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Using Irani territory to infiltrate is one thing. The question is on whose agenda he was working on It was UAE and Indian agenda. No matter how you portray this the truth is known by those who got killed.
You are one shameless Mullah lover. Kulbhushan did not "use Iranian territory to infiltrate," he was using it as a "forward operating base." Do you know the difference?

What was Mullah Mansoor doing in Iran?
Why did Baba Ladla, and Uzair Baloch have Iranian Nationality?

Why are there more than 4.5m+ Pakistanis in GCC, but not even 0.5m in Iran?
Uzair Baloch ISPR tweet.jpg
Baba Ladla Irani.JPG
uzair balouch2.jpg
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You don't even make any sense, what you blaberring about? So you're claiming your pakistani army is a terrorist and are too cowardly to attack Iran and have to pretend to be terrorists? Let your army fire a bullet and see what happens.

According to you lots Pakistan killed your troops, and according to you you are Supa pawa who brought USA to knees, so go on and attack Pakistan. Should be piece of cake for you. Let your incompetent army who can only commit genocide in minion countries like syria, Iraq and Afghanistan attack Pakistan and see how we slaughter your @$$.
Guys you need to expose Iran on social media, anywhere and everywhere... Iran needs to be isolated completely and brung to her knees.. Where she belongs akin to how iranian girls in the UK spend most of their time..

Heh! Entire USA was not able to 'brung' Iran to her knees, what will Pakistan do?
And no China does not take orders from Pakistan, nor does India.
There is a common tendency in Pakistan, usually spread by certain section of Pakistani society like Zaid Hamid. They see Pakistan as the centre of the world and US been plotting to undermine Pakistan with support of India. The truth is that there are more US man power currently focused on Iran and Pakistan is just a 'former ally now gone commie'. In truth, Iran has shaped middle east and central asia since time immemorial. Pakistan is merely a false blip on the radar of history.
The only dumb as crap people, who think they are the center of the world, are ones high on gau muttar calling themselves soupa powa, by electing the butcher of gujrat as thier PM.
Huh? the earth are you blabbering about?:what:
Who said these terrorists were pakistani soldiers? you are the only one insinuating that. If these attacks were from uniformed soldiers you would have received a slap you'd never forget.

Calling Iranian army incompetent when all the insecurity is coming from pakistan side is hilarious indeed. You people can't even secure your own country and you're calling the most stable nation in the region incompetent? :rofl:

Dont act like Dumb@$$ it is you who is claiming Pakistan killed your soldiers, so go ahead and attack us.

You are incompetent good for only big mouth that's why any ragtag groups call kill 10s of your soldiers and they present their necks as sitting ducks. Good for big mouth nation claiming to wipe Israel but ended up creating more stability in the entire region.
There is a common tendency in Pakistan, usually spread by certain section of Pakistani society like Zaid Hamid. They see Pakistan as the centre of the world and US been plotting to undermine Pakistan with support of India. The truth is that there are more US man power currently focused on Iran and Pakistan is just a 'former ally now gone commie'. In truth, Iran has shaped middle east and central asia since time immemorial. Pakistan is merely a false blip on the radar of history.
Pakistan is just used as a puppet, by US then, and China, and Saudi now to counter Russia, India, and Iran respectively. Correct me if I am wrong. They do not have any standing of their own and are always used to needle the neighbors because they can easily be bought.
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