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Maybe according the UN in saudi fantasy land.

Facts is your beloved ISIS is getting slaughtered in places like Mosul. They're finished. It must be sad for you wahabis, but we enjoy seeing you saudi slaves burn.

Must less people/vehicles were lost by Iraqis than what you people have lost in the war within your own state.
well ISIS have posted videos of more killed than UN estimates. and ISIS claim is 5 ties more higher. But mullah never told you the truth and brainwashed you into believing that everything said against iran or which contradicts iran stand are due to saudi wahabis blah blah.

Go strap on a vest and blow up in the honour of your 72 virgins. You're gagging for it. Join ISIS already.
Ok but first ask your mullah to give us a passport and key. Without it i can't enter paradise.
I am sure your saudi masters are telling the truth and everyone else is lying :lol:
The fact your ISIS brethren are being slaughtered in Mosul right now is pure conspiracy, I am sure.
They are still controlling its parts even after so long opeation in which you lost more men than what they lost.
Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi slammed Pakistan’s government for failing to prevent terror attacks against Iran from its soil, saying the neighboring country has become a “safe haven” for terrorist cells.

If he has shame he would have been say these words he doesn't have proof only bluffing because they themselves are spreading terrorism in Syria and Yemen so in IMO they have taken over Afghanistan as the no 1 country in spreading terrorism and financing and as well recruiting so please stop your ugly lies

@Major Sam what is difficult here to understand. UAE and India are in alliance India is using Irani territory and GCC is using Pakistani territory to push Pakistan and Iran into a war. Just look at the article this is the same thing Pakistan has been demanding from Iran. You give visa to every citizen of foreign country and they can sneak in Indians sneak in through Iran and UAE paid terrorist sneak in from Pakistan and do these sabotage operations. A year back there were four buses going to Iran from my village and before reaching the border those buses were attacked by terrorist many people died many dead bodies came back who did that? Iran or Pakistan? No! it was done by India and GCC paid proxies. This has to stop both in Iran and Pakistan we both have to work together. Pakistan and Iran need closer corporation on the border. Balochistan is the future of Pakistan not just Balochs these thing need to stop.

You are the NO 1 Ch**** .A loyal Pi** in other words a traitor will betray our country for the sake of iran please do a favor change your flag from Pakistan to iran...
You don't need a key, ask your saudi masters . Just strap on a vest and blow up a bus full of shias somewhere with and you'll get your virgins.
saudis are not our masters. They are our brothers who haven't old us for business with our enemies nor do they ever have done joint defense agreements with our enemies against us.
Iranian mullah tink they are mehdi people and friends of idol worshippers at the same time.
If he has shame he would have been say these words he doesn't have proof only bluffing because they themselves are spreading terrorism in Syria and Yemen so in IMO they have taken over Afghanistan as the no 1 country in spreading terrorism and financing and as well recruiting so please stop your ugly lies

You are the NO 1 Ch**** .A loyal Pi** in other words a traitor will betray our country for the sake of iran please do a favor change your flag from Pakistan to iran...
Wooo the UAE group really wanted me back into this thread lol. Okay here I am now lets start.
"you"? Since when are Iranians fighting in Iraq. It is Iraqis fighting in their own land and they have slaughtered ISIS. I know its hard resisting your saudi master propaganda, but still.
You pakistanis should not talk about war on terror given how many of you have been utterly wiped out by terrorists.
Once again, learn to secure your own nation and then talk.
we have secured it in just 2 years operation when we wanted to. But 6 years in syria have given you humiliation only.
To delusional Pakistanis who keep harping muslim brotherhood and muslim ummah. I would support Israel if they attacked and destroyed Iran. Iranians are fucking liars and axis of evil. No other country, of any other dominant religion has harmed Islam more then these scums.

Pakistan has become a safe heaven of terrorists: Iranian MP
Posted By: News Deskon: April 30, 2017


Tasnim – Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi slammed Pakistan’s government for failing to prevent terror attacks against Iran from its soil, saying the neighboring country has become a “safe haven” for terrorist cells.

In a visit to the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan, Boroujerdi expressed deep sorrow over the deaths of 10 Iranian border guards in a recent terrorist attack that was launched from inside Pakistan.Given that terror cells’ safe haven is located inside Pakistan and they (terrorists) cross the Islamic Republic of Iran’s borders from there, undoubtedly, the Pakistani government is responsible for the bitter incident and other similar cases,” the parliamentarian said.

He further emphasized that as Islamabad practically lacks the ability to control its borders, Iranian forces have the right to take the necessary actions and respond to such attacks.

Takfiri militants shot to death 10 Iranian border guards who were patrolling on the frontier with Pakistan on Wednesday.

The Iranian troops were martyred in an ambush by the terrorists in Mirjaveh in the Iran-Pakistan border’s zero-point.

A terrorist group calling itself Jaish al-Adl has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency late on Wednesday, Spokesman for the Iranian Police Brigadier General Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said the border guards were killed by long-range weapons firing from inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani government is to blame for the incident and they should be accountable for it, he added.

Source: The Iran Project


"you"? Since when are Iranians fighting in Iraq. It is Iraqis fighting in their own land and they have slaughtered ISIS. I know its hard resisting your saudi master propaganda, but still.
You pakistanis should not talk about war on terror given how many of you have been utterly wiped out by terrorists.
Once again, learn to secure your own nation and then talk.
i saw sulemni in iraq. I thought he was fighting but i think he was there for arabic dance.
That dance is for defeating ISIS from the cities.Let hope one day your nation is freed from terrorists. Then we'll all dance. But given how inept you are, I doubt it will happen.
but he is still fighting and getting his men killed in mosul. Late by 4 months. Begged for US air support in previous opertions and was provided with support after his men pathetic performances.
You sound like an insecure kid. Iranians are not seen in any way negatively in the UK. You people however are associated with terrorism, grooming gangs, immigrants etc etc. Nobody seem you in the positive light.
Like I said, when your very nationality i.e pakistani is used a derogatory term, then you know something is wrong.:lol:

You're still fighting inside your country and terrorists are roaming free everywhere.
The Syrians are controlling most important parts of their nation today, what planet are you living in? This is embarrassing?

Iran is the most stable nation in the region whilst you people are a safe haven for terrorists, you want us to be embarrassed? :rofl:
you are biggest terrorist than Pakistan, @Oscar, @waz, @Horus, sir please ban him he contentiously insulting Pakistan, he may be Indian pretending to be Iranian:blah:
To delusional Pakistanis who keep harping muslim brotherhood and muslim ummah. I would support Israel if they attacked and destroyed Iran. Iranians are fucking liars and axis of evil. No other country, of any other dominant religion has harmed Islam more then these scums.

Nobody will ever attack Iran, it is all buIl$hlt and the reason is obvious.
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