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Enlisted by whom? Can you specify please? The list of those countries who made that 'list' is going to enlighten every one here.

That's the irony isn't it. Iran feels that it was very unfair for Western powers to label them as a state sponsor of terrorism.

But then, Iran now turns around and makes similar accusations towards Pakistan?

How should Pakistanis feel about that?
Surprisingly a Muslim country speaking against Muslim brotherly country .

Why should that be a surprise? You make it sound like it is impossible for Muslim countries to have disagreements. Well, let me burst your bubble. Many other Muslim nations are at odds. Pakistan and Iran are not an exception Indian fool.

India is the biggest sponsor of terror against Muslims. Just look at Indian occupation of Kashmir. Now that is also not a surprise.
Hindu and Persian?

I got that.

Deny it all you want sir, but Persians are to modern Iran what Punjabis are to Pakistan.
Sir, You have your own way to look at things and read history , But put more light on bold part please , explain it in full detail what you mean here? .
I also add one point , Look at Iran in late 60s and 70s and then from there till now. Don't only read western media check all other media too.
Don't they hate USA , but still buying 100 planes , ooo and Israel they hate them the most , But ....................................... I wont say any thing else or you will say to me stop felling for KSA propaganda. I think we both (India , Pakistan) understand them well.
Why should that be a surprise? You make it sound like it is impossible for Muslim countries to have disagreements. Well, let me burst your bubble. Many other Muslim nations are at odds. Pakistan and Iran are not an exception Indian fool.

India is the biggest sponsor of terror against Muslims. Just look at Indian occupation of Kashmir. Now that is also not a surprise.
I can compare it with Pakistan occupation of Baluchistan, Gilgit,Azad Kashmir,Sindh,KpK.Where your army killing your own Muslim citizens.In kpk you are bombing day night your own people.
What will it take for Pakistan to come out of denial? Not everyone can be wrong dude, you should start introspecting for your own good and get your house in order IF you wish to thrive.
For once stop believing everything your government (or army?) is feeding you.

LOL at everyone. If India, Iran, BD and the US are everyone to you.

You Indians should be more worried about the rape endemic in your country. You can't control occupied Kashmir and the Kashmiris are rising against your tyranny on a daily basis.

I can compare it with Pakistan occupation of Baluchistan, Gilgit,Azad Kashmir,Sindh,KpK.Where your army killing your own Muslim citizens.In kpk you are bombing day night your own people.

LOL make the distinction between Indian sponsored terrorists. The Pak army is killing Indian terrorists crossing over from Afghanistan. You have lost buddy. Both in Pakistan and occupied Kashmir.

You are high on cow dung. The Pak army has already largely defeated Indian terror in Pakistan through Zarb-e-Azb. China has invested billions of dollars through CPEC and that would not be possible without peace in Pakistan. You are crying and bitching about CPEC on a daily basis. What does that tell us about your lies? LMAO

Indian terror has been defeated. Now we are going to hang that little terrorist of yours from the highest tree possible. I know you are reeling. You are going to plead and beg for mercy, but we are going to hang that little Indian terrorist and defeat terror for once and for all. Do something about it if you can.
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LOL at everyone. If India, Iran, BD and the US are everyone to you.

You Indians should be more worried about the rape endemic in your country. You can't control occupied Kashmir and the Kashmiris are rising against your tyranny on a daily basis.

LOL make the distinction with Indian sponsored terrorists. The Pak army is killing Indian terrorists crossing over from Afghanistan.

You are high on cow dung. The Pak army has already largely defeated Indian terror in Pakistan through Zarb-e-Azb.

China has invested billions of dollars through CPEC and that would not be possible without peace in Pakistan.

Indian terror has been defeated. Now we are going to hang that little terrorist of yours. I know you are reeling.
You mean to these elite Muslim jihadi fighters are paid by kafir India.Hahaha.Delusion at its best.
You mean to these elite Muslim jihadi fighters are paid by kafir India.Hahaha.Delusion at its best.

LOL you mean just like catching that little Jadhav terrorist is also a delusion? LOL Indian denial at its best.

You nationalistic Hindu Indian barbarians are murdering your own Indian Muslims. A cow has more sanctity in India than an Indian Muslim. You kill Muslims on mere suspicion of ciw meat consumption. Go figure. That is your beloved India.

LOL what lectures can a Modi killer give to Pakistan?
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But pakistan openly supports taliban against the afghans and not so covert help to terrorists against india in kashmir and the 26/11 terrorists.
So many attacks in the west incl uk bus blasts and atleast 4 attacks in usa had pakistani attackers.
No iranian has been ever convicted in my memory of ever being behind any attacks. Its plain old cussednes like against cuba that directs US policy against iran.
See the classic example of Indian propaganda victim. First Talibans are also Afghans and USA had meeting with them now google the facts . USA sported them in its own way , That makes USA a terrorist helping country too. They are still trying for negotiations.
Second you said so many and only able to quote 5 acts !!! Please give the detail of all the terrorists acts don by Pakistanis in EU or USA which are established after investigation don't be like Indian media. And acts of very few individuals have nothing to do with Whole Nation. And also please tell where those terrorist grew up.
And Iranian did nothing , Well google will help you and one more thing , Do you even know How Iranian living out side of Iran take or what they think about current regime in Iran?
And Kashmir is deputed territory even UN said that and Iran under Shah also signed that , And Kashmiris are fighting for there freedom.
LOL you mean just like catching that little Yadhav terrorist is a delusion LOL Indian denial at its best.

You Hindu Indians are murdering your Indian Muslims. A cow has more sanctity in India than an Indian Muslim.

LOL what lectures can a Modi killer give to Pakistan?
Compare how many muslims killed in India in sectarian violence vs Pakistan.Where shia kills shunii,shunii bombs shia,ahemediyas,Christians,Hindu all killed regularly.In India even one killing in dadri is big national issue.Where your terrorists even kills school children,funeral paying lasers in Baluchistan,muhram doing shias.If u want examples I can give 100 links.Better kill these snake which you have feeding to bite only neighbours but snake is snake,it will hurt u too.
Seems all of Pakistans neighbours have an issue with them over Terrorism.

Iran Afghnistan & India,

Compare how many muslims killed in India in sectarian violence vs Pakistan.Where shia kills shunii,shunii bombs shia,ahemediyas,Christians,Hindu all killed regularly.In India even one killing in dadri is big national issue.Where your terrorists even kills school children,funeral paying lasers in Baluchistan,muhram doing shias.If u want examples I can give 100 links.Better kill these snake which you have feeding to bite only neighbours but snake is snake,it will hurt u too.

Blah blah blah. Is that the best you can come up with Muslim killer?

You Indians are a fvcking joke. You go around lecturing others about terror when you are the experts at it. You throw stones at others, but look at your own glass house.

The whole world knows how Modi loving Indians treat Muslims and other minorities in India. Fvck off you bloody hypocrite.
LOL at everyone. If India, Iran, BD and the US are everyone to you.

You Indians should be more worried about the rape endemic in your country. You can't control occupied Kashmir and the Kashmiris are rising against your tyranny on a daily basis.

LOL make the distinction with Indian sponsored terrorists. The Pak army is killing Indian terrorists crossing over from Afghanistan. You have lost buddy. Both in Pakistan and occupied Kashmir.

You are high on cow dung. The Pak army has already largely defeated Indian terror in Pakistan through Zarb-e-Azb. China has invested billions of dollars through CPEC and that would not be possible without peace in Pakistan. You are crying and bitching about CPEC on a daily basis. LMAO

Indian terror has been defeated. Now we are going to hang that little terrorist of yours from the highest tree possible. I know you are reeling. You are going to plead and beg for mercy, but we are going to hang that little Indian terrorist and defeat terror for once and for all. Do something about it if you can.

Talking yo D grade trolls won't yield any result. You can showcase and highlight his intellectual capacity and knowledge or current affairs when he uses term occupied for every region that makes Pakistan. Beyond childish and foolish then he truly showcases single digit IQ when he states Pakistan is killing its own citizen by highlighting military operations against terrorists and terrorist organization s which wreaked havoc all over Pakistan. It is such an intellectually dishonest statement that the one who makes this statement should jump in a well if he had even a pint of shame.

Talking to such people will only frustrate you as their foolishness and childishness would only surprise you. I suggest that you disengage and not provide him anymore attention that he seeks to forget the miseries of his life.

Do this with all the trolls.

As for the statement. Quite frankly its a very immature statement. Pakistan has been targeting these terrorists all over pakistan. The government of Iran speaks very differently and both the govts are working towards closer relations.
Well the british bomb blasts were of pakistani origin.No doubt about that.

so what? they all were born and breaded in UK.. what Pakistan as state have to do with this? where UK blamed Pakistan or USA blamed Pakistan for these attacks? you bhangi are waste of time space and logic..

Richard headly for 26/11 in mumbai is serving 30 years in usa.

But Samjhota express attackers are still free.. lol even you PM was banned from entering US bcoz of his bright past regarding Muslim genocide in Gujrat.
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