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China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

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Why do you call him a rat? Pakistani and Indians are the same people onl divided by religion. It was stupid to divide the country anyways.

hey ignoramus, are spaniards and moroccans the same, are libyans and italians the same? just because two countries share some kind of boundary doesn't mean theyre the same. there is a minute number of people whose parents migrated from india, the rest of us have nothing to do with them beyond some similar tribes along border areas. 99% or more of both countries are unrelated in any way, shape or form even if you take away religion!
hey ignoramus, are spaniards and moroccans the same, are libyans and italians the same? just because two countries share some kind of boundary doesn't mean theyre the same. there is a minute number of people whose parents migrated from india, the rest of us have nothing to do with them beyond some similar tribes along border areas. 99% or more of both countries are unrelated in any way, shape or form even if you take away religion!

Yes we are the same, we were all part of the roman empire and look virtually the same. Just have different backgrounds.
Yes we are the same, we were all part of the roman empire and look virtually the same. Just have different backgrounds.

maybe you are owing to your ancestry, but arabs/berbers and native italians are not the same. tell spaniards that they look like moroccans. my point is, learn a little about the background of subcontinent before proclaiming stupid things.
maybe you are owing to your ancestry, but arabs/berbers and native italians are not the same. tell spaniards that they look like moroccans. my point is, learn a little about the background of subcontinent before proclaiming stupid things.

You still don´t get it right? My heritage is northern italian. The roman empire had a gargantuan mixture effect. And about your "subcontinent". I´m not that interested in 3rd world.

By the same retarded theory Iranians,Afghans and chinese are same people as Pakistanis.. even tajikistan n the 1 hour by boat oman?

Nobody in europe gives a shit about this places ;) For most people here you are all the same.
You still don´t get it right? My heritage is northern italian. The roman empire had a gargantuan mixture effect. And about your "subcontinent". I´m not that interested in 3rd world.

Nobody in europe gives a shit about this places ;) For most people here you are all the same.

why on this '3rd world' forum making comments on a thread about so called '3rd world' countries? obsessed or demented?
why on this '3rd world' forum making comments on a thread about so called '3rd world' countries? obsessed or demented?

for the laughs and giggles. I think its interesting to see what people from other parts of the world think.
There are more than 15 factories dedicated to producing CM's and Long Range Smart Bombs, i will let you do the calculations. If you want the exact numbers than you won't find them anywhere because its a State Secret, but the next best thing you can do is calculate how many storage depots are present there and whats their capacity size. Your Planners are confident that Pakistan has enough Missiles to cause some serious damage to India, just look at their posturing.
Again as i said, wishful thinking. Your Strategic Planners do not seem to be under any illusion that Pakistan cannot spare CM's for civilian infrastructure strikes. I suggest you do some research on the Annual Threat Analysis that is conducted by Pakistan's Armed Force, both military and civilian infrastructure targets are discussed quite extensively.
What you are offering in lieu of numbers are vague statements on 15 factories (barely 1 or two of which will actually be involved in churning out CM's) and talking about posturing.

That does not really cut it. You look at Pakistan's budget and its expenditure and the picture becomes clearer of how many CM's it would be producing.

If a threat needs to be neutralized, there is no barring what Pakistan will use in its arsenal to take out that target. India is huge, we cannot cover every inch but you can be damn sure that Pakistan can guide a Missile right inside Delhi's Sewerage Plant.

No arguments there, no Pakistani is under the illusion that Pakistan will come out unscathed unlike my Indian friends here who think that India will come out unscathed in a war against Pakistan.
Sure, Pakistan will be able to spare CM's to strike Delhi. But would it have enough to target crucial infrastructure of India ranging from Dams in North to North East India to crucial factories and labs in South India.
No. You simply donot have the numbers for that.

On the other hand simply by virtue of sheer size, distributed population, much more industrial and civilian infrastructure, and multiple times the military infrastructure present in India will ensure that Pakistan prioritizes on its limited inventory of CM's and focuses on military targets rather than infra.

Pakistan's efforts would amount to less than a drop in the ocean.

Pakistani's while not under the illusion that they will come out unscathed, do seem to harbour the illusion that they will be able to damage India as much as India will be able to damage them. That is not true by any stretch of imagination. As I mentioned before, any major infrastructure in Pakistan will be largely gone whereas Pakistan would not even be able to achieve this in Western India, let alone all of India.

True but at what cost? If Pakistan's Red Lines are threatened, Pakistan has made it clear it will switch to Nuclear Strikes. Its obvious that India is not willing to pay the price for attacking Pakistan's civil infrastructure. Despite bravado of punishing Pakistan, India has not dared target Pakistan's Infrastructure and largely kept its guns aimed at Pakistan's Military Formations.
India has largely kept its guns aimed at Pakistan's military formations because they are the first to be targeted if and when a war breaks out.

Once the war does break out, Pakistan's civilian infrastructure is as sure to be destroyed as the sun is sure to rise in the east. You are confusing a desire of 'punishing Pakistan' without follow up action on India's part to India's inability to spare resources to target Pakistani infrastructure. Whereas the cause is simply that there are more pressing priorities and bigger fish to fry than get dragged into a war with Pakistan at this stage of our economic development.

The same reason why even China can defeat Taiwan or Vietnam militarily and take it but donot do so, because in the grand scheme of things, it would be a mistake to stop their growth and rise at this point of time.

In 1947, tensions were already high as India had invaded Junagedh and Hyderabad without any provocation. India is the only nation in South Asia to use force to alter political course in other countries. India created the concept of supporting armed insurgencies in other South Asian Nations. This is the Age of Information my old friend, you can't B.S your way out of this.
Funny how you forget a little something called an Op. Gibraltar
Operation Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If tribal invasion of 1947 and an Op. Gibraltar in 1965 do not count as aggression, then I am not sure what does. I hope you wont be one of those who say Pakistan was suffered 'unprovoked attack on Lahore' :rolleyes1:

Or that Kargil was not an aggression but 'revenge' because last time I checked taking an unoccupied no mans land is different from taking occupied areas.

And the reason this change has happened is because India's resources have increased faster than Pakistan's resources over the decades.

Also a tangential point that I was making. That lack of resources does not allow PA the flexibility to target Indian infrastructure in any significant manner. It would have to prioritize and focus on military targets or only militarily relevant civilian targets. India on the other hand does not suffer from this constraint vis-a-vis Pakistan.
India's Population: 1.2 billion
Pakistan's Population: 180 million

Looks like your Math is getting rusty old friend, time to do some brain teaser exercises.
Notorious, when we compare nations, we principally use their Size ie Area. Because other factors such as population, weapons, etc keep changing. Otherwise when we say Pakistan fought against Soviet's we say Pakistan fought a 'giant' even though by your token it was a far more even fight based on population figures.

India is 4 times Pakistans size even if you include the entire Azad Kashmir including Gilgit and all in India.
Otherwise the practical number is 3.x Pakistan's size.

However if you want a feel good number, you can also start comparing how many cows and bulls India has vis-a-vis Pakistan to make it a 30 times larger figure.

Though even when we use population figures India has 6.6 times Pakistan's population. I am not sure how you came up with 'fighting an enemy 10 times your size'

I understand that this nothing but rhetoric to keep the morale up amongst Pakistani's who like to worsen the odds to feel better about their Army's lack of territorial wins on the ground , it is nonetheless poignant to point it out.

Now..might I recommend to you some of those brain teasers!!
This is great news. if it becomes fruit, Pakistan's economy will flourish for decades to come making her other neighbour very jealous.
Why many retarded low-quality Indians are trolling here? :hitwall:

Please stay focus on topic.


What you are offering in lieu of numbers are vague statements on 15 factories (barely 1 or two of which will actually be involved in churning out CM's) and talking about posturing.

So your hypothesizing while my assertions are based on the facts on the ground. As i said before, your Commanders are not as confident as you are. The answer lies in the actions and not the words.

That does not really cut it. You look at Pakistan's budget and its expenditure and the picture becomes clearer of how many CM's it would be producing.

Really? Do you honestly believe Pakistan can acquire and maintain all these sophisticated toys with a fighting force of almost 550k troops in a Budget of less than $10 billion. On a side note, Strategic Command has a separate budget from the Armed Forces. Despite the Economic Crunch in Pakistan, the budget for Strategic Forces was never reduced.

Sure, Pakistan will be able to spare CM's to strike Delhi. But would it have enough to target crucial infrastructure of India ranging from Dams in North to North East India to crucial factories and labs in South India.
No. You simply donot have the numbers for that.

No, Pakistan will target those sites it believes are crucial to paralyzing the Indian State. Whether it be Dams, Power Grids, Sewerage System or the C&C. Pakistan has enough missiles to spare for these endeavours, it all depends on the price the Indian Government is willing to pay.

On the other hand simply by virtue of sheer size, distributed population, much more industrial and civilian infrastructure, and multiple times the military infrastructure present in India will ensure that Pakistan prioritizes on its limited inventory of CM's and focuses on military targets rather than infra.

According to you, but logic and Pakistan's posturing dictates otherwise.

Pakistan's efforts would amount to less than a drop in the ocean.

If that were the case, IA would have steamrolled through Pakistan and crushed PA's Armoured Formations. As i said before, look at the actions and no the words, this is not a Bollywood movie.

Pakistani's while not under the illusion that they will come out unscathed, do seem to harbour the illusion that they will be able to damage India as much as India will be able to damage them.
That is not true by any stretch of imagination. As I mentioned before, any major infrastructure in Pakistan will be largely gone whereas Pakistan would not even be able to achieve this in Western India, let alone all of India.

Wishful thinking, our Commanders are confident we can cause irreparable damage to India and your Commanders certainly seem to think this too. If not, there was nothing stopping an IA Strike Corp into burning down Multan and Kharian Cantonments after Mumbai.

India has largely kept its guns aimed at Pakistan's military formations because they are the first to be targeted if and when a war breaks out.


Once the war does break out, Pakistan's civilian infrastructure is as sure to be destroyed as the sun is sure to rise in the east. You are confusing a desire of 'punishing Pakistan' without follow up action on India's part to India's inability to spare resources to target Pakistani infrastructure. Whereas the cause is simply that there are more pressing priorities and bigger fish to fry than get dragged into a war with Pakistan at this stage of our economic development.

Than Pakistan will be forced to react. You can be damn sure that Pakistan will target Indian infrastructure. As i said before, your Commanders were playing with the idea of launching bombing runs on Bridges and Dams based in Pakistan post Mumbai Attack. The only thing that held them back was the response from the Pakistani side. As i said before, look at the actions and not the words. The entire premise behind your arguments lie in bravado and military fanboyism. Your Commanders certainly don't share your optimism and your thought process.

The same reason why even China can defeat Taiwan or Vietnam militarily and take it but donot do so, because in the grand scheme of things, it would be a mistake to stop their growth and rise at this point of time.

Good Excuse, certainly a make feel good excuse to brainwash the masses.

Funny how you forget a little something called an Op. Gibraltar
Operation Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If tribal invasion of 1947 and an Op. Gibraltar in 1965 do not count as aggression, then I am not sure what does. I hope you wont be one of those who say Pakistan was suffered 'unprovoked attack on Lahore' :rolleyes1:

Or that Kargil was not an aggression but 'revenge' because last time I checked taking an unoccupied no mans land is different from taking occupied areas.

Funny how you forgot India is the only country in South Asia to use force to alter natural political course in other countries. Oh wait, this was supposed to be hushed up. I like how you make India to be the victim while facts on the ground dictate otherwise. I will give it to you man, you indeed are a blind patriot for India.

And the reason this change has happened is because India's resources have increased faster than Pakistan's resources over the decades.


Also a tangential point that I was making. That lack of resources does not allow PA the flexibility to target Indian infrastructure in any significant manner. It would have to prioritize and focus on military targets or only militarily relevant civilian targets. India on the other hand does not suffer from this constraint vis-a-vis Pakistan.

Your entire premise is wrong because Pakistan has enough Missiles in its arsenal to target both Military and Civilian Infrastructure. It all comes down to numbers, and Pakistan has enough of them to cause some serious havoc inside India.

Notorious, when we compare nations, we principally use their Size ie Area. Because other factors such as population, weapons, etc keep changing. Otherwise when we say Pakistan fought against Soviet's we say Pakistan fought a 'giant' even though by your token it was a far more even fight based on population figures.

India is 4 times Pakistans size even if you include the entire Azad Kashmir including Gilgit and all in India.
Otherwise the practical number is 3.x Pakistan's size.

However if you want a feel good number, you can also start comparing how many cows and bulls India has vis-a-vis Pakistan to make it a 30 times larger figure.

Though even when we use population figures India has 6.6 times Pakistan's population. I am not sure how you came up with 'fighting an enemy 10 times your size'

No, we use the population because the population determines the sheer resources the country can throw at the other. Geographical size is important but its eventually the population that is the biggest asset of any nation. Although i will give it you, you certainly have tried well to 'spin doctor' this point in an angle that looks favourable to India. Its eventually the population size of a nation that determines the resources a country can produce, and how much political clout it holds in the international arena. If India did not have 1.2 billion people, it would not have the same importance abroad as it enjoys right now.

I understand that this nothing but rhetoric to keep the morale up amongst Pakistani's who like to worsen the odds to feel better about their Army's lack of territorial wins on the ground , it is nonetheless poignant to point it out.

Your the one to talk :-), i know its a touchy subject for Indians of how despite being a super power and having such massive resources it still has not been able to tame Pakistan. Indian efforts of intimidating Pakistan or trying to declare Pakistan a Terrorist State have failed miserably. But ah well, i don't blame you guys because after all you have to keep up your morale.
Why would you intrude onto foreign territory and try to sabotage important economic infrastructure like that? Be very clear: no one in the region is afraid of your warmongering. If you give us a valid casus belli like that, we will be delighted to take advantage of it and put you in your place.

No we are not at all interested in sabotage of any infrastructure but when any development in region have any strategic impact, those aspects are also discussed. That doesn't amount to warmongering.
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