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Pakistan, India finance ministers spar over CPEC, OBOR


Jul 12, 2014
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Finance ministers of Pakistan and India sparred over China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) project during ADB’s annual meeting in Yokohama, Japan with Pakistan rejecting India’s objection and reiterating full support to China.

At a panel discussion, which saw the participation of ADB President Takehiko Nakao as well as the finance ministers of Pakistan, India and Indonesia, Arun Jaitley said his country had “reservations over OBOR due to sovereignty issues”.

While he refused to go into details, his remarks come in the backdrop of India’s objections over the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – part of OBOR – since it says the route runs through the disputed territory of Gilgit-Baltistan.

Pakistan has, on the other hand, given the region self-rule.

“We have reservations about China’s One Belt One Road project because of some sovereignty issues,” said Jaitley.

In response, Pakistan’s finance minister Ishaq Dar said that the project was important for regional connectivity.

“With due respect to some panelists, we strongly support OBOR and it is a great one connecting the region.”

In an otherwise drab discussion on ‘Asia’s Economic Outlook: talking trade’, this was the only time a disagreement arose. Dar, however, reiterated Pakistan’s position unequivocally.

The support to OBOR comes in large part due to the CPEC initiative that will see the two countries undertake investments worth more than $60 billion in Pakistan.
ajeeb bc qoum hai, international forum mei bhi dehati aurat ki tara roti rehti hai
India’s stance on forum irks China
Suhasini Haidar, May 6, 2017

India risks being “isolated” if it decides not to attend the Chinese Belt and Road Forum on May 14-15, a senior Chinese official said, adding that time was running out for “adequate arrangements” to be made for India’s participation.

Pointing to the fact that both Japan and the United States, that are not participating in the 60-nation Belt and Road infrastructure initiative, are sending delegations to the forum, the official said the Indian government had yet to confirm whether any officials including those from the Indian embassy in Beijing might participate in the event. “Our relations with India are much better than our relations with Japan, and even so Japan is sending an official and India has not said whether it will,” the official told a select group of journalists.

‘Absence will be felt’
The official denied that China was trying to put pressure on India to attend by making public statements on the issue. “But we know that bilaterally, India’s absence at the forum will be felt deeply, when 28 leaders are attending and more than 100 countries are sending official delegations… All India’s neighbours will attend… There is a risk India will seem isolated by not attending the event.”

The official said “mainstream” and trade ties between India and China remained strong, but admitted that issues like India’s NSG membership and push for the U.N. to designate Masood Azhar as a terrorist, both of which are blocked by China, as well as the Dalai Lama’s recent visit to Arunachal Pradesh had put a strain on their political relationship.

“India expects China to understand its concerns on these issues. We expect India to tell Dalai Lama to behave like a guest, like a religious leader, and stop him and the government in exile from doing politics against the Chinese government,” the official said, referring to the visit as painful.

“The Dalai Lama episode is like a sting for bilateral relations. Even after the bite, the pain remains.”

The official also pointed out that despite the strain in ties, India and China will see several high-level meetings this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping will meet at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Kazakhstan in June.

The MEA declined any comment on the Chinese official’s remarks, and the government has maintained that “no decision” has yet been taken on the level of India’s attendance at the Belt and Road. India has also made it clear that it is impossible to attend as long as China considers the CPEC projects planned in Azad Kashmir for Gilgit-Baltistan as a part of the Belt and Road initiative due to concerns over “sovereignty.”

Ex-envoy’s view

“India should ask China whether it is willing to address its concerns in such a way as to enable high-level Indian participation. Would China be willing to declare that the CPEC is not a component of the BRI but a separate bilateral China-Pakistan project?” former Ambassador P.S. Raghavan, who is the convener of the National Security Advisory Board, had written in an article for The Hindu on Thursday, suggesting that China would need to meet India’s concerns in order for a change in India’s stand.

Pakistan, India spar over China’s One Belt One Road initiative
SAM Staff, May 7, 2017


Photo: Express Tribune
Pakistan and India sparred over China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) project at a panel discussion in Yokohama, Japan on Saturday, with Finance Minister Ishaq Dar rejecting Delhi’s objections and reaffirming unequivocal support for Beijing’s transnational initiative.

Speaking at the discussion, held during the annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank, India’s Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said his country had “reservations over OBOR due to sovereignty issues.” He did not elaborate further but his remarks came in the backdrop of Delhi’s opposition to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is part of OBOR.

In response, Dar stressed the importance of the project for regional connectivity. “With due respect to some panelists, we strongly support OBOR. It is a great initiative to connect the region,” he said.

In an otherwise drab discussion on ‘Asia’s Economic Outlook: Talking Trade’ – in which ADB President Takehiko Nakao and Indonesia’s Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati also participated – this was the only time a disagreement arose. Dar, however, reiterated Pakistan’s position unequivocally.

Billing intra-regional trade and connectivity essential for sustainable economic development of Asia and the Pacific, the Pakistani minister said such a gigantic leap was needed to address economic challenges and persisting issues in a lasting manner. He added that ADB had a greater role to play in this regard to achieve ultimate economic goals and objectives.

“The world is now a global village. No region can survive economically in isolation. Cooperation, coordination and connectivity are badly needed to ensure economic development in this part of the planet,” Dar said.

“CPEC can not only ensure economic cooperation between China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Iran, but also pave a level playing course for all in terms of economic dividends,” he stressed, adding that regional trade and connectivity would ensure prosperity and check the menace of poverty.

Pakistan has achieved macro-economic stability

At a separate round table conference on the theme of ‘Responding to Rising Inequality’, Finance Minister Dar said Pakistan, having achieved macro-economic stability, is now focused on realising higher sustainable growth as part of economic turnaround.

“Pakistan’s Vision 2025, which prioritises investment in human capital and social services, recognises the importance of inclusive and balanced growth, and shared prosperity to redress geographical and social inequality,” he said.

The minister added that the “ruling democratic dispensation in Pakistan strongly believes that benefits of growth must be shared by all segments of society, especially marginalised groups.”

Nobody Gives A Damn What India Thinks.India Ignores OBOR To It's Own Peril
Nobody Gives A Damn What India Thinks.India Ignores OBOR To It's Own Peril

But certainly not China, they surely give a BIG DAMN I guess:).

It's the Chinese media and experts who come with suggestions and points begging India to join OBOR or CPEC while India doesn't even care about it apart for the sovereignty concern. LOL :p:




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How OBOR is benifitial to India? If we are getting economic benifit, we should join...Why there is so much fuss about that other Kashmir...
How OBOR is benifitial to India? If we are getting economic benifit, we should join...Why there is so much fuss about that other Kashmir...

Exactly, we are already connected to China via multiple border roads and the entire world without any OBOR, so what is the whole meaning of India joining it ?? :(
29 Top leaders of nations have announced definite attendance at the OBOR forum:
1. Argentina
2. Biero Russia
3. Chile
4. Czech
5. Indionesia
6. Kazakhstan
7. Kenya
8. Laos
9. Philippines [yes! Duterte gets to eat Beijing Duck again]
10. Russia Putin of course.
11. Switzerland Doris Leuthard
12. Turkey Erdogan
13. Uzbetkistan
14. Vietnam
15. Cambodia
16. Ethiopia
17. Fiji
18. Greece
19. Hungary
20. Italy PM Gentiloni
21. Malaysia
22. Ongolia
23. Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi
24. Pakistan Shariff
25. Poland
26. Serbia
27. Spain Rajoy
28. Sri Lanka
29. Kyrgistan

Notable not on the list:
Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, India, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, Japan, France, Britain, Holland, Denmark, Sweden,some more may wait to the last minute. But if you wanna be on the Supertrain, you have to be there. It is more important than the Beijing Olympics. Xi Jinping will chair a summit roundtable working through lunch.

Other VIPs come from 130 countries, 1500 in number. 4000 journalists will be on site.
Enter the Dragon: Xi Jinping's opening address to B&R forum
Source: Xinhua| 2017-05-14 22:38:12|Editor: ZD


Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) for International Cooperation in Beijing, capital of China, May 14, 2017. (Xinhua/Ma Zhancheng)
By H. L. Bentley

BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- In his opening address to the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing on Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke of the need for harmonious coexistence.
The issue, he said, that presses him most about the modern world is that there is a "deficit" in peace, development and governance which he describes as "a daunting challenge" for humanity.
At important junctures such as this, it serves us well to reflect on how we got here before we think about how to move forward. It is no secret that Western prosperity was built on conflict, plunder, slavery, and war. The result? Conflict, disagreement, and a sense of entitlement.

The prosperity of developed nations, which is celebrated as a characteristic of their "advancement," was built on militarism and colonization. The greed and self-serving agendas of many of today's developed nations have left them as broken societies, fighting among themselves over the most trivial of things.
They are, to paraphrase a Chinese proverb, a group of dragons without a leader. They were, for brief interludes, the greatest dragons of their time, but only because, like Tolkien's Smaug, they descended upon their target countries -- continents, even -- in flames, reaping vast hoards of treasure to use for their own lavish self-interest.

Today, another dragon is rising. A dragon that, according to Wang Yiwei, professor at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, has no interest in driving out the peoples or cultures of the nations it interacts with. This dragon comes to lead, not to conquer.
China stands ready to drive the development of Asia, Europe and Africa, with an agenda based on a spirit almost as old as the myths of dragons themselves: the spirit of the ancient Silk Road.

Peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit is what Xi associates with this ancient trade route. This is not only the right path for our shared future, but is the only option we have at this time.
"We find ourselves in a world fraught with challenges. Global growth requires new drivers, development needs to be more inclusive and balanced, and the gap between the rich and the poor needs to be narrowed," Xi told the forum.

Conflict has emerged on so many levels in modern times. Countries are literally torn apart by violence, terrorism and poverty. Those once great nations like the United States, Britain and France, the former guiding lights of freedom, equality and brotherhood, are more divided than ever. On one side stand those ready to open their hearts and minds to a better future, while on the other huddle those who would close their borders and lock themselves in a dark room, blaming everyone for their ills except themselves.
In some developed countries people are arguing about how much money a politician spends on their interior decoration, while in the developing world many people are united by the desire for a roof over their head.

As people in England complain about hose-pipe bans in the summer and Donald Trump's golf courses turn brown at the edges, in Africa only 5 percent of agricultural land is irrigated.
Once we have access to a little bit of prosperity, we argue about it. People who have everything, have everything to argue about. People who have nothing suffer in silence. The needy are united in their need.

The sad fact is that many of the world's poorest nations have been raped and robbed by former colonial powers who left them destitute while enriching themselves. These colonialists are often the very countries that have the audacity to speak in such lofty tones about "the China threat."
The developmental model of the past was neither sustainable nor fair. This is why a new approach is needed, one which, in the words of Xi, requires "partnerships of dialogue with no confrontation, and of friendship rather than alliance."

What China proposes is not "or," it is "and." It is not about I win or you win. It is not about us or them. Are you with me or against me? It is about you and me. It is about China and Vietnam. It is about Vietnam and Thailand, Thailand and Laos, the Maldives and Uzbekistan, joining hands and working together; a human chain for cooperation that stretches from ocean to ocean across some of the most troubled regions on the planet.
Xi said, "The pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative is not meant to reinvent the wheel. Rather, it aims to complement the development strategies of the countries involved by leveraging their comparative strengths."
When we talk about growth and prosperity in under-developed and developing nations, we are not talking about a new car, ten computers for every classroom or free health care for all. We are talking about a road, a classroom or a doctor.

Since it was first proposed in 2013, Xi told today's opening session, the Belt and Road has brought better infrastructure, increased trade, a degree of financial stability, and people from many lands working together to build railways, friendship, ports, and trust.
It has only been four years since Xi began his journey to building a better world, a mere Olympiad, but China is an intergenerational thinker. China's plans and initiatives do not span months or a single presidential term. When China looks to the future, China looks years, decades, centuries ahead. For more than a millennium the Silk Road was the world's most important trading corridor. With good will, trust and benefits for all, who knows what the next millennium may hold?

In the short term, China's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) includes a commitment to import 10 trillion U.S. dollars worth of goods and to invest more than 500 billion dollars overseas, much of this under the Belt and Road framework.
There is a Taoist scripture that says: Tao gave birth to the one, the one gave birth successively to two things, three things, up to 10,000 -- one belt, one road, one human race, one future.

The reason that the Belt and Road will succeed is not just that it is a grand plan for a future of shared destiny. It is a grand plan to bring basic standards of living to people who have, by any standards, nothing. It is about super highways and high-speed railways, but it is also about a toilet, a vaccination, an old-age pension and the security of a square meal at the end of a day of hard work.
"As we often say in China," Xi said, "'The beginning is the most difficult part.' A solid first step has been taken... We should build on the sound momentum generated to steer the Belt and Road Initiative toward greater success."

A grand plan must, and will, work in stages, with each nation contributing what they can when they can. Without predefined rules, the Belt and Road is about learning by doing, about seeking consensus project by project, said Zha Daojiong of Peking University.
We may not know what a prosperity built on sharing and cooperation will bring, but we know what the alternative brought. We know that we should give it a chance. It may not be our only shot at creating "a big family of harmonious coexistence," but it is the most viable option we have right now.

"Exchange will replace estrangement, mutual learning will replace clashes, and coexistence will replace a sense of superiority," said Xi -- a shared vision for our shared future.
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