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Pakistan in peril of succumbing to Iran-style Islamic revolution: Study

Yet another study of the demise of Pakistan. This time the Mullah thingy as a reason.

How many studies are they gonna do and how many deadlines are they gonna give for the demise of Pakistan ??

Aren't they tired yet ??

Can't they do something better and do a study on how to get the world on the right path or fix the blunder created by US ??

The study talks about Islamic revolution not demise.
Maulana sufi muhammad and lal masjid guys have already killed any possibility of an iran like revolution. Conservatives will more and more rely on election to gain power. I do want the religious parties to stay as I want the liberals it will help us to stay in middle. Constitution of 73 is an example as it had something for everyone. Conservatives, Nationalists and liberals alike.
Revolutions, if needed, need to be brought about in the attitudes of Pakistanis when voting in elections - both in terms of increasing voter turnout, and also in terms not voting in favor of Biradri and the same old faces that keep disappointing.
No, No, NO! Even a representative democracy is run by an elite, an elite which sometimes functions to keep necessary change from happening. Look up John Wilkes: Parliament repeatedly refused to let him take his seat until his constituents took to the streets. Same with his effort to eliminate general warrants and publish honest accounts of parliamentary debates. How are you going to keep your elected officials from doing the dirty on you if you don't know what they are really up to?

If your voting choices aren't satisfactory to you, then voting isn't enough; you have to demonstrate for change and be willing to campaign for office yourself. How many readers at PDF are willing to try to become politicians?
Yes Pakistan is in need of revolution but the Taliban experience, Saudi "friendly" madrassa aid and Khomeni & Co. amusement park has rendered impotent any possibility of Islamist rise. Desperate Pakistani incresinly look towards Turkey and China as role model and the youth increasingly rejects all current politicians. The number of youth incidently is also rising due to high birth rate.

A possible scenerio for Pakistan could be youth / student led revolution on the lines of secular-capitalism or communist-industrialism however dreams of some molana taking the drivers seat is far fetched.

Last time a student revolution was tried by bunch of Indian indoctrinated student it failed miserably and Naser Ullah Baber made them crap on their leader posters!
Sigh, not this again. Im off to play mario online. That will be far more fruitful and uplifting that engaging in this debate... Once more!
As many of other people have pointed out, I don't think there will be an Islamic revolution but one more towards this retarded system we currently have
Sigh, not this again. Im off to play mario online. That will be far more fruitful and uplifting that engaging in this debate... Once more!

big bro,

get GTA IV Liberty City (its been out for ages already) and challenge me to online deathmatch!

that will be fruitful :cheers:
big bro,

get GTA IV Liberty City (its been out for ages already) and challenge me to online deathmatch!

that will be fruitful :cheers:

Haha... Thank you Zolfiqar bahi, but i don't think my "khatara" of a computer will be able to run it. May need to use my nephews computer for that.
it require PS3 :)

as for revolution (of any kind) in Pakistan --- the people must introspect. We have a mostly young population, but also dont forget that people have mixed views on certain issues.

best revolution in Pakistan would be to merger all the things everybody can agree on.....the feudalism, incompetence, corruption, laziness, etc. must end.

revolution not come from outside it must come from within
strange for me reading Pakistanies still want corrupt system we have now. I hope we get REAL islamic laws. Not PPP, PML N or Taliban rules but Islamic rules were every one have full rights. Women have more respect.
and the rationale behind this is?
the current setup of iran had ppls backing and thats not the case with pakistan. although people are fed up of current system but still no one would go for taliban style regime. however if some other kind of revolution takes place, i cant say much about that.
ToI research don't even want to read it! but as for "ISLAMIC REVOLUTION" it will never come in pakistan because unlike Iran Pakistan has no Khomeni! and we don't have 99% sunnis(iran had 99% shias)!

and currently pakistani needs a leader for a revolution we have NONE! pakistanis are to busy meanwhile in trying to eat the other guys share!!!

Taimi you and me live in KP which is worst hit of all provinces viz a viz militancy and extremism related things still WE HERE SPECIALLY I BEING A FEMALE, NEVER FELT THAT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE ANY SUCH revolution.

These kinds of fears and neo-liberalism by some people in Pakistan as well due to their biased thinking is no more than paranoia.

some people mentioned zia era but i dont think so it was revolution or even can be termed anything near to that.

What these people now a days are preaching and spreading is NO different than religious extremism.

The bottom line is: Any kind of extremism be it religious or anti-religious is harmful in the long run.

So the best is what Islam says "Be on a moderate path" do not exceed limits.

You may not think so but I have always admired NAP/ANP leadership for two things. Firstly because they were secular and secondly they were not hypocrites, they preached what they believed. But ANP is not the only political party.

KP also always had substantial fundamentalist following; left over of the Islamic Emirate which ended at Balakot in 1831. This section of the society has gained considerable strength since the Afghan jihad. Thus likes of Sufi Mohammed and Baitullah Mahsood are in abundance. Even much before the rise of Taliban, JUI (Mufti Mahmoud) formed the then NWFP gov’t in coalition with NAP back in the 1970’s.

South Punjab is no doubt also a stronghold of the TTP but Punjabi Taliban are mostly offshoots of SSP and thus anti Shia/sectarian. Most of the suicide bombers on the other hand are from KP/ FATA.

Looking at what happened in Orakzai Agecy, Waziristan and Swat; it is a fair assumption that even though in a free and fair general election Taliban would never win. Taliban take over of Pakistan thru terror and intimidation cannot be ruled out.

Nazis used similar tactics to take over Germany in the 1930's.
Taliban take over of Pakistan thru terror and intimidation cannot be ruled out.

Nazis used similar tactics to take over Germany in the 1930's.

Nazis won a parlaimentary majority and that's how they came into power. Their much-loathed tactics came much later. There can be no possible comparison between Nazis and the Taliban. Nazis used the nationalistic whip and anti-semitic approach to win over a large number of german population which had just suffered defeat in the first world war. I don't think the Taliban can do that. They did use the 'sharia' word to garner support in Swat, but the demand for Sharia based justice system was there much before Taliban. Remember the mid ninties Saidu Sharif uprising. That brought Rah-e-Rast one. Anyhow, the true face of Taliban was exposed to the people much earlier than they could take over the whole region and the army operation was just spot on. Terror and intimidation are not the tools that bring you to power. They are the tools which rulers use to prolong a regime that is against the wishes of the people.
I am in accord with the school of thought that in my view rightfully asserts that you can only have a ''revolution'' when you have a large middle class

due to not so favourable economic conditions, our middle class has shrunk....alas.

on the other hand, one can argue that things have to get so bad to the point that every man and woman will snap and demand a major change in governence and the ''system''
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