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Pakistan in peril of succumbing to Iran-style Islamic revolution: Study

I am in accord with the school of thought that in my view rightfully asserts that you can only have a ''revolution'' when you have a large middle class

due to not so favourable economic conditions, our middle class has shrunk....alas.

on the other hand, one can argue that things have to get so bad to the point that every man and woman will snap and demand a major change in governence and the ''system''

Aren't middle-class people supposed to maintain the status-quo? Historically revolution is brought upon by peasant people, the proletariat. Bourgeois try to keep the system as it is.
Nazis won a parlaimentary majority and that's how they came into power.
Not exactly. In 1933 they only got about 36% of the vote. The Nazis then staged a fire at the Reichstag which they blamed on Commies, resulting in the Communist Party (and many of its supporters) being suppressed. After new elections the Nazis commanded 44% of the vote. They only reached majority power by allying with another party, promising that under the coming dictatorship religious institutions would remain untouched. Only after that was the remaining political opposition suppressed. link
Aren't middle-class people supposed to maintain the status-quo? Historically revolution is brought upon by peasant people, the proletariat

down-trodden, illiterate people cannot carry out a revolution because they can easily be brainwashed or ''reared'' to stick to status quo

middle class are educated and live reasonably comfortably, but still face certain difficulties associated with the political and economic instablility...they are more enabled to do so I feel

Bourgeois try to keep the system as it is.

cant argue with that; though we do have some bourgeois who do genuinely care and want to see change; but they have less incentive to since they will continue to live more comfortably and sheltered
we Indians welcome any thing that bring peace and prosperity in Pakistan...any thing means ANY THING!!
The american and western dogs are afraid of an islamic revolution in pakistan because that will mean an end to US and the western dominance over this world anyway i have faith in Allah azwajal that pakistan will rise to be a fort for the muslim ummah and inshallah there will come an islamic revolution to pakistan, the US and the western powers can F off, long live DPC and PTI.
My elder cousins were staunch supporters of ZAB & Its socialism, but they tell me now that it’s only bcz, W. Pakistanis needs to have a collective stand against ‘traitor’ Bengalis at that point in time.

I was used to be a supporter of Islamic revolution in Pakistan throughout my teens but it’s only revealed to me now that its only bcz I was living in a period of Afghan Jihad and right afterwards of it.

Today’s generations founds themselves in a spree of anti-Americanism an it’s WOT and tomorrow they will founds out that it’s only bcz America took her self-interests in the region paramount’s to what of ours at this time frame only.

Right or wrong in every of above case, Public supports blindly, whatever “line” presented & enlisted by our very establishment into our minds and the moment that “line” changes public modes changes too as well.

Now, the Islamic revolution is only possible; if our enemies defeats and occupy us otherwise it’s only remains a diversion to exhaust foreign pressure which tries to directly intervene in our internal affairs beyond our desires.

The Change will not come only through ballots but through keeping every bit of experience we gain in past as a nation as well...There is absolutely no needs to start from 'Zero' every time our masters recommends for our ills, we have to refrain ourselves to jump for that addiction this time around for sure...!!
Pakistan in peril of succumbing to Iran-style Islamic revolution: Study

Pakistan is in peril of succumbing to an Iranian-style Islamic revolution, an official US study has warned, saying that mushrooming fundamentalism in the nation is finding support from the army and intelligence.

Pakistan slipping into an Iranian-style Islamic revolution is described as one of the biggest threat to the world, the Quadrennial Defence Review Independent Panel has told the US Congress in its final report submitted last week.

It has expressed serious concern over increasing Islamic fundamentalism in the country that has its support in its army and the intelligence.

"Some 'associated movements' will pursue lesser and more local goals, with the biggest danger to Pakistan, where the ruling elite (including the army and intelligence services that helped create--continue to tolerate and aid--such groups) is vulnerable to an Iranian-style revolution that Islamists would exploit," the report said.

Appointed by the Congress, the Quadrennial Defence Review Independent Panel is charged with conducting an assessment of the assumptions, strategy, findings, and risks described in the Department of Defence's Quadrennial Defence Review (QDR).

The QDR, a report required by law and provided by the Defence Department to Congress, is intended to assess the national security environment over the next 20 years and identify the defence strategy, forces and resources required to meet future challenges.

After the Department of Defence issued this year's QDR on February 1, 2010, Secretary of Defence Robert Gates and Congress constituted an independent panel to review the report as part of the National Defence Authorisation Act of 2010.

Former Secretary of Defence William J Perry and former National Security Adviser Stephen J Hadley served as co-chairs on the Panel, and the Department of Defence asked US Institute of Peace to facilitate the Panel's work.

"Salafist 'jihadi' movements, wedded to the use of violence and employing terror as their primary strategy, will remain both an international threat to the global system and a specific threat to America and its interests abroad.

"This remains true even as current al-Qaeda leaders age and their goal of a restored caliphate becomes ever more impractical," it said.

According to the report, some of these groups will set their sights on the United States, as recent attacks linked to Yemen prove.

"The greatest risk to the United States is that weapons of mass destruction or the materials and expertise to produce them will find their way into the hands of fanatical, murderous jihadists," it said.

Pakistan in peril of succumbing to Iran-style Islamic revolution: Study - Pakistan - World - The Times of India
Islamic Revolution sooner or later is the destiny of Pakistan the more people will try to stop it the more faster it will get because all other systems are total failures man made systems eventually fail rise of Islam is the destiny and it will take place Pakistanis are coming back to Islam very fast and they will rise to implement Islamic Law
I don't get what the appeal is in having a secular state when over 95% of the population is Muslim. I'd love an Islamic system governing this country, at least, the ideology would be adhered to. I think this should happen
I don't get what the appeal is in having a secular state when over 95% of the population is Muslim. I'd love an Islamic system governing this country, at least, the ideology would be adhered to. I think this should happen

Problem is not with anyone but with us (Public) and our blind following only, why we should let any institution to play with our emotions endlessly and behinds it let them fulfill their vested interests. This game should ends now and let the people of Pakistan decides by their own what they really wants An Islamic revolutions or a secular one. But before that to happen people should needs to identify true leaders by their own instead of following a “line” inflicted from an authority as always is the case in our history. As long as we act like a sheep, we will remain a sheep forever…!!

Personally, I prefer the likes of Egypt’s Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen over Turkey’s AKP for the political role model for our country in the longer run.
total and utter nonsense-just shows how ignorant these guys are----whatever else happens, an iranian style revolution is impossible in pakistan----the mainstream sunni muslims do not have a ordained clergy with a hierarchical structure like the catholics or the shi'at ali----70-85% of muslims in pakistan are sunni......
I don't see that happening in the near future.
Even if one were to agree that Army supports extremists, to assume that they would be allowed to have the upper hand by the Army is not possible.
Really? The PA has been unable to rein in the extremists in the North West so far especially the TTP who have an upper hand there. That area is considered lawless with a non functional administration or one under the influence of the terrorists. In other words, Pakistan's writ does not apply there, army or no army!
Really? The PA has been unable to rein in the extremists in the North West so far especially the TTP who have an upper hand there. That area is considered lawless with a non functional administration or one under the influence of the terrorists. In other words, Pakistan's writ does not apply there, army or no army!

Not exactly. The TTP is not the kind of force now as it was back in 2008, enjoying free run. Military Ops have broken its back in all but one of the agencies. And this is recognised by the U.S. as well.
As far as lawlessness goes, Pakistan's writ didn't apply there since Independence. Neither did the British had much control !
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