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Eliminating terrorism is long drawn arduous task. It took Siri-lanka 20+ years to eliminate it fully. Regional countries must acknowledge our sacrifices and efforts instead of doing this blame game. And this probably is a response to Saudi alliance. How would Iran feel if we also start parroting USA's stance on Iran being sponsor of terrorism, as we had Kulboshan entering from Iran. And he is responsible for killing a lot more Pakistanis than these border incidents.
Iran shouldn't engage is useless rhetoric like India and have border management talks with Pakistan.
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You wont believe me but i had predicted muslim problem for usa in the 90s , much before 911.
Similarly china and pakistan are so dissimilar ideologically that future conflict is inevitable. And the conflict might not be at govt to govt level but nonstate pakistani actors doing something big in china.
Will be difficult for chinese govt to rationalize the act to their ppl.

I agree. A Chinese 9/11.

@Chinese-Dragon your thoughts if such were to happen?

Aaww once Persians ruled the known world. Now just that kid which joins the football team to really be a waterboy.

I love a good joke on Sundays. Thanks OP.

Well that's exactly the point, is it not?

Conquering warrior races do not join teams.

They make their own.

We both know who joined a team, and who did not.
time to deport iranian people from pakistan.

are their any? i dont think so, maybe their terrorist trainers
Now 3 neighbouring countries accuse pakistan of supporting terror . 2 muslim and 1 infidel.
Time for introspection.

nobody give fvck. Keep crying..

An internationally sanctioned terrorist regime recruting Pakistan shia for syria accusing Pakistan is actually good for Pakistan..

Rest 2 whining nations, we dont even consider one of them human, last i remember these loosers are barking since 50's with no results, and one of them is not even nation or country.. Calling Afghanistan a country is insult to word country.
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Ulta Chor Koutwaal pe bhoonke :lol:
A country internationally Recognized as State Sponsor Terrorists calling other country ? LOL and i why i am not surprised that why Iranian Ayatuallah's were silent on when Kashmiri Shia's were stopped to perform Jaloos in muharram .. Iran is feeling the heat, Pakistani people must not get moved by such pu$$y statements , just wait till the Alliance start its combat Operations under the Leadership of RS, we will see more butt-hurt comments from Iranians .. can't trust people who divide the religion once and now dividing the Islamic world ..
Why is it when Iran opens their mouth, Indian words come out of it?
History Sir , History . Hindu India and Persian are very old friends and they are just repeating it over and over again.

Now Iran , India and Afghanistan are on same page .
So now Persians can attack on Pakistan , They can have all the help from Hanuman Army .
History Sir , History . Hindu India and Persian are very old friends and they are just repeating it over and over again.

Now Iran , India and Afghanistan are on same page .
So now Persians can attack on Pakistan , They can have all the help from Hanuman Army .

Sir you were part of those friendly relations between sister Aryan civilizations.

For many millennia.

Just saying.

Neither attacked each other till 1000 AD ....

History Sir , History . Hindu India and Persian are very old friends and they are just repeating it over and over again.

Now Iran , India and Afghanistan are on same page .
So now Persians can attack on Pakistan , They can have all the help from Hanuman Army .
What will it take for Pakistan to come out of denial? Not everyone can be wrong dude, you should start introspecting for your own good and get your house in order IF you wish to thrive.
For once stop believing everything your government (or army?) is feeding you.
Why have so much hostility against all the neighbours ? Kashmir issue is with only india.

all neighbour are fvcking looser, 2 of them have wet dreams about our territory, ever heard about LOY Afghanistan and Akhand bharat? 3rd one have sadly become sectarian hub after 79, from 79 till syria war they were supporting and funding shia schools and hardliners, now they are openly making our shia terrorists by sending them in Iraq and Syria for killings, i dont want to go in past about how they expose AQ Khan who helped them with centrifuges and missile tech to save their behind. Shah (may Allah forgive his sins and award him place in jannah) was true reasonable friend of Pakistan who always helped us..

Now what we should do? Bend over to please all of them?
Pakistan has become a safe heaven of terrorists: Iranian MP
Posted By: News Deskon: April 30, 2017


Tasnim – Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi slammed Pakistan’s government for failing to prevent terror attacks against Iran from its soil, saying the neighboring country has become a “safe haven” for terrorist cells.

In a visit to the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, Boroujerdi expressed deep sorrow over the deaths of 10 Iranian border guards in a recent terrorist attack that was launched from inside Pakistan.Given that terror cells’ safe haven is located inside Pakistan and they (terrorists) cross the Islamic Republic of Iran’s borders from there, undoubtedly, the Pakistani government is responsible for the bitter incident and other similar cases,” the parliamentarian said.

He further emphasized that as Islamabad practically lacks the ability to control its borders, Iranian forces have the right to take the necessary actions and respond to such attacks.

Takfiri militants shot to death 10 Iranian border guards who were patrolling on the frontier with Pakistan on Wednesday.

The Iranian troops were martyred in an ambush by the terrorists in Mirjaveh in the Iran-Pakistan border’s zero-point.

A terrorist group calling itself Jaish al-Adl has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency late on Wednesday, Spokesman for the Iranian Police Brigadier General Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said the border guards were killed by long-range weapons firing from inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani government is to blame for the incident and they should be accountable for it, he added.

Source: The Iran Project



We can expect more such statements from Iran due to general Raheel Sharif's role in the Saudi coalition. It has irked the Iranians quite badly. The Iranians fully know that someone like Raheel Sharif has the skill and mind to tilt the balance. Raheel Sharif's achievements as a COAS speaks for itself.

Iran needs to understand that it cannot expect Pakistan to follow every dictation. Pakistan is a sovereign nation and will decide in the broader interest of the region and not specific nations.

First, we decided not to join the Saudi led war against Yemen. This was celebrated by Iran, but it angered the Arabs. Now we have decided to join the coalition against ISIS and the Iranians are upset. This needs to stop. Both sides need to stop being childish. Pakistan doesn't belong in any specific camp. It only belongs in the mediation camp. We stand for unity.

The fight against ISIS is also in Iran's interest. Iran needs to look at the broader picture instead of confining itself to Arab enmity. The same goes for the Arab side. Time has come to put aside ancient differences. Stop looking through Sunni Shia prism.

On a different note, we don't approve Iran's role with India, but we don't make hue and cry. We understand Iran has economic and other interests. Even if at times these interests collide against Pakistan's interests. Iran should develop a similar understanding with Pakistan. Pakistan also has interests which may collide with Iranian interests. You take some and give some. Simple rule.
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Says the enlisted state sponsor of terrorism.

Enlisted by whom? Can you specify please? The list of those countries who made that 'list' is going to enlighten every one here.
Why is it when Iran opens their mouth, Indian words come out of it?

Iranians gave Chabahar port to India just in tussle of Gwadar...They are arrogant and shrewd, a partly reason for their isolation in world. To me, after this statement, Iranians are no more neutral. By using Indian tone, they're sending a message to Pakistan. We got that, fine.

I hope China-Iran relations remain stable though...Apart from Russia and China, Iranians seem to have problem with everyone.
Sir there is two key word in my post and you missed that. But let this go , Just saying.
Sir you were part of those friendly relations between sister Aryan civilizations.

For many millennia.

Just saying.

Neither attacked each other till 1000 AD ....


Well I know my media and Govt and Army very well ,Y wont you stop believing what your media feeding you??? And what happen to Sumjhota Train and Ajmeer sharif terrorist acts and what about the officer who was probing the accident who got killed in Bombay attack........
Stop blaming Pakistan for every thing ! India was never united in history "Except for very few Kings" It was always a land of different kings , rajas and maharajas , and fighting in India still going on, Now stop blaming Pakistan for many separatist movements.
And Before I forget , I am ISI agent and I want to stay in India :enjoy::rofl::rofl:
What will it take for Pakistan to come out of denial? Not everyone can be wrong dude, you should start introspecting for your own good and get your house in order IF you wish to thrive.
For once stop believing everything your government (or army?) is feeding you.

@maximuswarrior you need some editing in your post Bro , RS name is not right there .
Sir there is two key word in my post and you missed that. But let this go , Just saying.

Well I know my media and Govt and Army very well ,Y wont you stop believing what your media feeding you??? And what happen to Sumjhota Train and Ajmeer sharif terrorist acts and what about the officer who was probing the accident who got killed in Bombay attack........
Stop blaming Pakistan for every thing ! India was never united in history "Except for very few Kings" It was always a land of different kings , rajas and maharajas , and fighting in India still going on, Now stop blaming Pakistan for many separatist movements.
And Before I forget , I am ISI agent and I want to stay in India :enjoy::rofl::rofl:

@maximuswarrior you need some editing in your post Bro , RS name is not right there .

Hindu and Persian?

I got that.

Deny it all you want sir, but Persians are to modern Iran what Punjabis are to Pakistan.
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