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Iran could have been as rich as gulf countries instead the deranged Mullahs divert the oil wealth to fund terrorists in ME and surrounding regions. I consider Iranian Mullahs more dangerous then Wahabi Saudi, Iranian Mullahs are suicidal, imagine if they had a nuke they would be nuking every weekend. o_O
We are discussing Iran and we'll keep discussing it...Sorry.

I m happy Iranians themselves revealed them in front of us by speaking India's language/tone...
So you are trying to say that we should support Jundallah in Pakistan?
Irani Militias are in Golan heights and Jundallah is trying to infiltrate through Afghanistan with the support of India and Israel and Mr.X so we need better border management. We shouldn't let Jundallah get in Balochistan again many of PA soldiers gave their lives to keep them out of our territory. Jundallah has killed just 10 Irani border guards but they have killed more Pakistanis so what do you suggest Pakistan should do here. I am just talking hard but you are trying to serve Indian purpose practically.

I m happy Iranians themselves revealed them in front of us by speaking India's language/tone...
Why is it when Iran opens their mouth, Indian words come out of it?

bcoz both are isolated, one in ME other despite being elephent size country cant spread its influence in west and is confined in east due to Pakistan .. soon they will loose ground in their satellite states in east due to heavy Chinese investments.
How did India and Israel figure in to this argument between Iran and Pakistan?
What ever goes wrong blame the hanood and yahood.:disagree:
Normally such issues are resolved by Diplomatic channel and our dipolomatic officers are Busy writing Qatri letter
Iran is involved in sectarian terrorism in Pakistan and they are calling us a safe heaven of terrorists? If iran look back than a lot of attacks were launch on Pakistan border from Iran side. Kulbhushan Yadhev came in Pakistan through Iran, don't they remember it?
There you go.... Even Iran has recognised it now.:lol:
folks be careful it could be someone sabtaging pak and iran allince but dont forget that iran does have zionist inflitration in the governmnet ranks.

this guy below is exposed as zionist crypto on number of websites.


Well he is no more an asset ..
I think it is time India and Iran stop this romantic slow dancing that's been going on between them for years now and get serious about terrorism in the region. They need to come together in a solid alliance along with the Afghans and share intelligence and have treaties in place for extradition and joint counter intelligence operations. I see tremendous synergies and opportunities here and it is better to come together than bleed apart.

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