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Pakistan Navy---A Day Late & A Dollar Short:---

Was Karachi in East Pakistan?? And that was in '71 in 2016 IN is planning to be a true blue water navy whereas PN is struggling and over the years PN growth can be called modest at best. Yes Navy has rejected the heavy Tejas and will go for Naval-MMRCA and most probably select N-Rafael or can even be N-F35. Does Pakistan navy even has an air-arm?

Well I hope you don't claim to know more than your Navy Admirals, have a look at what they have to say:

lol@planning to be (i am planning to be super man but i am not)

Are we discussing IA or PN here?. I can go on about 'our' wars but that will take the thread off-topic
Battle Group is navy isnt it?
MMRCA is another 33 years away like Tajas? What will happen to your "BATTLE GROUP" and your tru-blu-water navy?

LOL MIGs are doing fine enough job until then especially when the primary adversary doesn't even have a Air-arm for their Navy. Also you conveniently skip the questions:

1. Was Karachi in East Pakistan??
2. Does Pakistan navy even has an air-arm?
3. Do you know more than PN admirals?

Battle Group is navy isnt it?

Our Battle Group doesn't really sail on land what about yours? And we don't use it to fight insurgents.
lol@planning to be (i am planning to be super man but i am not)

Battle Group is navy isnt it?
you think this navy can scare us ?

you think this navy can scare us ?


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It will be nice if veterans and professionals talk to the point and not go personal.. am sure MK writes in good faith, he might be wrong, and if you think he is wrong, argue with him on specific points... no need to go personal.
lol and dont talk of admirals, they always paint a dooms day scenario to get more and expensive weapons, your admirals do the same, your own IN Cheif was weeping 3 days ago that Modi is imposing an under powered Tejas on IN

I wasn't pointing to the dooms day scenario or IN superiority that he had mentioned. He stated that our doctrine is 'strategically defensive and tactically offensive' which I pointed all along but you want PN to play all Rambo with body weight of 50 Kgs. With current capability PN's job is to protect the coastline and ensure that a blockage cannot be imposed by IN and a few surprise attacks here and there (which IN/India can absorb easily). Patriotism and all is great but in a long drawn war your Navy will give away first. Pakistan needs to invest in it's Navy and not allocate just 10% of the budget to them and then expect the world from them.
If you had read history my man---you would have know---not to let the Lion get the taste of Blood---. You would not have allowed the christians to kill the muslims---because once the christians found out---that the muslims die as easily as anyone else---they would not stop the killing---.
Hi dear @MastanKhan
I am not sure if should really comment on this one or not.But I wonder sometimes when educated pakistanis living abroad make such sweeping generalization about "christians" killing "muslims".You make it sound as if entire US army is chirstian army and hell bent on destroying anything "non-christian".
As for the submarine deal though,I dont think PN will lag a lot in under-sea fleet,as IN will roughly add 12 conventional subs by that time frame(6 scorphenes+6 new diesel electric subs).I dont think addition of any nuclear vessels will alter the under-sea balance as they would be geared towards thwarting PLAN. Reason being that IN's entire nuclear engineering facilities and nuclear sub base is located in vizag--east coast of india--far away from pakistan. And there is a reason for that!
So,IN will hardly add 12 conventional subs and roughly 6-8 nuclear subs(3-4 Arihant class+3-4 SSNs for which govt has approved funding).In contrast to this buildup,8 chinese subs for PN seems reasonable enough. You also need to consider the funding of both IN and PN!
So,10 years down the line,PN will have 11 conventional subs against IN's 21 conventional and 6-8 nuclear subs(considering replacement and everything else)--a total of 27-29subs.I dont think the situation will be as grim as you're imagining.
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Rather than discussing what my dad taught me and what your dad taught you and what his dad taught him we should focus on the subject

Its misleading and that too by design

Anybody suggesting JH7B---or the J16's for Pakistan Navy needs to get his head examined, these planes are not fit for our needs
Sorry Bro, but unfortunately PN needs a min of 2, realistically (given down time) 3 squadrons ,of twin heavies ASAP. The sooner we get them, the better it would be.
Any attempts to discuss PN Submarine program is only that someone makes a mistake to divulge highly classified information in emotion, serving the purpose of some people on this forum. Please be aware.

For anyone willing to learn, all or any data about the PN submarine program, acquisition or refurbishment of existing French platforms is highly deceptive by its nature.

Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Qing and Yuan-export seem to be more of a Pak-specific project, like the JF-17. And stuff like that is not particularly their best work.

I would be more worried if PN purchased the Type 216 or the S-80.

Pakistan's military conglomerate has again been caught short---the surfacing of the indian sub 40 nautical miles away just when the chinese naval ship was visiting pakistan---and the inauguration of CPEC route at Gwadar just showed the pak navy was woefully ill-equipped.

A few years ago when the rumors surfaced about pak military signing a 5 billion dollars deal for 8 chinese subs and supply time of 10 years from the time of signing---and delivery of the last submarine---.

I had written that---that deal was totally ill prepared and ill conceived---. I had stated that the target should have been 5 years project---number of submarine cut in half---and the other half split between surface ships and an aircraft of the type of JH7B---.

So---that all the three facets are covered at the same time in parallel---by three different groups---which has three times the force multiplier effect---.

So rather than just having 4 submarines in 5 years----you would also have 3-4 frigates of the 5000 + tonnage capacity plus at least 4 sqdrns of heavies---be it the JH7B---or the J16's----and some smaller vessels in the 500---1500 tonnage---.

After the 5 years---another deal of 5 billion signed for more subs and ships if needed.

The casual and callous attitude of the pak military showed that it did not foresee or visualize such an incident happening so close to its waters---and that shows a very poor understanding of what is at stake in the arena---at Gwadar---the arabian sea---the gulf---.

Basically---pak military has been caught with its pants down one more time.
Mr MK,
This is due to our doctrine. Im writing an article over it and will share soon.
Okay, so you can have your submarines and ships being blown to pieces in wartime with soldiers inside and I can have odd civilian accident during peacetime, high IQ Pakistani logic :rofl::rofl:

Actually accidents in wartime are more probable than accidents in peacetime. But then you are a bharati who has its own weird logic where peacetime mishaps are more OK than those in war.
You, on the other hand, have the right of your opinion, and talk whatever craziness that surrounds in you in your extradition aboard. While I know you have a genuine heart as you spend more time here (on this forum) than with your new comrades, your generalized assertions and opinions are entertaining to only you, and perhaps enlightening to the few souls who consider you as an "expert"

It feels better to live with little Light, than dying in the darkness ! It's not 1971, today there are so many people who are raising their voice against the military, despite the Fact that the Military is undoubtedly the best function institute in our Country, but all I try to say is that if the military or ISPR would focus more on Public communication, maybe they can make these people shut up. BUT THE FACT IS THAT ISPR is lacking in communicating with the people, so all we want, is that the army and our country Pakistan stays as a strong and Respectable even more than it is today, for this we need more transparency, that will never happen(Yahya Khan-->Tikka Khan->General Niazi -> East Pakistan-> a la Bangladesh). So Mr.Khan ( @MastanKhan ) is trying to fill the gap as an EXPERT, AND YOU CAN, OF COURSE, TRY to take the lead in this role rather than on putt off the light. Good that PDF exists, and poor souls get a voice.....Shukar Alhamdulillah !

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