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They think just because China uses them to needle India or US used them to needle Russia in Afghanistan, or KSA uses them to needle Iran, they are very relevant. Funny people.
They have made no positive contribution to the world unlike Iran that is increasing its clout in the field of space science and technology. Their biggest achievement till date is becoming a nuclear state and that has given a bragging right till the dawn of the sun. We have to bear with them.

...And your biggest achievement is winning one war in your life, that too, 3 vs 1 and "given a bragging right till the dawn of the sun" is wholly reserved for your nation on that one. Rest of the wars your army ran out of wood to burn 'hanuman soldiers' LOL.
1- Iranian weapons have been war tested in places like Syria and work very well. Furthermore, if Iran does not have "NATO grade" then pakistan most certainly does not either. Iranian "knock off" weapons which include long range AESA systems, MALE uav's etc etc? mean while pakistan can't even manufacture a rifle but relies on china?
well we have seen great iranin wepons and their success in syria. Just see their successful results on map.
Russia came to syria just to know iranian weapons.
Pakistan is nothing to Iran except a neighbour. You have much more to lose with a hostile relation. You can't do anything to do Iran except act like saudi proxies which you are already. You want Iran to start seriously boosting its defence ties with India?
IP confirmation needed. iss ka passport dhekho bhai kahan ka hai..
2- pakistanis are basically seen in highly negative light in the UK. Iranian girls would not even walk near you people, what are you mumbling about? In the UK, the brits even use your name i.e pakistani as an insult dude. You think people are oblivious to facts?
Annual foreign tourists visiting Iran is 5 million, while the neighboring Pakistan is not even half a million. Says a lot about which country has a better reputation
You're acting like those are not facts? Feel free to state which are are not true? is pakistan anywhere near Iran scientifically or in terms of influence?

That is what I said you are scientifically, economically, militarily, etc are a Supa pawa. You brought even America to knees, what is stopping you to attack Pakistan and take revenge of the 10 soldiers pakistan killed?
Saffron Money speaking out loud [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
Annual foreign tourists visiting Iran is 5 million, while the neighboring Pakistan is not even half a million. Says a lot about which country has a better reputation
5 million shias visiting iran to visit holy site of abu lulu a non muslim who killed Umer(R.A). Some to throw letters into a well.
Are rast migi, man farsi balad nistam. Fekr mikoni hame Irani ha ke zede pakitane hastan bayad hendi bashan?

Go and ask an Iranian to translate that for you kid.
shuma hendi ast yee zakootay k bachay ast :lol:
I can see the behavior and blame game of Iranians after one incident. very disappointing. i was having very different image of iran in my mind.
@Folkhindus = Son of Indus.

Pak has chosen a very constructive path. This path shall lead to revival of not only economy and development. But something most valuable... the Revival of the Civilisation.

When I see you, Pak Friends, with confidence, devotion and without Hurbis, defending your Pak, I feel happy!

The Time is long gone now that Pak was taken forgranted.

Welcome to New Pakistan. Welcome to Real Pakistan.

We must avoid those who come here on PDF to spit their poison, their uncontrolled hate.

Your Pak has a Date with Destiny!

Let us focus on that.. I sense your outrage... yet ...yet...why waste energies on the lost souls?

Anyhow, Folks of Indus are good people. We likes!
Well done for supporting cross border terrorism on border guards. That the only thing you/they're are capable off. Meanwhile these same people have slaughtered and are slaughtering countless of you people and you cant even defeat them.
well 1300+ Pakistanis were killed by a person using iranian land against us. What about that??? did you gave us his partner still in iran planning terrorism???
You burned our embassy after an attack on bus carrying Pakistanis, did you punished those terrorists who attacked our embassy??? It was our bus with our people, who gave you the right to try to become so called leader of our people.
We took you for brothers and stay quite but iranians are proving themselves to be just shias with no sympathy for any muslim other than shias. spreading hate, mischief on earth is your sole purpose and then calling yourself an angel, rightful and great muslims like khawarij is your sole way of life.
Pakistan can easily force you to fight a war against afghans and arab guirrilas if we want to and we know how good you are in getting killed and humiliated time and again, whether it is iraq, syria or somewhere else. You just bark and see listen to your mullah and than bark again about great scientific achievements your mullah tells you about with no existance in reality.
Posters, please, avoid vulgarity, certainly regarding women. Not proper thing to do.

Some faked ID indians here are with an agenda... see that agenda and don't fall for their hineous traps.

Emotions uncontrolled bring only destruction...

@The Eagle @waz @Oscar gents, kindly, take care of the fake IDs. Thank you!
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