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Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future


Source > Haq's Musings: Pak Consumer Boom Fuels Underground Economy

And the scale of building going on in the country is even visible on Google Earth. Housing estates, new airports are all visible that are appearing every year where there was nothing before.

Google Earth > Google Maps
Google Earth > Google Maps

This is the future Pakistan. Motorbike rally.



The worst day is when Finland has established a 5-1 lead over Sweden
in the beginning of the third period, at the World Championship, and STILL loses 5-6...

Ha Ha Ha ............. Did they get drunk after gaining 5-1?
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Pakistan has huge potency to be a world power, I bet beside improving the private sector, we, developing countries, must utilize our state owned enterprises to win in this global market competition. Nothing can beat the Multinationals beside our SOE's for large industries ( chemicals, automotive, electronics) in my opinion.

Indonesia, for example, is now trying to use its SOE to win over competition in South East Asia as Free Market has been started this year, the minister has pushed them to merge, help each other, revalue their asset so that they can borrow more to invest, give the focus in expanding than giving profit to government, etc.....

Pakistani living overseas should make a company in Europe or USA rather than just become employee, if the companies grow well, they can base the production facility in Pakistan, whether it is service sector or non service sector. India, for instant, is very good in their service sector that relies more on knowledge and other human resources skills than just monetary capital.

I think we, Muslim, has huge capacity to grow in business sector since our religion urge us to believe with God and His strength. The critical part in business in marketing I believe, the thing that is related so much in faith and mentality, something that Muslim has so much advantage on it.

Just talk to a British lately, he said that Chinese and Indian business people (immigrant) is going to overcome the natives there in term of small and medium size business sector.
Jenab care to explain difference between PPP and Official exchange rate..... I have never understood the difference btw them.... and please a simpel example..... Thx

nominal GDP is a very poor figure for the purpose of making comparisons. By not adjusting for inflation, nominal GDP cannot be reasonably compared across time; real GDP would be better. It also doesn't make sense to compare the nominal GDP of different countries. After all, populations and costs of living are not consistent around the world.

Nothing much could be gleaned by comparing the nominal GDP of China to the nominal GDP of Ireland. For starters, China has approximately 300 times the population of Ireland. To solve for this problem, statisticians instead compare GDP per capita.

Suppose China has a GDP per capita of $1,500, while Ireland has a GDP per capita of $15,000. This doesn't necessarily mean that the average Irish person is 10 times better off than the average Chinese person.

GDP per capita doesn't account for how expensive it is to live in a country. PPP attempts to solve this by comparing how much one U.S. dollar could buy of a common basket of goods.
Yup, I was smoking some Colombian loud while typing. Come on n join me. :enjoy:
I wouldnt take your rant seriously. I have been following this website for 6 years, while i have seen your reply in other posts doesnt any logical explanation. Btw (Its Brics+11) The next eleven ( cant post link as I am new here)

Bangladesh has higher exports and better HDI compared to pakistan.

The only thing I see here as an outsider is that the chinese are taking pakistan for a ride. The burden on pakistan economy is because of less competition in all infrasturture projects in pakistan. where all the resources,management , labour are chinese and pakistan has to return back the investment the chinese put in . True that CEPC is going to be good for Pakistan. CEPC($46 billion) is benefiting china more than pakistan. Once CPEC is complete the chinese will dictate the terms and conditions . If pakistan had done this CEPC project by inviting bidders and completing it, Pakistan could dictate from position of strength. I guess it would take atleast two centuries for pakistan to return the investment. As we all known Chinese are not doing this project as charity, they want the return of their investment. There is no such thing as free lunch.

Even in the automotive industry the japanese and chinese have monopoly over the pricing of vehicles. Its high time pakistan slowly opening up trade with you eastern neighbour :pakistan:

You see, the problem with this chap is -
He starts a shitty thread sourced from some nondescript pile of poop .. When called out, he turns tail and bails out. Then he tries to save face by smearing some more of his BS.

This guy is best ignored. He is the kind of chap who'll scream toilet and rape when you call out his stinking pile of bull crap.

No reply to this yet ....
Ok, This was expected. Someone doesn't tow your line of BULL.. You poop all over them. Very "Murican" of you must say,..

Now lets talk "turkey" ..

So basically some township is going to add 5 trillion USD to the Pakistani economy by 2020

Some endorsed and validated estimates for the world economy post 2020 are below ..

View attachment 297527

View attachment 297528
View attachment 297529

Your contention is A TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT project is going help Pakistan surpass India, Germany, France and United Kingdom by 2020. :coffee: :pakistan:

The current gold reserves of Pakistan are:

View attachment 297532

Current TOP 40 list for gold reserves are : (since you are so fond of Top Ten lists) :partay:
View attachment 297530

So basically by your logic (gold reserves et all) countries like Iraq, Venezuela and Libya are going to be super powers too. They have greater gold reserves than Pakistan.:pop:

Why not add North Korea while at it ..


Anyway .. goodnight ..I will not dignify the rather sleazy personal attacks you resorted to with a response ..

Hope you find another top ten list tomorrow to help you digest your coffee ..


Day dreaming. People who elect corrupt Jackals, People who stay silent on their injustices, lot to write but....
What is a criteria for major power?
If it is only macroeconomics then maybe,
If development in true sense with development in life quality and social indicators then this region will not be major power including India till there is revolutionary changes in social justice and education. Minds have to change. It will take many generations
I don't know.....ask the Indians first because Pakistan is a bit too far away from it. There are plenty of Indian members on here who'd respond to ask any of them. Majority of their country (over 600 million people don't have proper beds to sleep on, or proper kitchens to cook food into), but they'd rather be a super power than anything else......so go ahead and ask someone :enjoy:

Next, in Pakistan's case, it's population (and associated overhead) is 5 times lesser than India. So Pakistan's rise means her people's rise economically. Everything is associated with the economic growth. So Pakistan becoming a super power is secondary to her economic growth. Due to her size and population, you won't have the same situation like India (explained above).

You must be smoking something that's very illegal IMO. Pakistan has been listed (since 2013) in the list of BRICS+9. I am sure you know what BRICS are right? Adding Pakistan to it when she's a failed state......hmmm, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Berkshire Hathaway are all stupid but the few Indian members are the only genius people on the planet!!!!
Very optimistic BRO
Also, Bangladesh is "currently" in a better position. Beyond 2018, Pakistan is in a much stronger position to start beating many countries out, including going above Mexico to Australia even. I know it'll be VERY hard for you to understand the fact, just like the 8 darn F-16's recently. I feel sorry for you.

I have to surprise you......you are far away from the government and military's vision on this. 2018, per my resources is when Pakistan starts to take off as a regional power. 2025 is when she actually becomes one and then its uphill movement.....never stops!
Isn't Pakistan categorised as a failed state ? Last I checked they were placed along the same category as Syria

What if PPP win 2018 election?
Will Pakistan be Superpower then?

Isn't Pakistan categorised as a failed state ? Last I checked they were placed along the same category as Syria

Here comes the another troller.. :hitwall:
this site has one of the worst top tens in existence.it works on voting system so even sudan can get on top if many sudanese vote on it.
I think its the American income per capita in 2050

The Fund for Peace

Pakistan is listed at the bottom 16 of failed states Index. It would be a miracle if Pakistan can pick up with rest of the world.
India too needs to Improve. Bangladesh is positioned much better than Pakistan. I reckon Bangladesh would make it to top 20 economies in 2050.

India is listed at top of the almost failed states right next to Israel (According to your Source).

As far as Pakistan is concerned you (Indian) don't need to worry about us. We are doing great at all fronts, Indian sponsored terrorist from Karachi to FATA areas on the run or killed, Security situation improving democracy maturing within few years with our business friendly policies, we will be economic Power, obviously a nightmare for India, but hey by 2050 India will be cut into small states much easier to menage for then superpower then it is now.
India is listed at top of the almost failed states right next to Israel (According to your Source).

If India is as successful enough to be alongside Israel then that's a good thing , they are more stable & influential than most Midwestern countries . Also there is a huge difference between being the bottom 13 than the bottom 69th . Also its funny because you are implying Russia is a failed state .

As far as Pakistan is concerned you (Indian) don't need to worry about us.

Right , lets forget history , because having a unstable state as a neighbor won't go wrong .

We are doing great at all fronts, Indian sponsored terrorist from Karachi to FATA areas on the run or killed, Security situation improving democracy maturing within few years with our business friendly policies,

Nice propaganda , the same can be said to India who out growths the region even with paks state sponsored terrorism .

we will be economic Power, obviously a nightmare for India, but hey by 2050 India will be cut into small states much easier to menage for then superpower then it is now.

:rofl: is paks supor paaweer status going to be reached before or after balochistan becomes a independent country ?

Jokes aside , what exactly does economic power mean to you ?
If India is as successful enough to be alongside Israel then that's a good thing , they are more stable & influential than most Midwestern countries . Also there is a huge difference between being the bottom 13 than the bottom 69th . Also its funny because you are implying Russia is a failed state .

Right , lets forget history , because having a unstable state as a neighbor won't go wrong .

Nice propaganda , the same can be said to India who out growths the region even with paks state sponsored terrorism .

:rofl: is paks supor paaweer status going to be reached before or after balochistan becomes a independent country ?

Jokes aside , what exactly does economic power mean to you ?

Patriotic Indian Named @TaiwanNumber1 :alcoholic: Rest of your gibberish is just that gibberish.

Well I dont blame you for being a Pakistani:lol::lol::lol::lol:. "Almost failed state next to Israel". did you also failed to see that even china and saudi arabia is also listed under 'warning'. :blah::blah::blah:


Oh I didn't fail to see anything, as I am not the source provider you are.
Patriotic Indian Named @TaiwanNumber1 :alcoholic: Rest of your gibberish is just that gibberish
Do you comment for the sake of replying ?:what: there is a genuine question in that post .

at least try to troll harder , there is no reason for you to fail in that too .

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