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Pakistan number plates in arabic

Lo @KingMamba - Eik aur Arbi nikal ayaa....abhiii deekhtiii hiii deekhtiii Syed bhi bunnn jaiii gaaa ! :lol:

Isn't it ironic you're an Arab who's a Punjabi and hes an Arab who's a Bihari ! :sarcastic:

I am the only scion of this sacred land ! :smokin:

You are a Bhatta from deep within Bhatta land who was conquered and converted. And yes, that bold part is there as well.

And it is not ironic, it would behove a lot of Pakistanis to read through books.. lots of them.. and from sources other than western "vetted" ones. Both early Muslim and Hindu authors are useful to get an idea of the history of these lands and how various cultures and societies came into being.

In addition, just as people today move to settle into different countries for a prospect of a better life or otherwise..they would move along then. Some for trade, others for preaching..and so on. Ever since Islam came to India(before the attack at Bhambhor) this started out. And they were never confined to one area, some would land in Afghanistan, move via the border.. ending up in Multan...or other settled areas...and kept going east.

More interesting is that families grew through inter marriages with other settlers and local converts. Which is why the idea of lineage is not wrong for someone who would otherwise look very Keralite or Punjabi. More so, some of these families kept moving from location to location.. say from Multan to Kashmir to Dehli to Bhopal..and so on.

It is sad that this aspect of history regarding the identity of sub-continent Muslims is being ignored, forgotten ..and eventually being replaced by exaggerated claims of mass conversions and so on. Those who forget their own history and never research it are going to end up being told who they are by someone with an agenda rather than finding out themselves.
You confuse the idea of proclaiming lineage to the Prophet or his companions with that of Arab love(which is a different phenomenon). I am a descendant of Arab settlers and will continue to honour my lineage. However, that has little to do with my opinion of today's Arabs and their ideals.

You just met one now. However, that has less to do with ARAB and more to do with reverence for select people from early Muslim history(which happened to take place in Arabia).

You had to post this right next to my post.:lol:

I do understand you are saying this because of your reverence of a select people for religious reasons but first and foremost you’re a Pakistani and mentioning that you have Arab lineage is pointless, because Arabs will just laugh and not see you as one as them. You don’t have to be an Arab to be closer and seen more favorably by God. I hope you understood it as it's a bit all over the place.:lol:
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You are a Bhatta from deep within Bhatta land who was conquered and converted. And yes, that bold part is there as well.

And it is not ironic, it would behove a lot of Pakistanis to read through books.. lots of them.. and from sources other than western "vetted" ones. Both early Muslim and Hindu authors are useful to get an idea of the history of these lands and how various cultures and societies came into being.

In addition, just as people today move to settle into different countries for a prospect of a better life or otherwise..they would move along then. Some for trade, others for preaching..and so on. Ever since Islam came to India(before the attack at Bhambhor) this started out. And they were never confined to one area, some would land in Afghanistan, move via the border.. ending up in Multan...or other settled areas...and kept going east.

More interesting is that families grew through inter marriages with other settlers and local converts. Which is why the idea of lineage is not wrong for someone who would otherwise look very Keralite or Punjabi. More so, some of these families kept moving from location to location.. say from Multan to Kashmir to Dehli to Bhopal..and so on.

It is sad that this aspect of history regarding the identity of sub-continent Muslims is being ignored, forgotten ..and eventually being replaced by exaggerated claims of mass conversions and so on. Those who forget their own history and never research it are going to end up being told who they are by someone with an agenda rather than finding out themselves.

@LoveIcon @KingMamba - Sometimes I wonder if there is a factory somewhere where Syeds are produced and the Pakistani ones are stamped 'Made for Al-Bakistan' ! o_O

I don't need to know who I am; I already know it.

I am a Pakistani by Nationality, a Muslim by Faith, a Kashmiri by Ethnicity, a Punjabi Muslim by Culture and an Urdu Speaker by Linguistics - Combined I am Armstrong the Magnificent ! :smokin:

Khair jokes aside; we are what we make ourselves to be and no knowledge of who we are and where we come from is gonna elevate us to become something or degrade us to the very bottom of our potential.

I don't really give a frig about my Kashmiri ethnicity unless if it is required of me for Pakistan.
@LoveIcon @KingMamba - Sometimes I wonder if there is a factory somewhere where Syeds are produced and the Pakistani ones are stamped 'Made for Al-Bakistan' ! o_O

I don't need to know who I am; I already know it.

I am a Pakistani by Nationality, a Muslim by Faith, a Kashmiri by Ethnicity, a Punjabi Muslim by Culture and an Urdu Speaker by Linguistics - Combined I am Armstrong the Magnificent ! :smokin:

Khair jokes aside; we are what we make ourselves to be and no knowledge of who we are and where we come from is gonna elevate us to become something or degrade us to the very bottom of our potential.

I don't really give a frig about my Kashmiri ethnicity unless if it is required of me for Pakistan.

I agree with this 100% we don’t need more things that divide us. We should see ourselves as Pakistani and that’s it. Here’s to a more united Pakistan without things like ethnicity/religion dividing us and let’s be proud in who we are and think more to the future and less on the past.
But most Pakistanis are proud to call themselves Arabs or of Arab descent! ! Never mind the way they are treated in Arabian countries! Why are they shy of a Pakistani identity? Are Arabs more advanced than Pakistanis?
AT THE SAME TIME they are the true descendant of IVC ;)
But most Pakistanis are proud to call themselves Arabs or of Arab descent! ! Never mind the way they are treated in Arabian countries! Why are they shy of a Pakistani identity? Are Arabs more advanced than Pakistanis?
The have mucho petrodollar to throw at there slaves. Just the other day I saw a Saudi black men abusing there Indian, pakistani and Bangladeshi servents.
You had to post this right next to my post.:lol:

I do understand you are saying this because of your reverence of a select people for religious reasons but first and foremost you’re a Pakistani and mentioning that you have Arab lineage is pointless, because Arabs will just laugh and not see you as one as them. You don’t have to be an Arab to be closer and see more favorably by God. I hope you understood it as it's a bit all over the place.:lol:

I understand exactly. See declaring yourself Arab and wearing a Thawb is the most idiotic thing that is being undertaken by Pakistanis(and many Indian muslims) as well today. Religious reasons aside, lets say one is proud of the idea for e.g. that they are descended from the Royal family of England by some connection. However, they would be rather disgusted to see certain members of the English Defence league or perhaps the ISIS supporters thriving in the UK who have identity there. The response they would get from the EDL is you are not British, the response they would give looking at them would be "I am not proud of these British".

The same way, there is pride in being connected to such a respectable(both from earthy and spiritual PoV) family. In no way however does it make you superior to one that is not. There are people who revere people from these families but its akin to saying "glad to be shaking the hand of the son of such a great man".. here it is the greatest so the effect travels many more generations and permutations.

Those however, with the Arab plates, Thawb.. and writing their names as Abu-Khalid-Ibn-Ali..while their name is essentially Shahid Ali Rajput..

Are frikken idiots in my view.

AT THE SAME TIME they are the true descendant of IVC ;)

Identity crises. All because these people have ZERO idea of their history beyond textbooks. The same goes for the "Muslim invader" hatred across the border because there is little balanced study of history. If one picks up a line, then they just keep following it.
This phenomenon of pseudo-intellectualism is transcendent of frontiers. Take politics for e.g. The massive internet "educated" backing of NM or IK.. follows on the logic that all good comes from Gandhinagar or Bani Gala.. and all else is evil. A shut off of the mind so to speak.
I was also shocked when I saw these don't know if allowed by Government or not but only I love about these plates are they are giving liberal traitors real torture these days latest thing to make there life miserable
I understand exactly. See declaring yourself Arab and wearing a Thawb is the most idiotic thing that is being undertaken by Pakistanis(and many Indian muslims) as well today. Religious reasons aside, lets say one is proud of the idea for e.g. that they are descended from the Royal family of England by some connection. However, they would be rather disgusted to see certain members of the English Defence league or perhaps the ISIS supporters thriving in the UK who have identity there. The response they would get from the EDL is you are not British, the response they would give looking at them would be "I am not proud of these British".

The same way, there is pride in being connected to such a respectable(both from earthy and spiritual PoV) family. In no way however does it make you superior to one that is not. There are people who revere people from these families but its akin to saying "glad to be shaking the hand of the son of such a great man".. here it is the greatest so the effect travels many more generations and permutations.

Those however, with the Arab plates, Thawb.. and writing their names as Abu-Khalid-Ibn-Ali..while their name is essentially Shahid Ali Rajput..

Are frikken idiots in my view.

Identity crises. All because these people have ZERO idea of their history beyond textbooks. The same goes for the "Muslim invader" hatred across the border because there is little balanced study of history. If one picks up a line, then they just keep following it.
This phenomenon of pseudo-intellectualism is transcendent of frontiers. Take politics for e.g. The massive internet "educated" backing of NM or IK.. follows on the logic that all good comes from Gandhinagar or Bani Gala.. and all else is evil. A shut off of the mind so to speak.

My cringe gland starts working on overtime anytime I see people who have become more religious that start wearing Arab clothes. Being more observant doesn't mean you have to dress as an Arab or act as an Arab.
Whats the problem with Hindi?
maybe if you paid very close attention, you would know that the majority of Pakistanis do not understand Hindi and neither is it taught anywhere in Pakistan (perhaps in interior sindh maybe but nowhere else).
cz arabic isnt pakistans official language neither its regional language
doesn't matter weather its official...english was the language of invaders who came and robbed us, put us under imperialism, stole our resources, killed our people.... so why us that?? lol...
the way i see it... its not a big deal... arabic is also the language of our muslim brothers.. and millions of pakistanis speak it.
No one accept weak.. as Pakistan u make u r self strong and educated sooner or later every one come and say, hey he speaks my language or they are my Muslim brother and sister..
We have to upgrade ourselves first.
Anyone who is having these number plates or I have even seen some which are UK number plates (maybe imported from UK) but they should follow Pakistani number plating system. I guess people who have such plates are suffering from inferiority complex and want to brag about something which certainly lacking in their personalities and maybe this bragging might help them over come that ?

There should be only one standard number plates thats it period. They should heavily fine the Arabic and UK number plates.
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