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Pakistan likely to buy 10 helicopters Mi-26 Russian

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We did want the Chinooks though.

By the way why were Chinooks denied to us? Any particular reason since Chinooks are neither offensive weapons nor do they give any leverage to Pakistan that may offset the balance in Pakistan's favor.
We have traditionally been deined tactical or strategic weaponry for decades

No Awacs (Early warning to airforce)
No SAMs (Automated city /parameter defences)
No Transport weapons (No ability to transport 50,000 troops suddenly to battle fields)
No Helicopters (Meaning tanks and infantry units are sitting ducks)
Spy sattelites
No Submarines
No Night vision / visor program for soldiers

In absence of these assets our forces have weakened every 10 years

Using private means Pakistan has done some fill gaps
Saab awacs, Chinese Awacs
Italian air defence system
Some old C130 past their age etc
Few sqaudrons of 1970's style helicopters
No spy sattelites etc sadly
Some development on submarine front

We are really stuck between ww2 , and 1970/Early 80's levels from technology point of view

Having some Heavy lift helicopters would be great addition to Military force from its capabilities prespective as we are falling behind

From Technology Stand point I would call Pakistan Military 2000 Level force only when

a) We have SAMs
b) Proper Helicopter Inventory
c) Ample sattelites to recon
d) Proper number of submarines and destroyers
e) Transport planes of modern age
f) Not to mention locally produced Communication Devices (encryption etc) not imported stuff
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By the way why were Chinooks denied to us? Any particular reason since Chinooks are neither offensive weapons nor do they give any leverage to Pakistan that may offset the balance in Pakistan's favor.
The Chinooks were not denied per se, but rather told that it would be difficult to justify their purchase as objections would be raised over their very effective capability to operate in the mountains and deliver large loads. These would be seen as boosting the capability of Pakistan to fight in the Kashmir and Siachen areas.
The Chinooks were not denied per se, but rather told that it would be difficult to justify their purchase as objections would be raised over their very effective capability to operate in the mountains and deliver large loads. These would be seen as boosting the capability of Pakistan to fight in the Kashmir and Siachen areas.
Oscar please see this Unban @GreenFoe Mods and Webmaster
Even the Non - Nato ally status has proven quite not useful only stuff we got was in 2005-2006 after that we have not recieved much

a) We did not get retired F16, or retiring F15
b) We did not get retried OHP or destroyers or submarine
c) We did not get any surplus helicopters, or transport helicopter surplus
d) We did not get any surplus Missiles
e) We did not get any surplus communication devices
f) We did not get any surplus C130 like planes

Yes we have fallen behind between 1980 to now in 2014 (34 Years , and we have not fill gaps in technology)

Considering the above , its safe that we should get more equipment from Russia like helicopters or even China to fill gaps in Military
Pakistan interested in buying transport helicopters Mi-26

Government of Pakistan has the ability to purchase an interest in heavy transport helicopters Mi-26, according to Itar-Tass . It is about delivering ten machines of this type. Whether began negotiations for the supply of helicopters, is still unknown. Not specified, and possible timing of signing the agreement.
Currently in service with Pakistan no one helicopter Mi-26. It clarifies the agency from 1996 to 2010, Russia supplied Islamabad about 70 multipurpose helicopters Mi-8/17/171. According to Flightglobal MiliCAS, currently six of these helicopters flying in the Air Force of Pakistan and another 46 units - consisting of army aviation...

Lenta.ru: Наука и техника: Оружие: Пакистан заинтересовался покупкой транспортных вертолетов Ми-26
China is producing Z-8K/KA and other variants [licensed Super Frelon SA321] why not look into it as well.

MI26 frequently used , provided by private russian companies.



Unit cost
15,000,000–18,000,000 USD (2013) Mi26
35,000,000–35,000,000 USD (2008) Chinook
Engine type
131' Mi26i
99' Chinook
Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Boeing Rotorcraft Systems

Let's have some honest comparison






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no wonder; at least now they realized that business is not done with a customer its done with many customers

better be late than never; nonetheless a great move as they exhibited a greater and soft heart towards us by trying to help us out in countering many things.....if this moves ahead it could really be great :pakistan:

Ah blah blah blah blah blah blah [Edited by Luftwaffe]

Don't derail this thread stop posting indian blah blah all over this thread don't concern any hindustanis...another post and you shall be reported.
no wonder; at least now they realized that business is not done with a customer its done with many customers

better be late than never; nonetheless a great move as they exhibited a greater and soft heart towards us by trying to help us out in countering many things.....if this moves ahead it could really be great :pakistan:

Well Russia have already sold around 70 Mi-17s to Pak in last 15 years so I don't think it has anything to do with what you are saying. Front line weapons are another thing though.
Secondly I guess Pakistan has already a long list of all sort of weapons to buy as priority over this so again I won't be surprise if Its just a hot air.
And lastly Its Pakistan which has asked for Mi-26s and Russia has not offered.(not sure about reliablity of the news though for obvious reasons stated above).
Edit :
Pakistan likely to buy 10 helicopters Mi-26 Russian
Islamabad had expressed interest in buying about 10 transport helicopter Mi-26 multipurpose.

Pakistan có khả năng mua 10 máy bay trực thăng Mi-26 của Nga - Tin tức - Kinh tế - Tiếng nói nước Nga

Pakistan is included in the list of countries where Russia can supply military equipment, military-diplomatic source in the Russian capital told ITAR -TASS.

He said that Pakistan is interested in large transport helicopters Mi-26. In addition, Pakistan “is interested in high-precision weapons, artillery, air defense systems, long-range missiles, guided missiles,” – the source said.

The largest suppliers of military equipment to Islamabad are China and the U.S., while Russia has traditionally supplied weapons to other major player in the region – India. According to open sources, Moscow supplied to Pakistan only 70 transport helicopters Mi-17/Mi-171 in 1996-2010.
Source: Pakistan included in the list of countries to which Russia can supply military equipment | newsworldrussia



Russia is a free player on the world arms market, but it is not excluded that the supplies to Pakistan will be coordinated with India and China. This was stated by Russian experts commenting on reports that Russia has placed Pakistan on the list of countries it might supply military products.

According to independent sources, Moscow had supplied about 70 Mi-17 / Mi-171 transport helicopters to Pakistan from 1996 to 2010. At present, Pakistan has shown keen interest in high precision weapons, air defence systems, artillery and long-range guided ammunition. It is also interested in the Mi-26 large transport helicopters.

Earlier, China and the U.S. have been the key suppliers of arms to Pakistan. Russia has traditionally been the largest weapon supplier to India. Concerning the impact of possible weapons supplies to Pakistan on Russia’s relations with these countries, director of the Centre for Public and Political Studies Vladimir Evseev has this to say.

“India understands that these supplies are stipulated by extremely negative developments in Afghanistan. When the U.S. blocks the purchase of Russian weapons for the Afghan army, cooperation between Russia and Pakistan is of crucial importance. Moreover, lately, relations between Pakistan and the U.S. have improved. Consequently, very complicated situation is building up here. On the one hand, Pakistan wants to have an alternative to American weapons. On the other hand, Russia wants to strengthen its position in the region. I can’t say that Russian-Indian relations will worsen on a background against possible supply of Russian weapons to Pakistan. Most likely, Russia will coordinate with India any form of military contacts with Pakistan. The reason here is that India and China are priority for Russia. As a whole, India should respond calmly if Russia coordinates its position with it,” Evseev said.

Russia’s intention to increase its share in the weapons market in Pakistan will surely trigger a mixed reaction in Beijing, says expert at the Institute of the Russian Far East Pavel Kamennov.

“China will be dissatisfied, of course. However, Russia is free on the world weapons market like the U.S. and other leading arms producers. It is free in choosing its partners. It is a different story that this might please somebody and disappoint some others. It is impossible to exclude possible consultations and exchange of information to this end. The reason is that Russia and China are strategic partners. There is always a political factor in weapons trade. However, this means that the Russian leaders have considered that there is a possibility of doing so,” Kamennov said.

Possible supply of Russian weapons to Pakistan will not cause tension in the Russia-China-India-Pakistan format, says president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov.

“Pakistan’s relations with India are strained. At least, there are no bloody conflicts over Jammu and Kashmir. Moreover, India and Pakistan are observer-states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and have made bids for its memberships. Russia actively supports India, while China – Pakistan. Consequently, in this case the balance of strength is changing in favour of forming a collective security system. If Russia wants to supply arms to Pakistan, it will have to discuss this matter with India because we have closer relations with it. We hold joint exercises and carry out joint researches to develop advanced weapons. Russia has no such relations with Pakistan. Consequently, Russia will establish closer relations with Pakistan without harming its cooperation with India. I believe this will happen smoothly,” Ivashov said.

If Russia does not supply Pakistan with necessary weapons, then other countries, especially its opponents, will do so. Russia has no intention to give up its position on the Pakistani market when it clearly has competitive advantages.
Read more: Russia ready to supply Pakistan with military hardware - News - Politics - Russian Radio
May be looking in to JV with China on board too...

MI26 frequently used , provided by private russian companies.



Unit cost
15,000,000–18,000,000 USD (2013) Mi26
35,000,000–35,000,000 USD (2008) Chinook
Engine type
131' Mi26i
99' Chinook
Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant
Boeing Rotorcraft Systems

Let's have some honest comparison






May be a counter rotating version of it.
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