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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

What western weapon package for PN you can expect for these ships even if they came in standard ada configuration, PN may have Harpoon block-2 on T-21s which could be last option if noting good is available from west also PN seems to be interested in SA SAMs too.
The PN could opt for a package from MBDA - e.g. Exocet MM40 Block-3 and MU90. Alternatively, it could select Turkey's Atmaca AShM and ORKA lightweight torpedo. As for SAMs. This will depend on whether there's space for VLS on this ship - if so, then the CAMM and Umkhonto EIR could be options. Otherwise, it'd just have to be the RAM or maybe Thales VT1.
The PN could opt for a package from MBDA - e.g. Exocet MM40 Block-3 and MU90. Alternatively, it could select Turkey's Atmaca AShM and ORKA lightweight torpedo. As for SAMs. This will depend on whether there's space for VLS on this ship - if so, then the CAMM and Umkhonto EIR could be options. Otherwise, it'd just have to be the RAM or maybe Thales VT1.

Will PN go for Exocets?? What are other AShM western options?? Is RBS-15 latest version good and viable?? What options for RAM missile? May be SA SAM be good for it.
Welcome to the new 4 Ships in Pakistan Navy

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I am not happy with this sale. PN should have gone for something which would have offered some better air defense like Type 054a frigate. Or if they can't afford them or something then they shouldn't have gone for these corvettes either.
I am just happy we have a modest increase in our corvette class ships from Zero to 4 , after this project completes
I am not happy with this sale. PN should have gone for something which would have offered some better air defense like Type 054a frigate. Or if they can't afford them or something then they shouldn't have gone for these corvettes either.

well PN probably had this or no option at all
i think had they had more money they could have added VLS to even these ships would have cost 300-400M additional
i just hope they atleast get the RAM, if the can somehow get hands on block 2 than it will be massive boast and not a bad deal
What is the purpose for 4 corvettes without air defense ability? Funny
It is just like the fairy of the emperor's new clothes, the emperor think he does a good deal
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well PN probably had this or no option at all
i think had they had more money they could have added VLS to even these ships would have cost 300-400M additional
i just hope they atleast get the RAM, if the can somehow get hands on block 2 than it will be massive boast and not a bad deal

Then they shouldn't have bought these one either. There is no point putting lives of sailors in danger without any appropriate air defense.
What western weapon package for PN you can expect for these ships even if they came in standard ada configuration, PN may have Harpoon block-2 on T-21s which could be last option if noting good is available from west also PN seems to be interested in SA SAMs too.
Antiship there are plenty possibilities from the West besides Harpoon: Atmaca (Turkey), NSM (Norway), MM40 blk3 (France), MARTE ER (France), Otomat Mk2 Blk4 (Italy), RBS-15 mk3 (Sweden), with NSM and Marte being lighter missiles and Otomat and RBS-15 being heavier ones and MM40 and Atmaca in the same bracket as Harpoon. If you make friends again with the US, there is deck-launched LRASM to consider. From China, it would be C802A or C602.

The RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles, together with the Mk 49 Guided Missile Launching System (GMLS) and support equipment, make up the RAM Mk 31 Guided Missile Weapon System (GMWS). There is little direct equivalent to this. To mind spring primarily the French Sandral (a sixtuple-round, sensor equipped, remote controlled launcher for Mistral Manpads), Tetral (4 round remote control launcher) or Simbad-RC (two round remote control launcher), and the Turkish Atilgan and Bora naval mounts for Stinger and similar MANPADS e.g. Hisar-Manpad. Raytheon (US) used to offer the Sea Scorpion 2 (lightweight RC launcher with 4 Stinger missiles per mount), similar to Bora. Finland has a 6 round manned shiplauncher for Mistral. Wayback, there used to be 2-3 options for naval mounts for the British Startstreak Manpads (including proposed SeaStreak CIWS), now reincarnated into the direct attack laser guided Thales LMM (lightweight multirole missile), for which there are several launcher options, but I don't think this is employed for surface to air role. Possibly a naval launcher for RBS-70, but I don't think this is offered in any other form than found on land (i.e. single, manned pedestal launcher) although there once (late 1980s) was a 2x2 round launcher around the Signaal (now Thales NL) LIOD electrooptical director. But RBS-90 mount or ASRAD/LeFlaSys mount could offer starting points. Israel: Red Sky II (accepts a variety of manpads). From China: HQ10/FL3000N or that QW3 boosted Manpads remote control pedestal mount.

Otherwise, its the larger canister-launched VL systems (France: Mica, UK: SeaCeptor, Germany: Iris T, Sweden: Bamse, South Africa: Umkhonto, Turkey: Hisar-A/O, South Korea (K-SAM) but these need a VLS and a place to install it (which begs the question where to put it on standard Ada)

ASW torpedoes and tubes available from UK (Stingray), France (NTL-90 Murene), Italy ( Whithead A244, A290), or multinational (Eurotopr Mu-90), Sweden (Type 43X2), South Korea (K745 Chung Sang Eo Blue Shark), US (Mk 43-48, 50, 51, 54)

Helicopters: China (Z-9), France (SA 360 Dauphin, SA 365/AS365 Dauphin 2), Multinational (NH90), Italy (AB-212), UK/It (AW-139/1/49/189), UK (AW-159 Lynx), US (Sikorski SH-60/70, S-76)

And so on.

Choices abound. Constraints: a) cost v budget, b) applicable export controls, and c) political considerations.

I much like the



Although I would look to stick on a Thales I-mast, I-400 or at least I-100 given this weapons fit. I-500 with APAR if e.g. with Mk41/ESSM.
Then they shouldn't have bought these one either. There is no point putting lives of sailors in danger without any appropriate air defense.

they assume that for long range deference PAF is going to be there and for short range deference, RAM is even better than f-22p fm 90. ada are excellent anti sub coverttes with excellent balance apart form long range airdefence

now in my opinion they should have went for VLS system with south african system if at all the NATO system was not available(though i believe the issue was money not the availability )

wish ful thinking...one might hope that navy might be looking for heavy frigates for airdefence role from china as the next step
Before we jump on the PN

Can we say Ada class is a excellent vessel and rather then think the worse, assume that PN has a plan

Remember everything from JF 17s to Ababeel to SLCMs have been built and improved according to longer term plans

I for one sm confident that either way even without VLS we will have a superb platform and will have a air defence plan which will eventually reveal itself
If you get aster will you be able to put it on ada class or won't due to ample space?
Not on the ADA class.
And you guys were trying your hands on type 54 what happened to it? It can become backbone of your frigates squadron and 3 type 52C's can become a seeding squadron for PN, further more a 100 navy ship would be potent enough for Western naval command..... sometimes i feel what would had happened if pakistan armed forces got $45 billion dollars of budget every year?:smokin:
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