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We are also concern over the deaths of several hundred of civilians by several terrorist attack that was launched from harboured sanctuaries of Indian consulates in IRAN and Afghanistan, Kulbushan, Ehsanullah Ehsan and Uzair baloch's confession are the proof of this heinous act of three government IRAN, AFG & India involved .These terror cells’ safe haven is located inside IRAN, AFG supported by RAW.
Terrorist mindset exists in almost all societies these days, whether Jews, Hindus, christians, Shias or sunnis for that matter. However in case of this particular incidence it has more todo with non state actors who are being supported by India mainly to malign Pakistan's relations with Iran. labelling the government of another country without evidence clearly shows that either the Iranian side lacks intelligence or are looking for excuses to pick on Pakistan. It's sad because just a few months back we handed them the head of an organisation who was carrying out nefarious activities on their soil.

What did we get in return? Spying through Uzair baloch? Murders of our citizens at the hands of kulbhushan whom your government was harbouring? It's clear Iranians prefer Indians as this is clearly an Indian tune. The sect based bias runs deep in Iran it appears.
Problem for Iranians is that Pakistan doesn't give them much importance...and Iranians are like crawling for Pakistan's attention...This is funny.

Iranians are already isolated. Their statements can only happy India not any other country...

Iranians revealed themselves so quickly...Pakistanis have seen the face behind veil...

After this statement, let us see who call Iran "brother" in Pakistan...

Lesson for Pakistan : Deal with others on basis of how others see you not how you see them...

Gwadar is about to emerge...we need to seal the border with Iran, completely. Trade should be strictly monitored. Start exploration of oil/gas in Baluchistan.

@Max @Taimoor Khan @Malik Abdullah @Fledgingwings @Suff Shikan
@BHarwana here are your beloved brothers. now this guy must b sponsored by either GCC or israel.
@Major Sam what is difficult here to understand. UAE and India are in alliance India is using Irani territory and GCC is using Pakistani territory to push Pakistan and Iran into a war. Just look at the article this is the same thing Pakistan has been demanding from Iran. You give visa to every citizen of foreign country and they can sneak in Indians sneak in through Iran and UAE paid terrorist sneak in from Pakistan and do these sabotage operations. A year back there were four buses going to Iran from my village and before reaching the border those buses were attacked by terrorist many people died many dead bodies came back who did that? Iran or Pakistan? No! it was done by India and GCC paid proxies. This has to stop both in Iran and Pakistan we both have to work together. Pakistan and Iran need closer corporation on the border. Balochistan is the future of Pakistan not just Balochs these thing need to stop.
I have said it 100 times this is an Iran and Pakistan common problem. India or someone else is starting again and they are using a new link that has to stop. What was Jadhav doing the same killing people traveling to Iran on a religious visit. Just yesterday some tried to blow up the main power line on the Pak-Iran border area. who was that? The proxie has been reactivated through some other means. Unlit Pakistani don't recognize the real enemy progress cannot be made to eradicate the terrorism. Someone is trying to sabotage the new FTA between Iran and Pakistan.
A country who is having problem with half of the world & is financing & sponsoring rented terrorism against the sunni countries is saying Pakistan is safe heaven for terrorists? Iran is a shot country which cannot be trusted one bit & is openly financing sectarian violence in Pakistan against sunnis. So Iran should STFU & stop speaking Indian language.
That is Iran and her sectarian mullahs...This statement is coming from higher Iranian authority...

Pakistanis know Iran very well...What they have been doing since 1979 is open book for everyone except you.

This Group Jundallah that claimed the responsibility of this attack on Irani border guards. What is the difference Between Jundallan and BLA (Baloch liberation Army)? None they are same. We have a common enemy. We need to work together to eliminate it.
India and Afghanistan has been saying this along since long time. People like Hafiz Saeed and Masood openly threaten India and Pakistan does nothing. Now Iran too is saying this now. The world should take note of this.
The world should take note of this because angles live on the other side of the border.

Let alone general general public sitting in office as prime minister is a person whose hands are tainted with the blood of innocent Muslims of Gujrat.

The world must also take a note they touched the harmless and innocent passengers of Samjhota express.

And ah Kashmir.

By the way Hafiz Saeed is not at large he is under a safe custody.
This Group Jundallah that claimed the responsibility of this attack on Irani border guards. What is the difference Between Jundallan and BLA (Baloch liberation Army)? None they are same. We have a common enemy. We need to work together to eliminate it.

Iranians disagree with you...They are more interested in blaming my country rather than willing to work with...I have no sympathy for Iran at all now...They can go to hell...We,as a country, won't give a single fuk...Iranians are unable to walk with anyone...Their isolation tells us
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