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can they afford us as their enemies. I don't think so.

Why ........... YOU think Pakistan can threaten IRAN ,,,,,,far richer far more powerful

Those nukes cannot be used against IRAN .. thy have o nukes.

Conventrional war PAKISTAN would collapse in one week due to cost
Pakistan military is a nothing dude. You have barely any self sufficient industry. Iran has developed long range air defence with AESA radars, T-90ms grade tanks, anti ship ballistic missiles, MALE uavs, jet engines etc etc. You people can't even make a medium ranged SAM. Can you even manufacture rifles?

Go ahead and try your luck. Lets see you people make a move.

You call Iran irreverent when it has tremendous regional clout and so many nations are rushing to it to invest. What about you people? You've escaped pakistan to work in a curry shop in the UK? :lol:
They think just because China uses them to needle India or US used them to needle Russia in Afghanistan, or KSA uses them to needle Iran, they are very relevant. Funny people.
They have made no positive contribution to the world unlike Iran that is increasing its clout in the field of space science and technology. Their biggest achievement till date is becoming a nuclear state and that has given a bragging right till the dawn of the sun. We have to bear with them.
Pakistanis again burying their heads in the sand and denying their terror activities and rogue behaviour from yet another neighbour.

For those Pakistanis quick lesson on Iran

They are a far richer and more stable nation than Pakistan. Their potential is so enormous they could easily be the modt powerful nation in middle east.

Per capita income of 50 million Iranians is 5 times that of a Pakistani

You better not being thor enemy . You already having to dewal with one giant neighbour like india

Per capita doesn't really assist you in wars. Training, weapons, discipline and timing are some of the things you may need. Belgium has a higher per capita than india.. Will that translate in india losing to them? Absolutely not.

Iran can be checkmated easily by Pakistan, on every level. Pakistan was just trying to help Iran by bringing them closer to GCC. They refused, their choice. World will inevitably move on, it's really as simple as that.
Once again with gibberish, Iran never said even once they will strike israel unless attacked first. However the zionists threatened Iran daily for years but never dared to strike it. Go ask them why they did not have the guts to do it. Meanwhile you people get droned, mortared etc by everyone.
@waz @The Eagle @Arsalan Sharma g joined today n has a funny name plz do an I.p check
Once again with gibberish, Iran never said even once they will strike israel unless attacked first. However the zionists threatened Iran daily for years but never dared to strike it. Go ask them why they did not have the guts to do it. Meanwhile you people get droned, mortared etc by everyone.
really. Iran never said that they will destroy israel.
Why ........... YOU think Pakistan can threaten IRAN ,,,,,,far richer far more powerful

Those nukes cannot be used against IRAN .. thy have o nukes.

Conventrional war PAKISTAN would collapse in one week due to cost
iran fought with more power against saddam and we saw how powerful they are. 1 week is more than enough to teach them a lesson.
Against iran we will find people to finance the war.
Okay kid, that means Iran is going attack Israel militarily? If you've actually read the book you'd see what it says. It involved weakening Israel from within. i.e boosting Arab birth rate etc etc. It has nothing to do with a military strike. Iran never said it will attack Israel first. You're running desperate.
when you can destroy them in 8 minutes then what are you waiting for??
Your mullah is afraid of satan????
First defeat the terrorists within your country then talk. :lol:
You people are at war within your own state dude, and Iran is the most stable nation in the region, far more stable and influential than pakistan. Far more advanced scientifically . Far more self sufficient militarily. Far richer etc etc.

Are you high? Like I said for 10th time now, those are statement in response to an Israeli strike.
Do you seriously not have the capacity to understand that?

Far far far far far this far that. Ok far if you have balls come and attack Pakistan, you have a reason now as you believe Pakistan killed your 10 soldiers. What you waiting for Supa pawa?

Sharma ji aap expose ho chukay ho.
First defeat the terrorists within your country then talk. :lol:
You people are at war within your own state dude, and Iran is the most stable nation in the region, far more stable and influential than pakistan. Far more advanced scientifically . Far more self sufficient militarily. Far richer etc etc.
We have defeated them in just 2 years operation but your army, militias and allies are struggling in mosul. I heard taliban killed all of your men and you were very angry that you wanted a war with us but something forced you to stay away from us.

Iran is a super power. Yesterday a martian told me that how much they like iranian nuclear burgers and nuclear chocolate along with nuclear tea.
They are very fond of your great scientific contribution towards their food. All Nuclear with no compromise. Just forcing the world to knee.
Are you high? Like I said for 10th time now, those are statement in response to an Israeli strike.
Do you seriously not have the capacity to understand that?
you are a country born to defeat satan. Your mullah is the leader of good forces against satan. Still not doing it. Why is he comproising on satan. Mehdi will be so unhappy with him over this cowardness.

dang! The only farsi word he might be knowing is jindabad :lol:
mrg ba israel.
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