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Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future

I think US again will be the sole superpower of 21st century.

I know as China's and India's economies becomes on par with or eclipses America's. American income per capita (Almost 100k) will still be twice as much as China's (Around 50k) and nearly three times as much as India's (Around 35k).

I know relatively speaking American power will decline as these countries get stronger. But, America will still be the most powerful nation on the earth.

Countries such as Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will take over major European economies but US and West will still be able to get their way.

Also, I'm sorry to be devil's advocate but I don't see Pakistan being superpower in fact I don't even see China or India becoming superpowers in real sense either.

pointless thread. they can only be one superpower and many world/regional powers. also it depends on your definition of power, is it economic, strategic or military?

US will be all three of them.
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1.. First Get rid of Power Shortages... We are still Power deficient Country and need much much Power for our Factories to run... so that our exports can increase

2.. Bring People in the taxation system... bring Shadow Economy in the National system

3.. Make some Dams ASAP.... cause every year we lost Billion in the form of Floods....

4.. Set up new Industry

5.. Provide Better Infrastructure and security to the investors..

6.. Political Stability

If you succeed in Fulfilling all these Then yes we can become top 15 or even 10 economies
Awww, you old cup cake, you are SO hurt first thing in the morning reading this in India??? I can understand.

Outside of personal bullshiit, what exactly did you find in the article that didn't make sense? How about you write some facts so we can debate, instead of just farting all over the thread and making it stink.....its not your house you know :rofl:. Fact please. Facts rock, bullshiit walks (and smells bad like your post) :lol:

Ok, This was expected. Someone doesn't tow your line of BULL.. You poop all over them. Very "Murican" of you must say,..

Now lets talk "turkey" ..

We are forgetting the Housing bloom in Pakistan where ten new cities have been created out of nothing by only one group, the Behria town. The housing market alone has generated a trillion dollars economy, likely o multiply five times by 2020.

So basically some township is going to add 5 trillion USD to the Pakistani economy by 2020

Some endorsed and validated estimates for the world economy post 2020 are below ..




Your contention is A TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT project is going help Pakistan surpass India, Germany, France and United Kingdom by 2020. :coffee: :pakistan:

Pakistan also sits on one of the largest Gold reserves (estimated two trillion dollars)

The current gold reserves of Pakistan are:


Current TOP 40 list for gold reserves are : (since you are so fond of Top Ten lists) :partay:

So basically by your logic (gold reserves et all) countries like Iraq, Venezuela and Libya are going to be super powers too. They have greater gold reserves than Pakistan.:pop:

The thing that will matter will be nuclear power and there is no doubt that Pakistan will take the place of UK and America as a leading nuclear state.

Why not add North Korea while at it ..


Anyway .. goodnight ..I will not dignify the rather sleazy personal attacks you resorted to with a response ..

Hope you find another top ten list tomorrow to help you digest your coffee ..



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My Note:
I personally think the ranking may be off by a couple of numbers, but about 75%, they are projecting the right picture. Although, moving the US to far down the list makes no sense, along with a couple of other countries listed in random orders. But for Pakistan, I'd project top 5th or 6th major power by 2030.

This just confirms what I've been writing about for such a long time. That a prosperous and powerful future is ahead of Pakistan as long as they can eliminate the terrorism all the way and setup a social environment free of violence and intolerant behavior (which is being taken care of as we speak, so good stuff is coming)
Pakistan has the potential of being among the top ten economies in the world by 2030 provided:

1. It changes course on using terror as an instrument of state policy and eliminating the scourge of terror whether good or bad.

2. Exploiting its rich natural resources to the fullest. So what is needed is good efficient governance and not crony capitalism where only a handful benefit at the expense of the country as a whole.

3. Open free trade with neighbors especially India and Afghanistan. South Asia has the potential to overtake the EU economically by miles. For that Pakistan needs to change course in its foreign policies which is largely controlled by the military establishment.

4. Good water management which at present is in a mess. This will increase agricultural output tremendously leading to a jump in the country's GDP.

All this are doable. But........
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Also, I think US again will be the sole superpower of 21st century.

I know as China's and India's economies becomes on par with or eclipses America's. American income per capita (Almost 100k) will still be twice as much as China's (Around 50k) and nearly three times as much as India's (Around 35k).

I know relatively speaking American power will decline as these countries get stronger. But, America will still be the most powerful nation on the earth.

Countries such as Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will take over major European economies but US and West will still be able to get their way.

Also, I'm sorry to be devil's advocate but I don't see Pakistan being superpower in fact I don't even see China or India becoming superpowers in real sense either.

US will be all three of them.
superpower is reserved for he usa. the Chinese are making very quiet moves. they are building their first overseas base in Djibouti. but at the same time its for economic security. that's were the oil comes from to keep the factories churning stuff out and the scs is where the stuff goes out. Brazil is in trouble as it economy is not doing so good. Indonesia is going very well.
I am not surprised. Most of the nations are backed with Nuclear. Similarity, among others, Pakistan is potential to be superpower provided the on-going terrorism is sorted out in Pakistan. Pakistan is world fourth largest army nation, and sooner or later, Pakistan is bound to be projected to be progressively economically nation. It is just matter of time. Nations without Nuclear may enjoy temporary progressive economy, but not forever. I am not quite optimistic about India and Turkey though provided CPEC succeeded which renders Chabahar Port unneeded and Turkey is getting closer for major sectarian war that has engulfed ME into flame of fire.
superpower is reserved for he usa. the Chinese are making very quiet moves. they are building their first overseas base in Djibouti. but at the same time its for economic security. that's were the oil comes from to keep the factories churning stuff out and the scs is where the stuff goes out. Brazil is in trouble as it economy is not doing so good. Indonesia is going very well.

Indeed. Like I said US's relative power will decline but no country will be able to challenge it as a sole superpower.

Yes with their new found economic and military might Chinese will definitely ruffle some feathers and I won't be surprised if they challenged US in South America and in it's own backyard.

But long term projections look good for both Brazil and Russia.
If follow your logic, pakistan is already a 1.5 to 1.8 trillion dollar economy once shadow economy under control+ you forgot to add 2 trillion of gold deposits and so pakistan economy should be 3.5 trillion -3.8 trillion + you forgot to add CPEC and other projects and so 3.8 trillion +.2 trillion =4 trillion dollar economy.

Please be realistic.Your country will grow if keep good relationship with india.
correct .... but its not our only option as you can evidently see
Indeed. Like I said US's relative power will decline but no country will be able to challenge it as a sole superpower.

Yes with their new found economic and military might Chinese will definitely ruffle some feathers and I won't be surprised if they challenged US in South America and in it's own backyard.

But long term projections look good for both Brazil and Russia.
as for the US and its place as a superpower is gonna be challenged in about 20-30 years by you know who
western countries are trying very hard to stay relevant in the long term and that being in 10+ years time.

what does the united states have in south america?

but further up north to the Caribbean sea..... then yes and that will piss them of big time but why would they be so close to the united states? Nicaragua Canal. it owned by the chinese. its their own panama canal basically
Nicaragua Canal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Made a mockery of the word 'superpower'.A superpower is a 'superpower' because its extremely rare.Only 1 or at most 2 can exist simultaneously.Better word is major power.
indeed.... world powers for a handful and regional powers for the rest of them.
American income per capita (Almost 100k)

American income per capita is 55000 not 100,000

If follow your logic, pakistan is already a 1.5 to 1.8 trillion dollar economy once shadow economy under control+ you forgot to add 2 trillion of gold deposits and so pakistan economy should be 3.5 trillion -3.8 trillion + you forgot to add CPEC and other projects and so 3.8 trillion +.2 trillion =4 trillion dollar economy.

Please be realistic.Your country will grow if keep good relationship with india.

I remember, when I was a child growing up in Pakistan, politicians use to visit during election times, if they kept even 10% of promises they made, we would be 100 Trillion dollars economy.:cray:
Why are we even discussing this childish post here? After reading the first paragraph, it was pretty evident that its an article by some amateur enthusiast.
as for the US and its place as a superpower is gonna be challenged in about 20-30 years by you know who
western countries are trying very hard to stay relevant in the long term and that being in 10+ years time.

what does the united states have in south america?

but further up north to the Caribbean sea..... then yes and that will piss them of big time but why would they be so close to the united states? Nicaragua Canal. it owned by the chinese. its their own panama canal basically
Nicaragua Canal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

indeed.... world powers for a handful and regional powers for the rest of them.

US doesn't have anything in South America but countries like Venezuela, Columbia, Guyana, Ecuador, Puerto Rico are traditionally seen as part of America's sphere of influence.

Yes there you go, it's a prime example of what Chinese may try in future.

In short, this thread is pretty pointless.

American income per capita is 55000 not 100,000

I remember, when I was a child growing up in Pakistan, politicians use to visit during election times, if they kept even 10% of promises they made, we would be 100 Trillion dollars economy.:cray:

I was quoting per capita income in 2050 as predicted by IMF.
How we can be 15th largest in 2020 ... There are alot of nations to beat

we currently stood at 26th in Purchasing power and 41th in nominal
We have a 40% undocumented economy.... regulating the economy alone could jump as up many slots. Another thing is our growth rate should at-least be 7-8% by 2018 - IMF forecasts have been very inaccurate when it comes to Pakistan.

LOL, the current 15th number is hold by Mexico, which is around $1.2 tn economy. So you saying within 4 years a $270 bn economy become $1.2 tn economy? LMAO.
Maybe, 40% of our economy isnt on the papers; as of yet.
There are a lot of good things that have started to happen,..
1. Op Zarb-e-Azab
2. PPP collapse(financial terrorism declining with them)
4. Pakistan moving towards indigenous phase like learning to make figher jets, subs, frigates.
5. Govt getting more stable now.
6. MQM, the urban terrorism is coming to an end,.. and soon In sha Allah, our Karachi will b up and running,.
7. Balochistan is moving towards properity....

if these things keep moving towards the positive direction, who knows....

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