cares about what European parliamentary committees say and do, they have no say in real politics. Not one country of Europe is supporting you at FATF even after multiple such speeches by Imran. I don't know if you want to play blind in front of such mountainous evidence, but then it is your prerogative.

So what you are saying is that west doesn't care about Indian sponsored cross border terrorism? In that case whole argument fails and they cannot hold high moral ground anymore. Just like world laugh at USA nowdays when they talk about human rights, if EU follow similar pattern then same will happen to them.

UN is good platform to remind world about India sponsored terrorism, we don't expect inmediate results.
Doesn't look like the amount of effort you putting in. Anyway, India is counting too much on US, Australia etc.
US has issues just bcz of Trump and Covid. Australia has issues cz their PM is in crisis, covid issue and fact that Chinese has bought many industries there. Japan had issue with China since centuries. But awards go to India that has lost soldiers, territory, and friendship by calling china day in, day out enemy by military and political leadership.
India also has ruined relationship with BD over NRC issues. Indians proxies in AFG are on back-foot now as US is leaving. Just Dehli stupidity and arrogance has made BD and China its enemy and in a period when its losing economy, AFG and Russia. See how Russia punished Armenia for going towards US camp.
I have already explained my point. Come back, when any country takes Imran seriously and take action against India. It doesn't concern us much whether Bangladesh or Nepal likes us. We have certain red lines, no body is allowed to cross that.

So tell me does Bangladesh support you on Kashmir? Have they come out in open with such support?
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Doesn't look like the amount of effort you putting in. Anyway, India is counting too much on US, Australia etc.
US has issues just bcz of Trump and Covid. Australia has issues cz their PM is in crisis, covid issue and fact that Chinese has bought many industries there. Japan had issue with China since centuries. But awards go to India that has lost soldiers, territory, and friendship by calling china day in, day out enemy by military and political leadership.
India also has ruined relationship with BD over NRC issues. Indians proxies in AFG are on back-foot now as US is leaving. Just Dehli stupidity and arrogance has made BD and China its enemy and in a period when its losing economy, AFG and Russia. See how Russia punished Armenia for going towards US camp.

India has been trying to be USA/WEST rakheel since 90's. They even did nuclear tests to get USA support against China.

It worked because China is superpower that now directly compete with USA.
So what you are saying is that west doesn't care about Indian sponsored cross border terrorism? In that case whole argument fails and they cannot hold high moral ground anymore. Just like world laugh at USA nowdays when they talk about human rights, if EU follow similar pattern then same will happen to them.

UN is good platform to remind world about India sponsored terrorism, we don't expect inmediate results.
What world is that? What is left? Arabs don't support you. Malaysia changed their tact lately. South east Asia wants to keep their distance. Anyone left is too unbothered about our petty issues. You have Turkey wanting to play Islamic leader and China. That's all. They are already in your camp, no point preaching to already converted.

So, all in all it is pretty waste of your diplomatic currency. You should work on your economy and try to challenge us there.
What world is that? What is left? Arabs don't support you. Malaysia changed their tact lately. South east Asia wants to keep their distance. Anyone left is too unbothered about our petty issues. You have Turkey wanting to play Islamic leader and China. That's all. They are already in your camp, no point preaching to already converted.

So, all in all it is pretty waste of your diplomatic currency. You should work on your economy and try to challenge us there.

You think reminding world about Indian hypocracy and cross border terrorism is useless? In that case Indians in UN wouldn't even bother to respond.
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