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China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

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We already have railway connectivity. Such steps must be planned carefully so no security problems arise. I don´t trust China.

Chinese may transport a whole army division into the
middle of Berlin and capture the capital.
@Edison Chen
This will benefit people of Azad Kashmir.

But technical challenges will arise, which have to be dealt with and they must make sure that this route will be profitable.
Chinese may transport a whole army division into the
middle of Berlin and capture the capital.
@Edison Chen

I think you don´t get it. Its not about army devisions but national security. If ralways are owned from private corporations and even worse, foreign private corporations they could fall into a state of neglect. We have laws to prevent this.

I give you an example. Castle Reinhardsbrunn was bought from a russian investor. Locals said they don´t think he cares enough for it. Government checked the castle and then took it away from the russian investor without compensation.
I think you don´t get it. Its not about army devisions but national security. If ralways are owned from private corporations and even worse, foreign private corporations they could fall into a state of neglect. We have laws to prevent this.

I give you an example. Castle Reinhardsbrunn was bought from a russian investor. Locals said they don´t think he cares enough for it. Government checked the castle and then took it away from the russian investor without compensation.

I don't think you get a simple concept.

What China is talking about is faster railway connectivity between China and EU. Some new high speed lines will be built as part of this process. The railways on each nations territory will still be owned and completely controlled by each state and all they want is to simply speed up the process of transferring goods between China and the EU via Russia. This may involve having customs officials from all mentioned countries checking the cargo as per agreed protocols in the departure and destination stations.

This will also help both the EU and China stop worrying about US interference in their mutual trade in case of conflict between the US and China. EU may still stop trading with the Chinese in this circumstance but EU will still have the choice and the US Navy will have no involvement.

It is really no big deal apart from the fact that this is win-win for EU/China with the Russians collecting billions of Yuan/Euros in transit fees each year.
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How much far away is Lahore ?

Doesn't matter. Your days of hiding behind geographical depth are over.

Railway lines can be used for troop transportation and would be taken out in the event of a war.Same goes for Qinghai-Tibet railway

Looks like you have full plans to get thrashed by both China and Pakistan. Good. I like it. :)
Keep hoping.We have been heard claims like this for past 60 years.

India never overestimated itself in this manner in the past 60 years. Messing with both Pakistan and china. We would definitely show you your country's 2 aanai ki aukat.
India never overestimated itself in this manner in the past 60 years. Messing with both Pakistan and china. We would definitely show you your country's 2 aanai ki aukat.

Again,keep deluding.
Keep overestimating yourself rat.

Why do you call him a rat? Pakistani and Indians are the same people onl divided by religion. It was stupid to divide the country anyways.

I don't think you get a simple concept.

What China is talking about is faster railway connectivity between China and EU. Some new high speed lines will be built as part of this process. The railways on each nations territory will still be owned and completely controlled by each state and all they want is to simply speed up the process of transferring goods between China and the EU via Russia. This may involve having customs officials from all mentioned countries checking the cargo as per agreed protocols in the departure and destination stations.

This will also help both the EU and China stop worrying about US interference in their mutual trade in case of conflict between the EU and China. EU may still stop trading with the Chinese in this circumstance but EU will still have the choice and the US Navy will have no involvement.

It is really no big deal apart from the fact that this is win-win for EU/China with the Russians collecting billions of Yuan/Euros in transit fees each year.

I know this. Because of that i said it must be checked and guaranteed that we dont get cheated. Such plans need control.
Why do you call him a rat? Pakistani and Indians are the same people onl divided by religion. It was stupid to divide the country anyways.

Even other than religion, we are far different from them. Not forget Indian illegal occupation of territories like Kashmir.
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