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Pakistan Karachi airport attack

Osama Ali_16

Apr 17, 2014
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It is a shock to hear and unexpected that six or seven terrorists started firing in the Karachi International airport. Many people got killed and few minutes later Pakistan Army took the charge of the airport . Pakistan Army fought the terrorists bravely and four of its men embraced shahadat. Pakistan Army has got the ability to counter every kind of rival force as said by the Pakistan Army chief Raheel Sharif. After 3 hours of operation Pakistan Army got the enemy down and cleared the airport. Bags of heavy armor , food items, grenades ,missiles and injections were found from the terrorists. The guns and injections used by the terrorists are Indian as reported. The tehreek e taliban Pakistan claims responsibility of the attack but evidence says that the terrorist are thought to be raw agents. The mystery of the Karachi airport attack remains hidden ! Pakistan Army zindabad ! Pakistan Paendabad!
It is a shock to hear and unexpected that six or seven terrorists started firing in the Karachi International airport. Many people got killed and few minutes later Pakistan Army took the charge of the airport . Pakistan Army fought the terrorists bravely and four of its men embraced shahadat. Pakistan Army has got the ability to counter every kind of rival force as said by the Pakistan Army chief Raheel Sharif. After 3 hours of operation Pakistan Army got the enemy down and cleared the airport. Bags of heavy armor , food items, grenades ,missiles and injections were found from the terrorists. The guns and injections used by the terrorists are Indian as reported. The tehreek e taliban Pakistan claims responsibility of the attack but evidence says that the terrorist are thought to be raw agents. The mystery of the Karachi airport attack remains hidden ! Pakistan Army zindabad ! Pakistan Paendabad!
Too late boy. Many threads even stopped commenting on that sad incident.
You could have searched for existing threads and posted there instead of creating a new one. There are several threads running already.
Actually i think doing a work by your self is better than cheating! I was trying to do something creative i know i could have done that and thanks for the comment and please ad me :)
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. The tehreek e taliban Pakistan claims responsibility of the attack but evidence says that the terrorist are thought to be raw agents. The mystery of the Karachi airport attack remains hidden ! Pakistan Army zindabad ! Pakistan Paendabad!
Your statement "The mystery of the Karachi airport attack remains hidden".What mystery,The Militants had killed more then 50000 people apart from destruction to property & infrastructure..After so many attacks if u write that There is mystery in Karachi attack then Something must be wrong with you What about the attack on Marriot Hotel.I had seen the footage on a Pakistani channel.Well This is not the first time that Militants had attacked any Airport,before that the Peshawar airport,the Kamran air base,the PNS Naval harbour.
There are also attacks on Buses carrying your Navy staff.What about the attack on a federal court in Islamabad.The jail break in Bannu despite high security,the attack on a POLICE FUNERAL inside the mosque in Quetta killing several top police officers. What about the attack on International Mountain climbers in Gilgit.The list is almost endless.
About Indian medicines injections,India exports the same to several countries.If the terrorist were wearing REEBOK shoes will u blame UK.What about the Trousers,their Bags & the SUICIDE VESTS,
What I am seeing right now is the Militants have changed their strategy,they are attacking vital Installations with much force causing severe damage.The militants also have sleeper cells all over Pakistan
The guns and injections used by the terrorists are Indian as reported.

I don't know but the injections used are used commonly is Pakistan, most probably your army too since you dont produce them in Pakistan.

Please declare all the Indian medicine users in paksitan as RAW agents as well...:lol:
My dearest son Suresh! Indian injections are never ever used in Pakistan it's only used in Indian army or Raw ! So please dont make false statements now! Its all clear the attack was from India !
My dearest son Suresh! Indian injections are never ever used in Pakistan it's only used in Indian army or Raw ! So please dont make false statements now! Its all clear the attack was from India !
So many things are smuggled in Pakistan from Afghan Border.What about Suicide vests worn by the attackers,Is it Indian made

Smuggled Medicines Save Lives | Inter Press Service
Smuggled Medicines Save Lives
By Ashfaq YusufzaiReprint | | Print | Send by email |En español

Despite hurdles in trade, Indian medicines find their way usefully into Pakistan. Credit: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS.

PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Feb 26 2014 (IPS) - They are contraband, yet a large number of Pakistanis have come to depend on drugs made in India and smuggled into Pakistan. Patients as well as doctors say these are cheap and effective, even as law enforcers look the other way.

The two countries do not have a trade agreement on drugs, but markets in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in the north of Pakistan do brisk business in India-made medicines that are sold over the counter.

“We are aware of huge stocks of medicine being smuggled into Pakistan from Afghanistan but we don’t take action because we know these benefit the local population." -- drug inspector Muhammad Riaz

“I have been prescribing India-made medicines to patients for a long time because of their effectiveness,” Dr Abdul Kabir, a medical practitioner based on the outskirts of Peshawar, tells IPS.

Doctors in rural areas prescribe them to people who cannot afford the pharmaceutical products of western multinational companies or do not find local brands effective.

For instance, famotidine, a locally made drug used for stomach-related illnesses, is available for 200 to 500 Pakistani rupees (1.90 to 4.70 dollars) while the same preparation from India is sold at 30 to 50 rupees (30 to 45 cents).

Most of the 60,000 chemists in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) rake in a good income from the sale of Indian drugs.

“Pharmaceutical items smuggled in from India are available over the counter and officials concerned also know that these are effective,” Mushtaq Ali, a Peshawar-based chemist, tells IPS.

Ali says Indian medicines such as antibiotics, painkillers, anti-cancer injections, tranquillisers and anti-hypertensive drugs are easily available and have plenty of buyers. Among these are paracetamol, diclofenac, misoprostol, amoxicillin and ampicillin.

“Most chronically ill patients prefer Indian drugs because they require medication for longer periods. Local medicines are extremely expensive compared to Indian ones, so people opt for the latter.”

Patients in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA are the biggest beneficiaries of Indian drugs. That is because Afghanistan purchases drugs from India under a trade agreement and from there the medicines are smuggled to these two areas that border the neighbouring country.

“We are aware of huge stocks of medicine being smuggled into Pakistan from Afghanistan but we don’t take action because we know these benefit the local population,” drug inspector Muhammad Riaz tells IPS.

There are around 200 MNCs and 300 local pharmaceutical companies that sell drugs in Pakistan but their products are expensive, he says. The MNCs import raw material from their parent countries.

On the other hand, low-priced drugs marketed by local companies are often not effective, and are not always prescribed by doctors, Riaz says.

He says Pakistan’s Federal Quality Control Board has often tested Indian medicines and found them to be highly effective. “So stopping the sale of smuggled Indian drugs would amount to denying treatment to impoverished people.”

Jaffar Shah, a resident of Mardan district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa says, “My father has been using medicines for high blood pressure for 10 years. Initially we used drugs marketed by MNCs, but then we ran out of money and resorted to an India drug which is far cheaper as well as effective.

“There are many people in our neighbourhood who use Indian drugs and are satisfied with their quality,” says Shah. “A neighbour of mine who suffers from cancer is taking Indian drugs as advised by his doctor because they are affordable.”

Indian medicines are also favoured for use for HIV/AIDS patients.

“Pakistan doesn’t have any trade agreement with India for medicines. The World Health Organisation has been importing anti-retroviral drugs from India for HIV/AIDS patients in Pakistan and these are provided at 13 centres across the country,” says Dr Atif Khan of the Hayatabad Medical Complex in Peshawar, capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

“These drugs are 20 times cheaper than those supplied by MNCs. They are being imported from India since 2005. These drugs are, however, only provided in hospitals under the supervision of qualified doctors,” he says.

The issue of smuggled Indian drugs has often come up in Pakistan’s National Assembly but the matter has been hushed up every time because lawmakers don’t want to invite public wrath by banning them, Khan says.

According to Rasool Shah, a senior teacher in the pharmacy department at the University of Peshawar, India had long allowed its manufacturers to get international patents for their products due to which its generic drug industry has flourished.

“Indian drug manufacturers try their best to get a slice of the 200 billion dollar market in Pakistan. MNCs based in the country are concerned because they are rapidly losing the market to Indian drugs.”
My dearest son Suresh! Indian injections are never ever used in Pakistan it's only used in Indian army or Raw ! So please dont make false statements now! Its all clear the attack was from India !
Osama Uncle Ji

How did the Militants entered the airport with much ease.Who provided them the layout of the airport.Is it Asif Ali Zardari Or Altaf Huessien,both are Karachi born. What were your security forces doing,were they munching peanuts or where they groping in dark.About Indian medicines,u can easily get the same in huge quantities from Kashmiri Militants,will Pakistan take action against Syed Salhuddin.Why would the Militants go fro Indian medicines when there are locally available substitutes.U have TTP spokesperson saying that this is just the beginning,many more attacks will follow .

About the current operation against TTP,it is bound to fail.The earlier operations in tribal areas have failed miserably.Infact after every operation,the Militants have hit Pakistan in a much harder way.

What about the blame game between Sindh & Punjab Government.
I am saying India aids the Terrorists group inside Pakistan i do not know about smuggled guns and stuff the whole terrorist group is from RAW!
And i object on your statement that operation failure in tribal areas our Pakistan Army has cleared 40 percent area of North waziristan . We have never failed in any operation! Karachi airport operation was success because the terrorists aimed the oil terminal which was safe guarded by our Army . Through oil terminal they could have destroyed our 8 aeroplanes! So you see how successful we are and our Army has always given a brilliant answer to your Indian soldiers at Kashmir and no doubt about that!
I am saying India aids the Terrorists group inside Pakistan i do not know about smuggled guns and stuff the whole terrorist group is from RAW!

Then make a case of it and challenge us instead of furiously typing on the internet.

Where is the so called proof from your ministers or your army? even after two weeks they couldnt come out with a shred of proof?

btw, the weapons were china make.
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