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China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

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Why many retarded low-quality Indians are trolling here? :hitwall:

Please stay focus on topic.




Stop talking,start acting。
Amritsar is just 40 kilometers from IB and range of A100 MBRL is 100 kms.

So as Lahore fom IB. Any way Lahore is second largest city of Pakistan If I am not wrong. Amritsar is not among first 50 of India.
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You still don´t get it. Inside Germany the railway network is 100% german operated. The coordination between the boardercrossing, customs and so on need a cooperation between partners. But no foreign nation is allowed to invest in german infrastructure. Same reason why Lufthansa or Airbus could never be ought from foreign countries.

Chinese can get in India or even in UK but never in Germany !
So as Lahore fom IB. Any way Lahore is second largest city of Pakistan If am not wrong. Amritsar is not among first 50 of India.

I know about Lahore. It was a hint that your days of hiding behind geographical depth are over.
I know about Lahore. It was a hint that your days of hiding behind geographical depth are over.

Citing an Amritrar example against refuting geographical depth is completely nonsense as nobody has ever claimed any geographical depth citing Amritsar.

Had you said that you can Hit Bombay or Banglore, Your post would have made some sense.
Citing an Amritrar example against refuting geographical depth is completely nonsense as nobody has ever claimed any geographical depth citing Amritsar.

Had you said that you can Hit Bombay or Banglore, Your post would have made some sense.

Even Bombay can be bombed. Something that was not possible in 65 or 71. So Amritsar was a simple example for Bharatis to get a hint about the complete picture.
Pak – China : Corridor of opportunity:


The Geopolitical Significance of Wakhan Corridor

The rules that apply to the rest of Afghanistan are often irrelevant in the Wakhan Corridor – a frigid, finger-shaped stretch of land squeezed between Tajikistan, Pakistan and China that is cut off from the Afghan heartland by the icy ramparts of the Hindu Kush.

The Wakhan was not always sealed off from the currents of history. A branch of the Silk Road once ran through here, bringing influences from different civilizations. Outside the village of Sarhad-e Broghil, the ruins of an eighth-century Tibetan fort sit on a knoll. In terms of religious belief, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Islam have all been prevalent in the region at different times and have left their mark.

Wakhan corridor is of immense importance for Pakistan, because it is Pakistan’s gateway to Central Asia. Pakistan, through Wakhan corridor, can connect to Central Asia. If Pakistan is successful in penetrating the Central Asian markets, it can be a major trade corridor through the seaports of Karachi, Port Qasim and Gwadar.

China is opening its narrow border with Afghanistan with roads and probably a tunnel under the Pamir ranges. Pakistan and china cooperation in the region will boost transit trade and will offer the landlocked Central Asian states an opportunity to connect to Gwadar and the Kashgar economic corridor.

These developments are disturbing for India, because India is investing heavily in Chabahar port of Iran to gain access to the Central Asian market, but due to its strategic impotency, India is unable to undo the Pak-China cooperation in the Wakhan region.

India’s design to circumvent Pakistan from Central Asia is a distant dream, provided our policy makers devise such a policy to best utilize the Wakhan and Pamir region with China.

In the past, there were few announcements on the Pak-Tajik road link via Wakhan, but it was in doldrums; Pakistan’s future lies in its natural ability to be a transit trade hub of the entire region.

The newly appointed Tajik envoy to Islamabad, Sherali Jononov said that Tajikistan was interested in Pakistan’s Gwadar Port, adding that the Tajikistan government had completed the Pakistan-Tajikistan road link work of their side.

If our planners became late in recognizing the importance of Wakhan corridor, India may hurt Pakistan’s interests badly.

That day is not far when a similar link will push down S Tibet to reach our planned deep sea port in SE.
Even Bombay can be bombed. Something that was not possible in 65 or 71. So Amritsar was a simple example for Bharatis to get a hint about the complete picture.

Yes Bombay can be bombed but your post assuming that we think of strategic depth advantage could have made some sense.

Citing Amritsar in regards to stratic depth is nonsense and do not give give Bhartis any hint except your geography knowledge.
Yes Bombay can be bombed but your post assuming that we think of strategic depth advantage could have made some sense.

Citing Amritsar in regards to stratic depth is nonsense and do not give give Bhartis any hint except your geography knowledge.

I have enough geographical knowledge. At least more than you who was trying to overlook KKH from Siachen. As I said Amrtisar was an example to show Bharatis a bigger picture of things that can happen.
Even Bombay can be bombed. Something that was not possible in 65 or 71. So Amritsar was a simple example for Bharatis to get a hint about the complete picture.
we are bharatiya for sure but you are a bastard **** for sure no doubt !
I have enough geographical knowledge. At least more than you who was trying to overlook KKH from Siachen. As I said Amrtisar was an example to show Bharatis a bigger picture of things that can happen.

I would have been happy to see your Knowledge been reflated in your writing. Learn to give proper example.
That day is not far when a similar link will push down S Tibet to reach our planned deep sea port in SE.
Don't post off topic cr@p ...

On topic ... it's only study and it's being launched since past couple of years.
I would have been happy to see your Knowledge been reflated in your writing. Learn to give proper example.

So how do you plan to control KKH from Siachen? :lol:

we are bharatiya for sure but you are a bastard **** for sure no doubt !

Still a better creed than Bharatiya or whatever shit it is.
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