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1) Pakistan has nothing to gain by being complicit in such attacks, in fact it hurts them
And we never said Pakistan is complicit, did we? By we, I mean senior officials. All we have said is that Pakistan should do more on its side of the border.

2) Pakistan has lost more people (by far) due to these terrorist elements, due to a lack of control over the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region

We are aware, and we are sorry for that. No one is happy seeing what Pakistanis go through (except their true enemies), but still, these are two separate matters. If Pakistan thinks it's busy with its own terrorists, don't you think it's logical if they give us permission to do some cross-border operations? It will actually help both countries. Just sitting behind a fence waiting for terrorists to strike you at any time will not work.

3) Because we can't do anything about it (outside our borders) without getting help from Pakistan
And if Pakistan can't help you for various reasons, it's more logical if you ask Pakistan to solve it yourself right?

All roads point to the necessity of strengthening ties with Pakistan further, and expressing concerns through backdoor channels to avoid public embarrassment and drama. I'll tentatively say that this approach seems to be working.

We are all for empowering ties with Pakistan, almost all senior officials have said that before. It's good for both countries. But still, it can be a separate issue than targeting terrorists.


@Chinese-Dragon I have an honest question from you and would like an honest answer and I'm sure you will give it.

How do you explain that almost all Pakistanis cheer for Turkey or support it when it targets PKK in northern Iraq or Syria with airforce, rockets, artillery, etc, but they all go crazy if Iran fires a few mortars at terrorist locations inside Pakistan, suddenly remembering what sovereignty is and how valuable and sacred it is? Isn't it a bit of hypocrisy?

Yes and after these complains, Iranians were given clear permission to do what you like with these terrorist on Pakistan side of the border as our hands are busy with India and Afghanistan on Pak/afghan border and India/ Pakistan border not to mention India using Iranian soil to launch terrorist attacks against Pakistan. Then the Iranian MP launching verbal attacks against Pakistan seriously!

I am not aware of any such permission given by Pakistan to Iran, did I miss it?
Iran was never making a bomb to begin with. And its program is still intact. All Iran did was make some agreement with can be nullified over night an in return, the world now recognised its nuclear program and sanctions are lifted.

As for Americans, maybe you were sleeping past few years. We bring sailors to their knees, make them urinate and cry whilst the same Americans slaughter your people with drones.
did you returned them??? if yes than you are again brought to knees as a nation.
About drones. Common enemy comman strategy.

Pakistan can give iran the proxy war of it's life if we want to but we won't do it at any cost even though iran is doing it by recruiting our people for a sectarian war.
You can do whatever you want with the terrorists you catch. You can work with Iran to make sure such people are not creeping through Iran. Give the names/details of known terrorists and let Iran catch them and hand them over. Working together is good, problem is, Pakistan is doing nothing to stop the terrorists from its side form roaming and coming into Iranian side despite many many attempts by Iran to get pakistan to work with it. P.s don't fool yourself, your country is still riddles with terrorists, you have no defeated jack. As for your 41 nation leader, the saudis paid off your general to try and get pakistan on board their useless organisation. And they succeeded. The saudi are good at buying off pakistanis it seems.

Iran pakistan relations are going down very fast. Something should be done before its too late. Many people would like a hostile Iran-pakistan relations.

I am not an enemy of Pakistan, but I wont tolerate bs towards Iran.

First remove your Mullahs, who got control in 1979 and fuked your relations with everyone...U had no problem with Pakistan before 1979...Every major mess started from 1979...

Pakistanis are also in no mood to listen crap from Iranians...What is proof that you offer for joint collaboration and we declined...We don't have long ego like Persians. We know how to get along with other nations unlike you.

It is impossible that you didn't know about Jadhav anti Pakistan activities from Chabahar...As you proudly say your border is secured, if that is the case, he wouldn't have got arrested in Pakistan...How did he enter into Pakistan, obviously with help of Iranian intelligence...Uzair Baloch, another wanted criminal in Pakistan, also had Iranian passport/backing.

@Chinese-Dragon I have an honest question from you and would like an honest answer and I'm sure you will give it.

How do you explain that almost all Pakistanis cheer for Turkey or support it when it targets PKK in northern Iraq or Syria with airforce, rockets, artillery, etc, but they all go crazy if Iran fires a few mortars at terrorist locations inside Pakistan, suddenly remembering what sovereignty is and how valuable and sacred it is? Isn't it a bit of hypocrisy?

You really felt the need of comparing Iraq which is mostly in control of lawless groups and have troops from dozens of countries, with Pakistan?

Pakistan arrested indian RAW terrorist who came from Iran, so what if Pakistan fire some mortars into Iran? How about that?

Just like I said in the past, Pakistan and Iran need to create a joint mechanism to control the border. Neither country will acheive anything fighting.
How old are you? 12?
Iran proved a point by bringing them to their knees and made them apologise on national television. Why would it keep them?

As for drones/aerial attacks, jesus, you people are that deluded? They slaughtered your soldiers. Are your soldiers also common enemy? are the countless innocent people they killed also common enemies.

The level of denial some you people resort to is hilarious indeed.
they never killed our soldiers in a drone attack.
They did it on salala and we took our revenge within a month inside afghanistan. Just nothing was made public.
But iran was raped by Israel in syria by killing iranian officers of a general rank and iran promised revenge. we are waiting for that great revenge even after more than two years.

You forced them to appologize on TV and left them free. Why don't you give same chance to every criminal. Oh sorry they are weaker than you. I forgot you are good at bringing americans to their knees by accepting their demands.

dude, does pakistan even have any air defence?:lol: you talk about airforce like pakistan has 5th gen planes. The only relevant planes pakistan has are few f-16's which would be wiped out with ease with Iranian air defence.

Iran does not need "nato grade" equipment to slap its enemies head off. Does pakistan have any nato grade equipment? most of its military is basically chinese.

You people can talk big on the internet, you try anything in real life you'll get slapped so hard you'll never forget it.
what he said was real history lesson.
You can do whatever you want with the terrorists you catch. You can work with Iran to make sure such people are not creeping through Iran. Give the names/details of known terrorists and let Iran catch them and hand them over. Working together is good, problem is, Pakistan is doing nothing to stop the terrorists from its side form roaming and coming into Iranian side despite many many attempts by Iran to get pakistan to work with it. P.s don't fool yourself, your country is still riddles with terrorists, you have no defeated jack. As for your 41 nation leader, the saudis paid off your general to try and get pakistan on board their useless organisation. And they succeeded. The saudi are good at buying off pakistanis it seems.

Iran pakistan relations are going down very fast. Something should be done before its too late. Many people would like a hostile Iran-pakistan relations.

I am not an enemy of Pakistan, but I wont tolerate bs towards Iran.

Here you go kid:

Enjoy it.

Iran was never making a bomb to begin with. And its program is still intact. All Iran did was make some agreement with can be nullified over night an in return, the world now recognised its nuclear program and sanctions are lifted.

As for Americans, maybe you were sleeping past few years. We bring sailors to their knees, make them urinate and cry whilst the same Americans slaughter your people with drones.
yeah I saw the potus ordering pentagon to draft an instrument of surrender :lol:
How old are you? 12?
Iran proved a point by bringing them to their knees and made them apologise on national television. Why would it keep them?

As for drones/aerial attacks, jesus, you people are that deluded? They slaughtered your soldiers. Are your soldiers also common enemy? are the countless innocent people they killed also common enemies.

The level of denial some you people resort to is hilarious indeed.




No idea if you are trolling, US did apologise to Pakistan.
dude, does pakistan even have any air defence?:lol: you talk about airforce like pakistan has 5th gen planes. The only relevant planes pakistan has are few f-16's which would be wiped out with ease with Iranian air defence.

Iran does not need "nato grade" equipment to slap its enemies head off. Does pakistan have any nato grade equipment? most of its military is basically chinese.

You people can talk big on the internet, you try anything in real life you'll get slapped so hard you'll never forget it.

Is this dude for real?

Someone tell him about Pakistan Airforce achievements against, Indian, Israeli and Russian airforces.
Iranians being killed in Syria is not the same thing as anyone daring to attack directly kid. You're running desperate now. How many zionists were slaughtered in 2006 by Iranian backed proxies?
well how many iranians were slaughtered by US proxy saddam????
I have been hearing since last 20 years death to israel blah blah. we will do this we will do that but i think you don't have balls even to start a direct war with them. Proxy proxy blah blah.
Go and attack the great satan.
Pakistanis again burying their heads in the sand and denying their terror activities and rogue behaviour from yet another neighbour.

For those Pakistanis quick lesson on Iran

They are a far richer and more stable nation than Pakistan. Their potential is so enormous they could easily be the modt powerful nation in middle east.

Per capita income of 50 million Iranians is 5 times that of a Pakistani

You better not being thor enemy . You already having to dewal with one giant neighbour like india
can they afford us as their enemies. I don't think so.
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