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Pakistan likely to buy 10 helicopters Mi-26 Russian

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They had no problem selling su-27 n mig-29 to Pak in the 90s..

But if I was in the drivin seat I wouldn't buy a damn thing unless it comes with a tot .. Missiles n sma arms maybe but arty n helis nope.. As for mi spares not a big problem you can buy em from former soviet states china ..

sir I respect your opinion but problem is now its not 90's ... things have changed a lot ..
but what do you think about the engines for jf ?! will Russian sell it to us ?
you have the point , but problem is there are always some weapons which are only for its friendly users ,like I don't think Russians will sell Su-30MKI or Yankot (barhamos) to Pak ...

You are right and thats what we are saying from very start.

Russia is fine doing business of non-lethal and non-critical equipment with pak. Transport helos or utility ones are things you can look for as of now.

Anything lethal with commonality with India is far fetched.
You are right and thats what we are saying from very start.

Russia is fine doing business of non-lethal and non-critical equipment with pak. Transport helos or utility ones are things you can look for as of now.

Anything lethal with commonality with India is far fetched.

yes but I am also saying the same things that non leathal is what we expect from Russians for now
yes but I am also saying the same things that non leathal is what we expect from Russians for now

SAM, missiles as stated in article is too optimistic.

Also Mi26 is not a best bet for pakistan forces. Its wins over CH-47 hands down in lifting capabilities but it cost a fortune in maintenance terms and thats why India went for chinooks and not this elephant even when we already operate few.

Pak forces are known to use their limited budgets more cautiously.
SAM, missiles as stated in article is too optimistic.

Also Mi26 is not a best bet for pakistan forces. Its wins over CH-47 hands down in lifting capabilities but it cost a fortune in maintenance terms and thats why India went for chinooks and not this elephant even when we already operate few.

Pak forces are known to use their limited budgets more cautiously.

SAM's are reasonable no ?? jajajjaj not long range but short range are ok with Russians to sell , long range we can get with china .. yaar honestly I don't know much about transport heli's but I am talking about attack heli in a sense we need to crush terrorism and for groud support ..I don't think US will never sell apache to us
Great chopper to go for...

To other Pakistani posters-please excuse this part of the post.

pdfs troll tank is back with truck load of BS .We develop our own weapons systems for export..there are many more.


Dhruv or Rudra?
SAM's are reasonable no ?? jajajjaj not long range but short range are ok with Russians to sell , long range we can get with china .. yaar honestly I don't know much about transport heli's but I am talking about attack heli in a sense we need to crush terrorism and for groud support ..I don't think US will never sell apache to us

Actually the scarcity in attack helos is something on pak itself to blame for.

They always use the military aid money to buy sophisticated weaponry to be used in war against India like F-16 or JF-17 which was actually given to buy assets to be used in dealing with these terrorist hiding in caves and jungles.

You need a CAS craft to fight these scums not a jet like falcon.

You have better chance in US selling you apache than Russia selling you a Flanker.
sir I respect your opinion but problem is now its not 90's ... things have changed a lot ..
but what do you think about the engines for jf ?! will Russian sell it to us ?

Didn't they already do that?.. Also seems relations with Russia are getting better recently with Pak Navy n Russian navy visiting n conducting joint ex for the first time in history.. N such news..

@ammy here lady :

Russia offered Su-27 and Mig-29 to PAF in the 90s | Page 6
Actually the scarcity in attack helos is something on pak itself to blame for.

They always use the military aid money to buy sophisticated weaponry to be used in war against India like F-16 or JF-17 which was actually given to buy assets to be used in dealing with these terrorist hiding in caves and jungles.

You need a CAS craft to fight these scums not a jet like falcon.

You have better chance in US selling you apache than Russia selling you a Flanker.

I disagree with you here , after nuclear test most of our deals with west were over .. because of sanctions .
but as a nation we also have a right to defend our borders , if usa wont give than we would been going in different direction
I didn't get where do you disagree.
You have right to defend your nation-- Yes.
Against India -- Yes
Against Terrorists --Yes.
So you need heavy fighters to defend against terrorist? -- No
Against India ? -- Yes
But against terrorist you need CAS/attack helos or F-16? I guess attack helos
So if you get aid money to equip for war against terror, what you should focus on? F-16 or attack helos?
Answer is simple, its attack helos but you use it to get more stronger against India. Anyways thats your choice.
No joint exercise happened. He is just spreading lies.

I like how you made the entire defensive doctrine into a flowchart of yes or no. Wish it was that simple. If you are given money to buy stuff from the most hi-tech country in the world and you can buy a motorcycle or a Ferrari with that much money......what would you buy? If your answer is the motorcycle....then I rest my case as senseless arguments have no winners. In case of Choppers vs. top line jets like the -16......ANY country would buy the -16. Pakistan could be buddy-buddy with India or vis-a-vis and the -16 would still be the pick as it can do a LOT more than just the basic work in NW areas......can't blame someone for using common sense bro
Just rumor.

Listen to what fatman said in your stated thread--

Lmao im the source is reliable n internally recognised n it's also mentioned in PAFs official history .. Read from th start:

The official History of the Pakistan Air Force mentions this as well. Both Russian and Ukrainian Su-27 Flankers were offered and evaluated in the past. Other sources close to the PAF have also confirmed this. The deals fell through for various reasons, geo-politics, internal politics, finance and, not the least, capability.

There are a lot of Flanker lovers in Pakistan. If it were up to them, the J-11 would be in Pakistan before the first FC-20 flies. I, personally, have no opinions. The J-11 should be acquired if required, otherwise, our Fourth Generation needs are being catered for. Time to look forward.

P.S PAF pilots are already flyin on hinder su-30mkks n 27s .. Search PDF or F-16-net you will find a few f-16 drivers with hours on Chinese su"s.
Rudra is armed version of Dhruv. Its Dhruv though.


Russian navy did not conduct any joint excercise with pak navy.

The incident you are referring to is Russian paying a visit to your port when they were returning back after having a joint excercise with 17 nation including India.

Dont spread lies.

Dhruv is like a failed product right? I remember it having a few crashes in a very short span?
It is not big end articles like Su30 or S300 etc but think about avionics and engine of JF17 directly from Russia. Those articles are either bought from third parties or Russia do no one can stop Russia delivering them.
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