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Featured Pakistan pulverize India at the UN, call out Indian support to terrorism

Without hugging, the supposed handsome prime minister didn't bring any golden ducks to the country did he? Still the same old same old... On the other hand, the guy who did the hugging brought multilateral investments, added a trillion to the economy in his term. Handsome PM screaming at the top head Nazi Nazi didn't stop Al Arabis to bestow awards on Modi, the difference in Aukat?

Coming to Kashmir, hmm that's during Coronavirus the whole country was in lockdown phase also besides that there was an anniversary coming up, just a precautionary measure. Once it passed things went back to normal.
Besides people were taking road trips to Kashmir. Wonder how's that possible if there was a lockdown.

Wake up and smell the coffee you foolish Indian. The handsome PM have cut you down to your size, clipped your wings and have put you many places down, while work is in progress to put you in your rightful place. Look around you, kicked out from Afghanistan, IOK has become untenable so much so that even known Indian puppets are cursing India, nepal has claimed your territory, BD no longer interested in your tantrums, and ofcourse, China swallowing your 1000 sq kms land without firing a single bullet. All happening since IK arrived on the scence with dark days of Nawaz/zardari past behind us. You lot have become epicenter of the pandemic and God knows what will happen to your economy since it was already in downward spiral before the covid. I dont even know if Modi hugs will do any favour to India since who would want to risk someone that close from a nation toping charts in infections. Lol.

Keep on ranting about IOK situation with some cheap local propaganda and non sense, while world see it and call it what it is, a siege and military lockdown.
Imran khan is being ignored by Modi and the world. He keeps giving these pointless speeches and thanks to that our first and second secretaries at UN are learning the skill of delivering the rebuttals. They should thank Imran.

Its cute that Imran feels that there could be a possible outcome from these speeches at UN. Of the 5 veto yielding nations 4 are firmly behind India on this. Imran is just fooling their masses.

Obviously Munir Akram at UN and Foreign Office of Pakistan is feeling the pressure to push their agenda of Kashmir at all possible fora. But overdoing this, could have opposite effect. This could soon become a nuisance for others. Then it'll be the other countries who'll be giving the shut up calls.

This is your experience speaking with India hitting at Pakistan at every stage even in the BRICK meeting where he was given a shut up (I hope you remember that). Now you see all those bad English speeches of Modi had produced jero results and what we see today is that India is on receiving end. Tables have turned and now fingers are pointing at India as a supporters of terrorism and human rights abuser.
This is your experience speaking with India hitting at Pakistan at every stage even in the BRICK meeting where he was given a shut up (I hope you remember that). Now you see all those bad English speeches of Modi had produced jero results and what we see today is that India is on receiving end. Tables have turned and now fingers are pointing at India as a supporters of terrorism and human rights abuser.
Talk when you come out of FATF. Lol.
No he hasn't, he ll reverse article 370. India has no choice but to go back.

Pakistanis never had a say on article 370. It was always an Indian internal issue.

Aug5 ended article 370 as per set legal process requirements. There is no procedure/process to reinstate 370.

India can enact new laws with provisions for greater autonomy to Kashmir and Ladakh union territories including future statehood. Again decision will be internal to India. Pakistanis have no say in this.
Wake up and smell the coffee you foolish Indian. The handsome PM have cut you down to your size, clipped your wings and have put you many places down, while work is in progress to put you in your rightful place. Look around you, kicked out from Afghanistan, IOK has become untenable so much so that even known Indian puppets are cursing India, nepal has claimed your territory, BD no longer interested in your tantrums, and ofcourse, China swallowing your 1000 sq kms land without firing a single bullet. All happening since IK arrived on the scence with dark days of Nawaz/zardari past behind us. You lot have become epicenter of the pandemic and God knows what will happen to your economy since it was already in downward spiral before the covid. I dont even know if Modi hugs will do any favour to India since who would want to risk someone that close from a nation toping charts in infections. Lol.
Lol! What BS is that, I don't remember any weakest PM in history for Pak (&Gen). Clipped wings. :laugh: Driving from debt to debt and talks about India. You're in no position to talk anything about India who is in better situations at any day, even in covid. The situation is so bad that you had to brag about the remittance.
Keep on ranting about IOK situation with some cheap local propaganda and non sense, while world see it and call it what it is, a siege and military lockdown.
Yeah, I don't think those videos are staged lol:rofl: It's a long staging work, like, you have to put cars around the street and ask people to go shopping. Chal nikal.
On the other hand, the guy who did the hugging brought multilateral investments, added a trillion to the economy in his term
And Indian coming to the defense of Nawaz Sharif how classic Lol! @MilSpec any comments janab since no Indian has any interest in Nawaz.
so by the above account IK should be the perfect choice for India since he is doing the exact opposite of Nawaz thus in return giving benefit to India?
And Indian coming to the defense of Nawaz Sharif how classic Lol! @MilSpec any comments janab since no Indian has any interest in Nawaz.
so by the above account IK should be the perfect choice for India since he is doing the exact opposite of Nawaz thus in return giving benefit to India?
haha like I care about Nawaz or IK, we know who's 'really' in power. Irrespective of Nawaz or IK. Why do you need @MilSpec to validate?
haha like I care about Nawaz or IK, we know who's 'really' in power. Irrespective of Nawaz or IK. Why do you need @MilSpec to validate?
Thats between me and him. There is no validation needed its just something we had a debate so i tagged him along.
As for your post let me repeat my question if nawaz brought trillions in investment than it should be bad for India compared to PM Khan who is changing the trend. No?
As for your post let me repeat my question if nawaz brought trillions in investment than it should be bad for India compared to PM Khan who is changing the trend. No?
Neither, what I am saying is Modi brought investment in India, which is his achievement, just like Indian economy added a trillion dollars. I simply asked what's your PM's achievement? Not only your country is driving from debt to debt, and devaluation, you lack multilateral investment not to mention the inflation. So, where did I say IK vs Nawaz or even compare?
Lol! What BS is that, I don't remember any weakest PM in history for Pak (&Gen). Clipped wings. :laugh: Driving from debt to debt and talks about India. You're in no position to talk anything about India who is in better situations at any day, even in covid. The situation is so bad that you had to brag about the remittance.

LOL, what a Indian turd. Jog on you low life Indian scumbag. PMIK maybe week due to his numbers in parliments, but when it comes to defending Pakistan and its interests, he leave no prisoners and go to straight shoot in the head. Look how he made your modi a complete fool and degraded him, equated him to Nazi acolyte. lol . As for debts, you telling me all this with straight face when you were begging Chinese dominated banks for loans right bang in the middle when they were busy humping your soldiers and occupying your lands! hahaha. What a absolute moron and the nation you belong to. Take my advise, stop beating around the bush about economic matters. lol

Yeah, I don't think those videos are staged lol:rofl: It's a long staging work, like, you have to put cars around the street and ask people to go shopping. Chal nikal.

Some random locally Indian produced "youtubes" against the established world media. hahaha. is that what you turds are being reduced to?
LOL, what a Indian turd. Jog on you low life Indian scumbag.
:rofl: Abdu lost it, hey nice try at hurling abuses when losing an argument. At least I expect someone living in UK to articulate well in English, but meh!

Some random locally Indian produced "youtubes" against the established world media. hahaha. is that what you turds are being reduced to?
No genius. Youtubers are simply recording their life traveling to places. You can see how day to day life goes around in Kashmir "Without lockdown". Your claims are filled with holes, and are mostly momentary lockdowns that may last a day to a week. Not continuous lockdown, that's why you go into cuckoo mode when shown reality. Chal nikal abdu
:rofl: Abdu lost it, hey nice try at hurling abuses when losing an argument. At least I expect someone living in UK to articulate well in English, but meh!

Na lallu parsad, you rss WhatsApp uni graduate do not have any argument. You slum sewer rats only good a squealing. :D

No genius. Youtubers are simply recording their life traveling to places. You can see how day to day life goes around in Kashmir "Without lockdown". Your claims are filled with holes, and are mostly momentary lockdowns that may last a day to a week. Not continuous lockdown, that's why you go into cuckoo mode when shown reality. Chal nikal abdu

I showed you a article from a world established media house and all you come up with youtube! hahaha

Piss off lallu parsad. Off to the hole you came from. Phuta ka, goli ho ja yaha say warna bahoot zaleel karoon ga. lol
Na lallu parsad, you rss WhatsApp uni graduate do not have any argument. You slum sewer rats only good a squealing. :D
Keep going. :sarcastic:

I showed you a article from a world established media house and all you come up with youtube! hahaha

Piss off lallu parsad. Off to the hole you came from. Phuta ka, goli ho ja yaha say warna bahoot zaleel karoon ga. lol

Lmao! Like two months old article over a precautionary step. Show any recent article about lockdown in J&K. I showed you video proofs. But no, believes two months old article, with a story on a sensitive day. :rofl:
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