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Pakistan number plates in arabic

You confuse the idea of proclaiming lineage to the Prophet or his companions with that of Arab love(which is a different phenomenon). I am a descendant of Arab settlers and will continue to honour my lineage. However, that has little to do with my opinion of today's Arabs and their ideals.

You just met one now. However, that has less to do with ARAB and more to do with reverence for select people from early Muslim history(which happened to take place in Arabia).
Sir I have been thinking from a lot of time that how people find so long lineage. Can you please tell me name of person(Arab) who married a lady/gentleman from indigenous population in your lineage what was the approximate year at that time. I am really interested in knowing such historical facts. Thank you.
Lo @KingMamba - Eik aur Arbi nikal ayaa....abhiii deekhtiii hiii deekhtiii Syed bhi bunnn jaiii gaaa ! :lol:

Isn't it ironic you're an Arab who's a Punjabi and hes an Arab who's a Bihari ! :sarcastic:

I am the only scion of this sacred land ! :smokin:

You are a retard who is a kashmiri posing as a punjabi. :azn:

You are a Bhatta from deep within Bhatta land who was conquered and converted. And yes, that bold part is there as well.

And it is not ironic, it would behove a lot of Pakistanis to read through books.. lots of them.. and from sources other than western "vetted" ones. Both early Muslim and Hindu authors are useful to get an idea of the history of these lands and how various cultures and societies came into being.

In addition, just as people today move to settle into different countries for a prospect of a better life or otherwise..they would move along then. Some for trade, others for preaching..and so on. Ever since Islam came to India(before the attack at Bhambhor) this started out. And they were never confined to one area, some would land in Afghanistan, move via the border.. ending up in Multan...or other settled areas...and kept going east.

More interesting is that families grew through inter marriages with other settlers and local converts. Which is why the idea of lineage is not wrong for someone who would otherwise look very Keralite or Punjabi. More so, some of these families kept moving from location to location.. say from Multan to Kashmir to Dehli to Bhopal..and so on.

It is sad that this aspect of history regarding the identity of sub-continent Muslims is being ignored, forgotten ..and eventually being replaced by exaggerated claims of mass conversions and so on. Those who forget their own history and never research it are going to end up being told who they are by someone with an agenda rather than finding out themselves.

What kind of Syed are you Oscar?

Whats with that, new trend ?

since when Pakistan turned into bakistan nd red nd white instead of green nd white

Nothing wrong in it..Ultimately...Pakistan is made for Muslims and Aarabic is their religious language...So sooner is better for Pakistan and its people to use Arabic as their language than Urdu Language...
Nothing wrong in it..Ultimately...Pakistan is made for Muslims and Aarabic is their religious language...So sooner is better for Pakistan and its people to use Arabic as their language than Urdu Language...
we have our own cultural diversity of various ethnicities just like India. why should we abandon our rich heritage for some extremist bullshit? as if the radicalization problem wasn't already too much. Pakistani society needs to go liberal with Islamic values, a moderate society as it was before Zia happened. Thus preserving our values whilst at the same time going along with the rest of the world's progressive ideas. Much like Indonesia.
we have our own cultural diversity of various ethnicities just like India. why should we abandon our rich heritage for some extremist bullshit? as if the radicalization problem wasn't already too much. Pakistani society needs to go liberal with Islamic values, a moderate society as it was before Zia happened. Thus preserving our values whilst at the same time going along with the rest of the world's progressive ideas. Much like Indonesia.

It is great to hear all these things....But Indonesia pursues very liberal face of Islam where as Pakistan does not..
Why are some Indians making absurd claims about MOST pakistanis claiming this or that? (the word MOST is the exact word some Indian poster used here). Most Pakistanis are NOT sayyeds and majority do not claim to be Arabs. Have you ever met a Pakistani to make blank generalizations like that?
And yes,many Pakistanis carry the legacy of IVC. Why DO YOU care that they pick and choose?
Not so much. I saw a car with similar number plates in Bannu (it was from Punjab), stopped it by force and had a nice little chat with the Arab wannabe family. It went so well that I think he might have changed his sect forever after that particular incident. No more 'Al Bakistan' for them anymore........ :sarcastic:

So no sleepless nights here @ 'secular' traitor....... :pop:

I was also shocked when I saw these don't know if allowed by Government or not but only I love about these plates are they are giving liberal traitors real torture these days latest thing to make there life miserable
Not so much. I saw a car with similar number plates in Bannu (it was from Punjab), stopped it by force and had a nice little chat with the Arab wannabe family. It went so well that I think he might have changed his sect forever after that particular incident. No more 'Al Bakistan' for them anymore........ :sarcastic:

So no sleepless nights here @ 'secular' traitor....... :pop:
O really I have seen the pain among liberals and the mental torture they are facing these days because of these plates. And more and more people are using these plates.
O really I have seen the pain among liberals and the mental torture they are facing these days because of these plates. And more and more people are using these plates.
the pain is nation become slave of arab and forget own culture language and heritage . make it albakistan but arabs wil never give a shit . only you can add another yemen in arab world .
Ok it is a idiotic trend but lets not read too much into it
Infact now-a-days going for Euro type number plates is a lot more popular
the pain is nation become slave of arab and forget own culture language and heritage . make it albakistan but arabs wil never give a shit . only you can add another yemen in arab world .
Your statement also made me happy
Ok it is a idiotic trend but lets not read too much into it
Infact now-a-days going for Euro type number plates is a lot more popular
جناب جب کل کے کنگلے جو ایک ٹانگہ کرائے پر پورا نا لے سکتے تھے ان کے پاس دولت آ جائے تو بندروں کی طرح اچھلنا کونا تو بنتا ہی ہے نا ۔
doesn't matter weather its official...english was the language of invaders who came and robbed us, put us under imperialism, stole our resources, killed our people.... so why us that?? lol...
the way i see it... its not a big deal... arabic is also the language of our muslim brothers.. and millions of pakistanis speak it.
million muslims dont speak they can only read cz of quran they dont even know understand as for english once arabic was they most dominate language now its english , you tell me when you go abroad u speak arabic or english if u dont know the local language

Nothing wrong in it..Ultimately...Pakistan is made for Muslims and Aarabic is their religious language...So sooner is better for Pakistan and its people to use Arabic as their language than Urdu Language...
Pakistan was created for the muslims of sub continent cz their were already muslim countries, well its against the law
since u live in states the land of free why dont u try nd put number plte in hindi thn we will see is it right or wrong
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