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Pakistan Keen To Purchase F-16 Fleet From Norway: Mukhtar

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The Minister also conveyed that Pakistan was keen to purchase F-16 aircraft fleet which was reportedly being replaced by Norway with F-35 Lightning-II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).
Forget it! There's something called an End User Agreement that all countries buying American weapon platforms are to strictly adhere to. Without the permission of the US of A, these aircraft cannot be sold to third countries. And they are never going to give permission for that!

Having said that, why on earth should Pakistan go in for a 40 year old platform like the F-16s when there are other better options?
Forget it! There's something called an End User Agreement that all countries buying American weapon platforms are to strictly adhere to. Without the permission of the US of A, these aircraft cannot be sold to third countries. And they are never going to give permission for that!

Having said that, why on earth should Pakistan go in for a 40 year old platform like the F-16s when there are other better options?

perhaps because... this is something 2 years old!
the PAk US relations were good. perhaps PAF planned to buy some more F-16 Blk52 and looking for some old ones to support these after MLU!
now things have changes. PAF is well satisfied with JFT. J10B is around the corner. PAF might not be going for anymore US equipment. so thats end of debate i guess.
Who ever Dug this thread up could easily see the date of thread creation .... This news is old and Pakistan is not going for old Norwegian F-16.
No F-16s from Norway, they are in a very poor condition and aren't worth it. Over.

what makes you say that lol these are in way much better condition then pak f16s dude its not india or Somalia or africa
Norway not interested in F35 program. Not having enough funds to replace F16, so they will keep it.
so now we are getting big "F" not 16............lol
Norway not interested in F35 program. Not having enough funds to replace F16, so they will keep it.
are u insane funds my dear norway is 1 of the richest country on this whole planet lol and the for u r information in minister of defence Roger Ingebrigtsen him self said (. I have no reasons to believe that. I was more nervous two years ago than I am today") and 1st they were thinkng to buy 48 planes now they are going to buy 52 and they were not buying it cz ( Norwegian F-35s must be equipped with a braking parachute to operate on icy runways in the far North, and this is a compulsory point Oslo specified on its order. "Lockheed Martin needs to solve this.. "Lockheed Martin needs to solve this. We need parachutes on the first fighter we procure" the minister ended. ) Lockheed welcomes Norway backing of F-35 fighter | Reuters
what does mr.mukhtar know, he just lost his defence portfolio.
i just laugh at our MOD
look at indian MOD
he is so professional

and our MOD dnt even knw the differrnce between fighter and commercial plane
i just laugh at our MOD
look at indian MOD
he is so professional

and our MOD dnt even knw the differrnce between fighter and commercial plane

remember the last time with the FC-20 and J-20 controversy... LOL!
Thankfully he is no longer the defence minister, Pak military must be relaxed now :)
We should just leave F16 its only to make more commission and corruption money, we should spend money on JF17 and further research and development of it
if we can get it via ED from USA and pay only for upgrades then fine, other wise A BIG NO!
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