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Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future


Jesus "cupcake". I choked on my "coffee" munchkin .. Don't you ever ever ever ever ever ever ever try and be funny like that.

So much for your material and calculation cupcake .. :haha:

Btw did mommy with answering this yet or are you going to turn tail and run again "cupcake"?

Did you have some point you wanted to make? Usually you people just have brain farts put into posts somehow :rofl: :lol: :cheers:
Did you have some point you wanted to make? Usually you people just have brain farts put into posts somehow :rofl: :lol: :cheers:

I made hellalotta "points" at post no. 8212411 darling, something you've been running away form ever since .. :drag:

try to not shit all over yourself, while answering them munchkins :sarcastic:

Pakistan listed in the Top Ten superpowers of the future | Page 2

And ofcourse sweetheart .. this post is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo intellectual innit hon ???? :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

You a Stanford grad darling? :sarcastic:

Pakistan surely should be ranked on the top of the list because in the near future, robots, money, prosperity etc would not be counted by themselves.
I have my own reservations on this list as well and i tried to understand the idea behind this optimism (In case of Pakistan being in the list of course) but seems like some Indian posters are not trying to talk based on extrapolation of facts on ground but have retorted to trolling and ad hominem. We do understand the hostility and mutual emotions of hatred for each other but discussing on point doesn't seem like a way for some.

I have my own reservations on this list as well and i tried to understand the idea behind this optimism (In case of Pakistan being in the list of course) but seems like some Indian posters are not trying to talk based on extrapolation of facts on ground but have retorted to trolling and ad hominem. We do understand the hostility and mutual emotions of hatred for each other but discussing on point doesn't seem like a way for some.
I have my own reservations on this list as well and i tried to understand the idea behind this optimism (In case of Pakistan being in the list of course) but seems like some Indian posters are not trying to talk based on extrapolation of facts on ground but have retorted to trolling and ad hominem. We do understand the hostility and mutual emotions of hatred for each other but discussing on point doesn't seem like a way for some.

I have my own reservations on this list as well and i tried to understand the idea behind this optimism (In case of Pakistan being in the list of course) but seems like some Indian posters are not trying to talk based on extrapolation of facts on ground but have retorted to trolling and ad hominem. We do understand the hostility and mutual emotions of hatred for each other but discussing on point doesn't seem like a way for some.

Why do think that is?

Apart from a very very dubious OP source, facts are not exactly on Pakistan's side. If you think India will be number one and Pakistan will be number 10 then be my guest but some semblance of logic would be very much appreciated.
Apart from a very very dubious OP source, facts are not exactly on Pakistan's side. If you think India will be number one and Pakistan will be number 10 then be my guest but some semblance of logic would be very much appreciated.
Like i said i have reservations on Pakistan being in top ten because the current development does not show it that way. There was no mention of Brazil as well in that list which is doing really well.
India - superpower by 2020 :lol:

Pakistan - Superpower :lol:
Like i said i have reservations on Pakistan being in top ten because the current development does not show it that way. There was no mention of Brazil as well in that list which is doing really well.

Its not just about the current development but the strength of institutions and a medium to long term game plan, both are sorely missing I am afraid.

Also Brazil is not doing very good at the moment (i.e. past five years) but chances of it jumping back on the high growth band wagon are high.
Why do think that is?

Apart from a very very dubious OP source, facts are not exactly on Pakistan's side. If you think India will be number one and Pakistan will be number 10 then be my guest but some semblance of logic would be very much appreciated.

Instead of just "statements" like the rest of a billion internet warriors......how about you provide some facts? I know hate towards Pakistan is a part of your genetic make up. But, let's try to overwrite your genes once and see some facts coming from you so we can debate?

I also disagree with the source that Pakistan will be number 3 super power. But based on the numbers that I am seeing from an investment standpoint, political influence and all, I think it is very fair to assume Pakistan will be a top 10 major power. There is no doubt in that. If you have facts otherwise, list them out and I'll discuss with you. There is no "optimism" in that, its something bound to happen.

In the dot com bubble, in NY, a lot of people used to get frustrated with Indians due to accents and all. I'll share an example with you and this isn't to insult anyone, its actually a really positive example. Back in 1998-2000, during dotcom stuff, I've heard a billion times that after talking to an H1B guy, a local white guy would get frustrated and would say stuff like "Fukking Indians, they think they are smarter than us".

But back then, I used to think, based on the population size that can work in IT, associated revenue and if this revenue can be used smartly, that alone can take India to be the top 3 economies of the world. Well, my projections weren't too far off, and today, India is number third on the list. So just like that, Pakistan may not seem like its there yet, but there are a LOT of inputs going into projecting Pakistan in the top ten. Will it happen tomorrow? No, will it start to shape up in the next decade to come, you'll be the witness of that for sure. The entire Western economic houses are waiting for CPEC to finish up so that they can pour investments into Pakistan.
^^^^ Learn to communicate like a civilized human being. Post reported.
I have seen many in this forum mentioning about the shadow economy without actually knowing what it actually consists of. Yes its true, it is out of tax net, that's because, either they are earned illegally (eg. Taliban extorting money, or opium trade forms a part of this shadow economy) or the tax authorities find it uneconomical to track them like the chaiwalas, puncture repair shops or maid servants, or small marginal marginal farmers. The higher the proportion of this shadow economy in the the total GDP, the more backward the country is. So there is nothing to be proud of the stated 40% shadow economy of Pakistan.

And yes, you don't just simply add those 40% to your GDP numbers to come at a new imaginary GDP figure. The GDP figure of any country already includes the figures representing the Shadow economy.

To understand the concept, think of a country X, which has only one factory producing 1000$ in revenue. The factory pays 100$ as wages to its only worker who pay 10$ to his maid servant. Now, what should be the GDP of X? 1000, 1100 or 1110? The worker and the maid servant may be part of the shadow economy, but the GDP figure of X would remain 1000$ irrespective of the fact all pay taxes or not.

recently took Econ101?
Even with no outstanding effort to fix things India will end up in the big three with USA and China. India will have its hand full with internal issues that there are not going to be a traditional superpower like USA.

Russia has no chance of being a superpower. They are largest state by area. They have a large nuclear arsenal. Beyond that they are declining in all respects. I see no way they turn things around in the next 50 years.

Pakistan can do well as a trade hub if they establish friendly relations with her neighbors. Nothing changes the fact they are dwarfed by China and India. I can see Pakistan being the 5th or 6th largest economy in 50 years. But it won't be a super-power. It will be like Italy compared to USA.

China is going to be a second superpower. No questions here.

Japan is too small and too far away to impact the world as a super power. Their population is declining.
Ditto with U.K.

Turkey is by no means a superpower. Their only ace card is the control of Straits of Bosporus. It bottles up the Russian Black Sea fleet. As Russia fades into oblivion so does the importance of Turkish control of the straits.

Canada is dwarfed by USA to play any meaningful role in world politics. USA is too good a neighbor to piss off.

Germany is interesting. They have their hands full with European integration which will eventually fail.

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