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Pakistan Govt focusing on modernising Pakistan Navy

Statement from Mr Mukhtar seems to be a formal one and nothing more.
10 Frigates x 275 million USD (Type 054a) = 2.75 billion USD
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD
36 J11 x 45 million USD = 1.6 billion USD
6 Submarines x 300 million USD = 1.8 billion USD
4 Agosta x 400 million USD = 1.6 billion USD

TOTAL - 10.25 billion USD

Pakistan Military Budget - 5.7 billion USD
Procurement Budget (25%) - 1.4 billion USD
Navy's Share (25%) - $350 millon per year

Please do the MATHS before posting!!!!!!

Where is will there is a way . if Pakistan really wants to push for this kind of massive upgrade of its navy then the money is not the main issue . if Pakistan can arrange some down payment for it hardware and give the rest in installment suppose 25 years @ 350 million dollar they surely can
achieve a deadly Navy . :tup:
10 Frigates x 275 million USD (Type 054a) = 2.75 billion USD
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD
36 J11 x 45 million USD = 1.6 billion USD
6 Submarines x 300 million USD = 1.8 billion USD
4 Agosta x 400 million USD = 1.6 billion USD

TOTAL - 10.25 billion USD

Pakistan Military Budget - 5.7 billion USD
Procurement Budget (25%) - 1.4 billion USD
Navy's Share (25%) - $350 millon per year

Please do the MATHS before posting!!!!!!

I do not know whether this list is true or not but we all know we are not planning to buy all these in one week.... Its a slow process... Batch by batch...

Thank you.
true sir, Its a slow process but we need to make it a little fast cuz we need them for our safety right now...:smokin:
dont make me laugh modernising with P 3c orion which USA navy used in 70s era if this is modernizing than we should be stupid i think if not buying german state of the art U 214 and buying chinese sub which never prooven is it is modernizing i respect chinese stuff but it dont make sense you buy F7 and expect it can kill F 22 it is just stupidity and nothing
What's inside the P3 airframe today is not the same as it was in the 1970s: current equipment is way better. It's just the airframe that's old (and old doesn't necessarily mean 'much used')
Math is fine your point is ? finance buddy finance money is no issue
If money is no issue, how does one explain that PN currently still sails the Type 21s it got from RN in 1993-1994, which date back to the mid-1970 (first commissioned 1974-1978)? Besides 15-20 years of RN service, they got close to 20 years in PN under their belt.

PN recently got 3 newbuilt Chinese F22P, with a 4th building in Pakistan, for a unit cost of $175m (incl. heli) at 'friendship prices'. It got a OHP for free, with the $65m cost of refurbishment financed through US-FMS. That's about $800m financed already...

If money were no issue, why not immediately by 6 or more new F22P to replace Type 21s and expand the surface fleet? Why bother with up to 6 (requested) ex-USN OHPs?
Math is fine your point is ? When need arises , budget becomes 100 Billion , there is always a way

If US can borrow 3 Trillion dollars , I am sure we can find 100 billion from our own assets with out even borrowing

but USA has 14 trillion dollar GDP!

Pakistan should modernize its navy not at one stretch but rather slowly because of low budget allocation to the navy.
Eventually it will have a capable deterrent navy.

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

true sir, Its a slow process but we need to make it a little fast cuz we need them for our safety right now...:smokin:


threat from whom?
10 Frigates x 275 million USD (Type 054a) = 2.75 billion USD
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD
36 J11 x 45 million USD = 1.6 billion USD
6 Submarines x 300 million USD = 1.8 billion USD
4 Agosta x 400 million USD = 1.6 billion USD

TOTAL - 10.25 billion USD

Pakistan Military Budget - 5.7 billion USD
Procurement Budget (25%) - 1.4 billion USD
Navy's Share (25%) - $350 millon per year

Please do the MATHS before posting!!!!!!

To all of you stupid enough, money for procurement is always different than the military budget. The budget outlay of 5.7 billion dollar is just the yearly running budget.....that is....for expenses...payroll...food....etc etc.......when army, navy or airforce want new toys, they send the request to the federal government and the senate decides whether or not to buy such items. If yes, then they release the funds......if no...then military has to turn down it's demand for that year....
To all of you stupid enough, money for procurement is always different than the military budget. The budget outlay of 5.7 billion dollar is just the yearly running budget.....that is....for expenses...payroll...food....etc etc.......when army, navy or airforce want new toys, they send the request to the federal government and the senate decides whether or not to buy such items. If yes, then they release the funds......if no...then military has to turn down it's demand for that year....

when army, navy or airforce want new toys, they send the request to the federal government and the senate decides whether or not to buy such items

for buying these toys you need military funds and for that you need good economy.

When flood ravaged Pakistan, it was looking for funds and aide from international community but its funny they spend money on such toys by creating a bogey threat from whom?
If money is no issue, how does one explain that PN currently still sails the Type 21s it got from RN in 1993-1994, which date back to the mid-1970 (first commissioned 1974-1978)? Besides 15-20 years of RN service, they got close to 20 years in PN under their belt.

PN recently got 3 newbuilt Chinese F22P, with a 4th building in Pakistan, for a unit cost of $175m (incl. heli) at 'friendship prices'. It got a OHP for free, with the $65m cost of refurbishment financed through US-FMS. That's about $800m financed already...

If money were no issue, why not immediately by 6 or more new F22P to replace Type 21s and expand the surface fleet? Why bother with up to 6 (requested) ex-USN OHPs?
because we dont need them more we need heavy frigates 4000+tons
because we dont need them more we need heavy frigates 4000+tons
No, PN first of all needs to replace 6 old hulls of about that tonnage. If money is no issue, 6 F22P should have been ordered. Should there be room for expansion and a need for heavier ships then consider: ....

UK retired 4 Type 22 Batch 3 frigates earlier this year..... first commissioned 1988-1990 .... 4.5" main gun, 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS, 2x 20mm GAM-B01 cannon, 2x sextuple Sea Wolf launcher (72 missiles), 2x4 Harpoon, 2x triple ASW tubes (36 torpedoes), 2x helicopter.... good for another 2 decades. In case delivered w/o Goalkeeper: port an starboard Phalanx could easily be accommodated. May cost more than ex-USN OHPs though ;-)

Type 22 frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Frigates x 275 million USD (Type 054a) = 2.75 billion USD
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD
36 J11 x 45 million USD = 1.6 billion USD
6 Submarines x 300 million USD = 1.8 billion USD
4 Agosta x 400 million USD = 1.6 billion USD

TOTAL - 10.25 billion USD

Pakistan Military Budget - 5.7 billion USD
Procurement Budget (25%) - 1.4 billion USD
Navy's Share (25%) - $350 millon per year

Please do the MATHS before posting!!!!!!

My dear mathematician, you have input wrong price tags.

10 Frigates x 250 million USD (Type 054A) = 2.50 billion USD (FOR PAKISTAN)
20 Missile Boats x 50 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 1.00 billion USD (PAKISTAN GETTING AZMAT CLASS IN THIS PRICE)
36 J11 x 40 million USD = 1.44~1.5 billion USD (THAT IS APPROXIMATELY RIGHT)
6 Submarines x 230 million USD = 1.38 ~1.4 billion USD ONLY FOR PAKISTAN
3 TYPE 214 x 400 million USD = 1.2 billion USD WITH TOT

TOTAL - 7.60 billion USD

You Indian guys are so caring.....always worried about our money to buy weapons. :lol:even you guys can not sleep properly and always keep thinking where is money come from....:cool:
in my personal view some of our friends say we arre fighting war and want new weapons but the army is buyiing rubbish wasting money on old stuff rather buy something new but in smalll numbers do matter as they modernize our uniform nothing new in it same ol pattterns only madels how they put on uniform they changed i say why they waste money if they needed that same old crap better ketp it what they had if they need to change change for better not change for old same crap and stop shouting we dont have money i agree with you army have more than whay govt have as they do bussiness as well airline,banks pumps etc tooo

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