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Pakistan has become the face of international terrorism: India at UN

Why pakistan want to support fanatics like Dawood etc and what they contributed to Pakistan, other than bad Image !

Pakistani's have to decide.....
You also forgot to mentioned the love Kashmiris have for India....why and for how long can India suppress these people.....to dream about becoming a permanent member of UNSC.....one needs to practice before preaching others.

They like it or not is different story, but he is the 'President of US'.Personally many don't like but you have to do in good terms with President of US.Its like constable does not like Inspector, but he have to salute....

Don't worry about us. We have a complicated relationship with them since decades so we can handle them.

Anyways coming back to one my first post, why moderators are allowing Indians to post anti-Pakistan crap on our forum ? Do we really care about their crying ?
Wait a minute. didn't NaMo accepted creation of Mukti Bahni... Ummmmmm what was the story behind Tamil Insurgency in Sri Lanka.... or Dress Code Mujahideen in IoK ..... and wasn't TTP leader was captured by Americans from NDS & R&AW convoy in Afghanistan then later handed over to Pakistan though his confession cleared many doubts..... Only few prominent cases, here...... and above all, for those who's memory is bit weak, let us think about Kulbashan and his confessions. The list of other references and names, is so long.

Furthermore, it is the same India that denied UNHRC access into IoK due to its atrocities as many Indians said, who is UN?......
Forget CNN,BBC and Indian media look your own media bashing and telling that your ministers are on begging, once go abroad !

first learn the history of anchor you posted , one of the staunchest anti govt anchor, who openly accept his biased against sitting govt.

anyways whatever Pakistan minister are doing, they cannot be biggest beggar then your country who accepted most aid from almost all aid giving nations. or cant be biggest dehati whore then your country who always cry and begging diplomatic support from every dog who can bark against Pakistan doesn't matter if they are relevant or not.
Without doubt there are terrorist in Pakistan however the difference between India and Pakistan is that they don't elect them as their Prime Ministers and Chief Ministers.
Exactly, broaden this definition & some founding father who said once "I am not here to discuss morality" will also get a berth of same league which you are labelling Indian with.
A country with full breeding ambience call terrorists a Philanthropist, all hails to logics of pious benders.
Hopeless Indians can moth off against Pakistan to sooth their tiny egos but outside the same venue some Indians also had a message for all to see. :D

MOD sab! There should be clear cut proof than confessional videos. Under captivity, you can make him admit to anything on a video. Including Mr. Jadhav.

There should be clear cut evidences along-with strong enough proofs yet mixed with logic at UN too however, mere speeches wouldn't do anything. At least, here it is confessed. Don't tell me NATO (Including US and all) invaded Afghanistan in the name of Terrorism and we are part of the same fighting force as acknowledged by the world. India did nothing new in UN but merely copied the narrative of Trump for which he was replied by many nations other than Pakistan.

India already explained reason for it as, it is a Bilateral issue. UN cannot dictate terms to countries. And UNHRC has no right to interfere in internal scuffles in our country. We suppressed violence in a way, viable to the situation. Although deplorable situation have occurred. But you should understand that Security forces show maximum restrain.

The highlighted words, thanks. That is how it is being presented when it matters with own home.

Rest about speaking of maximum restrain, am just holding back myself from mentioning further references. Previous references are good enough, if one can understand from a specific point of view which may not get the eye of general public.

4 casualties confirmed by ISPR and media has covered it completely.

So who's lying here ISPR or your UN representative ???

Give me the link ofr the rest of the 6 causalities
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