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Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

What PN designation/class name is given to Type 54s?
We'll likely find out when the first one is inducted. Ship classes are usually the name of the first ship.
:pakistan: :china:
Looks like they can't wait to finish up Type 054AP so they can start on Type 054B.
PN may go for TYPE 054B few years after PLAN will induct it in sizable numbers.
PN may go for TYPE 054B few years after PLAN will induct it in sizable numbers.

Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.
Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.
no body on earth selling top notch to another country and your second claim is absurd too.
Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.
No country sold their top notch tech to any other country, and its quite ridiculous logic that you think that for this reason that Pakistan is getting closer to turkey so China wont sell type-54B to Pakistan, you already proved wrong, we have the deals of ADA class corvette/upgradation of our Augusta-90B etc etc, and still China singed a deals of 4 Type-54A and 8 Yuan class AIP subs,?? and its irrelevant that Pakistan and Tukey getting closer for China, , It a China-Turkey problem, not Pakistan China or Pakistan Turkey problem
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What's after 4 Type-54As?


Oh bhai, first let these type 54s gets delivered to PN than after few years we can think about other possibilities. Abhi yeh project pora hua hai nahi, agaey ki baatein shru.
Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.

Please don't write silly things. China has always known Pakistan is close to Turkey, and it has no baring on military affairs between Pakistan and China. China will clear the vast majority of it's top tech, aside some things like the J-20 (the PAF doesn't need it). For example the VT-4 sold to Pakistan has high level armour which is only on Chinese frontline tanks.
Turkey also has good ties with China, and does not back separatism of the region.
Oh bhai, first let these type 54s gets delivered to PN than after few years we can think about other possibilities. Abhi yeh project pora hua hai nahi, agaey ki baatein shru.

PN is done with type 54 and thinking about future already.
Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.


Just to get you off the pony that you are riding---.

Pakistan is the testing ground for chinese equipment---. Nothing is out of reach if needed.

Just to get you off the pony that you are riding---.

Pakistan is the testing ground for chinese equipment---. Nothing is out of reach if needed.


I hope Pakistan will double down on the Type54A order, looks likely in the coming years, whilst the Jinnah class develops.







Just to get you off the pony that you are riding---.

Pakistan is the testing ground for chinese equipment---. Nothing is out of reach if needed.

Excellently put.

However, I am confused on certain issues, regarding the navy, everyone here, certainly the most are hell bent on acquiring this order and that order, larger frigate or a new destroyer, almost everyone seems to be ignoring what to me seems so obvious. That, with the Jinnah class project, it seems, it is highly likely to be the Pakistan navy's equivalent of JF17 project, incrementally develop the project. They have a core design on which to build on.

4 type 22s,
4 type 054s,
4 Milgems,
2+6? OPV type corvettes,
Plus the Jinnah class,
starting with a certain number, the size of frigates, and a further development, from the same core design to a heavy frigate or a light destroyer. More about developing core competencies and domestic capacities, rather than forever rely on imports.

Imports to be used for filling capability gaps, but using domestic capacity for core strengths, that can only be achieved, if the navy concentres and develops the Jinnah class project, and not look to imports to fulfil every need.

As with the argument regarding the J10CE, or whichever version, that project would take away resources and concentrated effort from the JF17 and project AZM, it seems the same logic would apply to the navy. We have the most ambitious naval development program in our history, that gives us capabilities we have never had, with this milestone firmly in place, it seem logic to concentrate on the Jinnah class project, and allow it to develop so that we can breed domestic capacities.

This seems so obvious, that's why I am surprised this line of thinking hasn't gained traction among the members here. After all, surely we don't wish to rely on import to fulfil our needs forever.
Excellently put.

However, I am confused on certain issues, regarding the navy, everyone here, certainly the most are hell bent on acquiring this order and that order, larger frigate or a new destroyer, almost everyone seems to be ignoring what to me seems so obvious. That, with the Jinnah class project, it seems, it is highly likely to be the Pakistan navy's equivalent of JF17 project, incrementally develop the project. They have a core design on which to build on.

4 type 22s,
4 type 054s,
4 Milgems,
2+6? OPV type corvettes,
Plus the Jinnah class,
starting with a certain number, the size of frigates, and a further development, from the same core design to a heavy frigate or a light destroyer. More about developing core competencies and domestic capacities, rather than forever rely on imports.

Imports to be used for filling capability gaps, but using domestic capacity for core strengths, that can only be achieved, if the navy concentres and develops the Jinnah class project, and not look to imports to fulfil every need.

As with the argument regarding the J10CE, or whichever version, that project would take away resources and concentrated effort from the JF17 and project AZM, it seems the same logic would apply to the navy. We have the most ambitious naval development program in our history, that gives us capabilities we have never had, with this milestone firmly in place, it seem logic to concentrate on the Jinnah class project, and allow it to develop so that we can breed domestic capacities.

This seems so obvious, that's why I am surprised this line of thinking hasn't gained traction among the members here. After all, surely we don't wish to rely on import to fulfil our needs forever.


Pakistan's future is in JV's---because it has reached the minimum design / manufacturing capability.

The question arises---why would pakistan want to invest in new technologies when China and turkey are doing so---. It is a pure wastage of funds---.

Look at Israel---it is still buying from Germany and france and USA---the major items---and has its focus deep into EW packages---the ones that would really really make the difference.

So---pakistanis need to learn and UNDERSTAND---glory is not in manufacturing the big item---when you colleagues are manufacturing it---.

The glory is manufacturing the small EW gadget that turns the tables around---.

Between china Turkey & pakistan---only pakistan has a combat experience against a very advanced enemy in real times---.

That experience in itself is worth a few billion dollars by itself---.

China has a great assembly line experience in manufacturing the 054's---and same with Turkey regarding the Milgems---.

So---why does pakistan need to travel towards redundancy---when there is another venue wide open for development---.
Typically China don't sell top notch to Pakistan. Type 054B is only going to be for PLAN for the time being. Pakistan has been getting close to Turkey in recent years and China don't like that. Turkey backs East Turkestan secession.
China will sell Pakistan any systems if and when Pakistan wants it, require it and pay for it.
Pakistan is china's single largest importer of arms. It gives creditability when Pakistan buys specific Chinese platforms like 8 submarine contract, Type054 and various missile systems. Pakistan provides a very economical defense barrier vis a vis india... so what weapons china sells to Pakistan is like china defending itself.
Diversifying arms sources is also a requirement Pakistan should follow as a policy and for technology reasons too.

Why President Xi addresses Pakistan Iron Brothers?

Pakistan's future is in JV's---because it has reached the minimum design / manufacturing capability.

The question arises---why would pakistan want to invest in new technologies when China and turkey are doing so---. It is a pure wastage of funds---.

Look at Israel---it is still buying from Germany and france and USA---the major items---and has its focus deep into EW packages---the ones that would really really make the difference.

So---pakistanis need to learn and UNDERSTAND---glory is not in manufacturing the big item---when you colleagues are manufacturing it---.

The glory is manufacturing the small EW gadget that turns the tables around---.

Between china Turkey & pakistan---only pakistan has a combat experience against a very advanced enemy in real times---.

That experience in itself is worth a few billion dollars by itself---.

China has a great assembly line experience in manufacturing the 054's---and same with Turkey regarding the Milgems---.

So---why does pakistan need to travel towards redundancy---when there is another venue wide open for development---.
Israel is a different example. They will never ever be sanctioned. they have unlimited options from where to buy.
You are right israel are in the hitech like electronics, UAVs, and sub systems but they are 8th largest arms exporter.
Recently we saw how US sanctioned LHTEC T800 engine for Pak T129.
Pakistan has the manpower and intelligence to manufacture many weapons systems, Turboshaft, turbofan, and diesel engines will be high mark for Pakistan but Pakistan should keep working on fighter jets, corvettes, FFG's, Tanks, missiles, light weapons and rockets in JV but yes, game of the future is AI, autonomous platforms and smart weapons which dont need heavy industry just a focus and pool resources.
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