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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

Bilal is it possible that in a flotilla pn could have one ship dedicated to AAW? Say 2 F22 2 Ada and one dedicated AAW Ada? Can a vls be made above ship surface say like starting from ship floor rather than sinking into the ship ?
Take the hangar space: to house SH60, you need a two-deck tall space. Now, if you drop the heli, you can use that very space to install a a couple of two-deck tall VLS units, which would open out to the former hangar roof. Yould have to relocate the RAM, but you could park that e.g. on the former heli-deck, which is now only in use to receive non-organic helicopters.

Take the hangar space: to house SH60, you need a two-deck tall space. Now, if you drop the heli, you can use that very space to install a a couple of two-deck tall VLS units, which would open out to the former hangar roof. Yould have to relocate the RAM, but you could park that e.g. on the former heli-deck, which is now only in use to receive non-organic helicopters.


Is it possible to utilize the space where the RAM launcher is placed , to put a VLS of 8-16 cell ?
Is it possible to utilize the space where the RAM launcher is placed , to put a VLS of 8-16 cell ?
Its the heli hanger , fitting VLS there would mean helicopter can't get into the hanger.

If you are ready to give up the aviation facilities all together, then there are options.
Take the hangar space: to house SH60, you need a two-deck tall space. Now, if you drop the heli, you can use that very space to install a a couple of two-deck tall VLS units, which would open out to the former hangar roof. Yould have to relocate the RAM, but you could park that e.g. on the former heli-deck, which is now only in use to receive non-organic helicopters.

We are discussion SH-60, is it available and has PN decided they going to procure it because PN has opted for Sea King for the others.

What is the possibility that Omkhonto IR is selected for these?

Why not go straightly to LF-2400, more bang for the Bucks. Maybe a little bit expensive. Per stealthy feature, Ada is very good.
If it had been me personally, I would have ordered the LF-2400 (or VLS-equipped ship from China). However, the PN apparently decided it needed a corvette without area-wide AAW coverage. That said, STM hasn't actually shown us the PN MILGEM corvette design - I hope we all get a nice surprise.
If it had been me personally, I would have ordered the LF-2400 (or VLS-equipped ship from China). However, the PN apparently decided it needed a corvette without area-wide AAW coverage. That said, STM hasn't actually shown us the PN MILGEM corvette design - I hope we all get a nice surprise.

I am afraid, they will not deliver this surprise.
We are discussion SH-60, is it available and has PN decided they going to procure it because PN has opted for Sea King for the others.

What is the possibility that Omkhonto IR is selected for these?

Turkey uses S-70B-28 Seahawk and that is what this ship is designed to accommodate. Naturally, it will also take other helicopters.

In early 1994, the same time period that PN Acquired 6 Type 21 frigates from the Royal Navy, three Sea Lynx helicopters were acquired from the United Kingdom leading to the formation of 222 Squadron. These are grounded as of 2012.

PN has had a number of Westland Sea King for some time now. PN took delivery of six Mk.45 Sea Kings, a variant based on the Royal Navy's Sea King HAS.1, in1974-1975. It serves in an combined anti-submarine and anti-ship role, carrying the Exocet missile as an alternative to the normal anti-submarine weapon load of four Mark 44 or Mark 46 torpedoes. One of Pakistan's Sea Kings was lost in an accident in February 1986, and was replaced by an ex-Royal Navy HAS.5, redesignated Mk.45C, in January 1989. Pakistan's Sea Kings remained in service in December 2011.

With the delivery of the F22P, PN also received a number of Z-9C helicopters. Currently, there are at least 12 in service.

Lynx may have been intended as shipborn helicopter. I doubt Sea King was (mostly land operated or e.g from AORs). Z-9C clearly are intended as frigates' organic helicopters.

Ada/Milgem can handle Z-9C. SH-60 was designed to have the same footprint as SH-3 Sea King, so I expect Ada can also handle Sea King if need be. However, I assume they would operate Z-9 and maybe a drone.

Probably neither. When they say its a PN-specific MILGEM, it probably isnt a different design (ala LF-2400), rather different weapons (FL-3000N instead of RAM, Possibly even replacing Harpoon with C-802A or Atacama). I would be surprised if US released RAM for PN. It would be good for PN if FL-3000N was also to receive an upgrade to around 20km which would be very good for these vessels.

This ship may not see any Chinese stuff as PN have taken western route for ships to diversify its fleet, supply chain and tech, it may get SA built RAM as they can provide a decent on if ordered.
..Tbh i'm expecting the base standard version.. Not happy with this deal at all... Without VLS or a decent Sam on board. Really these ships will be blown out of the water by the Indian navy. My biggest reservation is the firepower of the Indian ships and what they offer- not to mention Brahmos, it just doesn't suit the Pakistani-Indian naval theatre. In the end, if Pakistan truly cannot spend a dime more; than the purchase of standard Ada, then I guess you take what you can or wait a year or two and buy 4x Milgem-G or 4x Type 054a.

Personally I'm of the opinion that Milgem-G ought to be procured at the very min or perhaps consider the Chinese options, can't see these ships offering much in the standard version, merely a waste of money.

Does anyone know how much the milgem-G would have cost? With some of the Pakistani subsystems to bring the overall cost down, like with the current deal- one would imagine the prices wouldn't have been too dissimilar.

P.S. Not faulting the Turks, mainly the inexplicable purchase of the standard Ada. It's just not what Pakistan needs. Just my two pennies worth.
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The ship looks beautiful, but if you somehow add a medium range SAM for fleet defence, it would do wonders!!!!4 ships is a huge number and also is it comparable to Russian talwar class?
The Talwar class is a 4000 tonnes frigate,the ADA class is just a 2400 tonnes corvette.
Not comparable.
My view of this is the PN understand the need for air defence and they have a plan on place just like all our other plans.

We might get the Ada class and we will gnash our teeth on PDF but I still believe fundamentally that a plan is in place
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