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Pakistan needs a revolution like Egypt?

Need? No.

It has institutions, vision and processes in place, that if worked, can correct things themselves.

But given the time frame, the lack of resources to let the normal processes meet their logical end, it would be simpler and more effective to allow a very specific pro-Justice pro-Democracy revolution. Islamic banner should not be raised. Lets be fair and not raise the secularism banner either. Otherwise the revolution would be divided from the start.

Lets face it, for the revolution to be successful, we need to go ahead as a single unit. Mullah crowd generally can create a lot bigger noise than Secular crowd. The Secular crowd can give a legitimizing face to the movement better than Mullah crowd.

We need to marry the two for simpler causes like Justice and Democracy.

But to reiterate, the processes in place can take care of Pakistan. Revolution is not a Must-have, but a nice-to-have.
I know everything we have but if we 'll still sit forver as like now then nothing will be exist & for kind information dont say them mullah because they have the education what THE HOLY PROPHET(Sal'allaho alhey wassalam) left for us as u dont like If i'll call ur father as"tumhari maa ka shoher"ok.SO be careful about these sensetive matters.
You have ur stomach fully filled ok ask those PAKISTANI"S who don't have money to buy food items who cant afford there daily needs who's salaries are 5 to 10000.As for those people I think its(revolution) is being necessary for those people which are mentioned above.You're living a good life man,when u won't have foods for filling your stomach then come & talk about institutions.I dont believe in such B.S like democary & if you talk about justice then we can see it by having news of raping of children of 6 to 8 year old girls.Do you still believe on these shitte political parties?
no offence please!!!!
well dont you thing your id and your avater is not supporting each other sorry oftopic but you shoudl not use any child phto with ak17 id

firt you have to hange then rest will think

Sorry sir it doesn't make any difference :)
To criticize only politicians also not fair,


Who gave vote for these politicians?
Who celebrate BASANT while it restricted because of lose of lives?
Who don't want to went out from cast systems?
Who performed NAMAZ before & after a visit from Red areas?
Who couldn't provide ambulance for Quide Azam and let his body with pain?
Who don't like to walk away from conservative systems of SAHIB ZADA, PIR ZADA, MAKHDOM ZADA, SHAH ZADA & HELL ZADA?
Who ever ready to burn tires in squares and destroy national assets without sense, as this is our property?
Who burn buses & motorcycles of their Pakistani brothers innocent people who left their home in morning for earning?
Who supported all criminals & narcotics dealers and give respect of leader?
Who respect a criminal in public places more than a professor or teacher?
Who didn't maintain their environment clean & accurate for their lives?
Who saved their capitals in banks & showed theirselves a poor citizen?
Who constructed minars or tombs where with this money they could help a poor person to make home or for educate children?
Who don't care state rules but prefer corruption in every field of life?
Who didn't has sense of social care.

So correct yourself before correct government because government passed by you (our nation, our people). We are very used to blame other for our incompetency but never try to organize oneself & society.

Protests, rallies & long march will result nothing but more loses to economical situation and joblessness. Looks like our people sitting only to participate these conventional paleolithic methods for their uses.

Before revolution you have to show difference between nation's capabilities, characters and government's policy.
What revolution there should be if all dipped into same colour?
agreed but all the nation is not as you mentioned "panchon ungliyan braa bar nhi hoten"
Things will be change when we work as a society not as a individuals and do not support our own interest instead of supporting nation's interest
oh man not AGAIN.

No we dont want any unrest. let the current govt complete its tenure
oh man not AGAIN.

No we dont want any unrest. let the current govt complete its tenure

You're definitely a peace-loving person, however, sometimes you need to stand up for your rights. If you fail to do that persistently people like Mr. Ten Percent get a message that is very destructive for a nation.
Well, from a strategic viewpoint as an indian, i think a revolution would be detrimental to our interests. The current pakistani government is corrupt on all levels and clearely an american puppet. If a revolution happens, i think it would be very bad for India.
there was no revolution in Egypt.. they just get rid of a dictator and his men.....In Pakistan , we need a complete change of government...A new Face who can solve our problems...
Interesting thread - what was the the Tunisian and Egypt revolutions about? I think it's very telling that neither the Jamaat nor the Ulema nor the so called "democratic" politicians and parties have had much to say about these events -- look at the kinds of events and the kind of sensibility that seems to be driving events in Tunisia and Egypt -- Daffy is, well, it should be clear what kind of deal daffy has made with a section of the elite in the West --

Look, people seeking a fair deal, just as people, not particular confessional groups, people for the most part not interested in solutions that might have anything to do with violence, basically a movement that is leaderless for the most part -- can those kinds of ideas play in Pakistan? Not really, quite the opposite, Pakistanis for the most part see violence as a necessary ingredient to any "solution" for themselves and of course unlike the Arab youth, Pakistanis are inspired by confessional and exclusivist ideas
Interesting thread - what was the the Tunisian and Egypt revolutions about? I think it's very telling that neither the Jamaat nor the Ulema nor the so called "democratic" politicians and parties have had much to say about these events -- look at the kinds of events and the kind of sensibility that seems to be driving events in Tunisia and Egypt -- Daffy is, well, it should be clear what kind of deal daffy has made with a section of the elite in the West --

Look, people seeking a fair deal, just as people, not particular confessional groups, people for the most part not interested in solutions that might have anything to do with violence, basically a movement that is leaderless for the most part -- can those kinds of ideas play in Pakistan? Not really, quite the opposite, Pakistanis for the most part see violence as a necessary ingredient to any "solution" for themselves and of course unlike the Arab youth, Pakistanis are inspired by confessional and exclusivist ideas

The traditional political parties have miserably failed because somehow uncle sam and his goons succeeded in managing them. These political leaders were too confused and too afraid to do the right thing, they did not want to get their hand dirty.
Efforts can make our cuntry a better place not violence
Use you authority of voting for a right person
Man!!! this lecture has been so old Now we got to get up.I'm agree with DV RULES.Its all because of us there is also a HADiTH about people "If a sin is commited secretly mean (accept him no one knows that)then the sinner will only be effected if its (sin) been commited openly then all the people will be affected who can stop that sin".So our first duty is to ask forgiveness from ALLAH (for our sins) and ask him for our(nation's)help as well IF HE is with you then nobody can touch you & offer our prayers(duties) 5 times a day.This is 100% truth that first you have to change your self.We have to Remove Racism from our selves be one.Show to world and to political parties that "WE ARE THE ONE".We can bring changes if we'll do such things we can do it So stand up and snatch your right if its not given.
oh man not AGAIN.

No we dont want any unrest. let the current govt complete its tenure
IFyou'll let them(any political party wether its pml-n or pml-q or ppp or anp or mqm you have to get up and stand against these B.S parties.They have divided us in groups like as they say(kaarkun).IF u'll let them any more then our nuclear arsenal will be sold as our political leadrs are being sold.Stand up & give a punch to all corupt politician.:pakistan:
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