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Pakistan Govt focusing on modernising Pakistan Navy

No, PN first of all needs to replace 6 old hulls of about that tonnage. If money is no issue, 6 F22P should have been ordered. Should there be room for expansion and a need for heavier ships then consider: ....

UK retired 4 Type 22 Batch 3 frigates earlier this year..... first commissioned 1988-1990 .... 4.5" main gun, 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS, 2x 20mm GAM-B01 cannon, 2x sextuple Sea Wolf launcher (72 missiles), 2x4 Harpoon, 2x triple ASW tubes (36 torpedoes), 2x helicopter.... good for another 2 decades. In case delivered w/o Goalkeeper: port an starboard Phalanx could easily be accommodated. May cost more than ex-USN OHPs though ;-)

Type 22 frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
penguin money is not an issue a single f22p frigate costs 176 million dollers
if we go for 6 more we need 1.056bn $$$$
its not too much for us the only reason we r not going for more f22p frigates is that we need heavy frigates 4000+tons
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD

Don't know where did you get the 125 mil USD price, type 022 FAC only costs 100 million RMB Yuan (i.e. 15.7 million USD per boat) excluding missiles/ammunition, even with 8 x C-802 missiles, the price of a single 022 FAC would be around 20 mil USD.

Therefore 20 missile boats = 400 million USD dollars, now, that will instantly shave off 2.1 billion USD in budget, right there.
penguin money is not an issue a single f22p frigate costs 176 million dollers
if we go for 6 more we need 1.056bn $$$$
its not too much for us the only reason we r not going for more f22p frigates is that we need heavy frigates 4000+tons

If money were no issue, the original order would not have been 4 but 6, in order to replace the six Type 21s. Also, fleet expansion would not have been sought by means of ex-USN OHPs.

If there is a need for a 4000ton ship and money is not an issue, we should see a bid on 4 RN Type 22 Batch 3 decommissioned this year by PN. Keep in mind though that PN declined to bid on the 3 newer and better Type 23 that were available a few years ago and that ended up in Chilean service, aling with 4 ex-Dutch ships. We're also not seeing PN bidding on RN Type 42s retired in recent years. There also isn't a straight order with China for a number of 054A.

In conclusion, money has been, is and will remain an issue
If money were no issue, the original order would not have been 4 but 6, in order to replace the six Type 21s. Also, fleet expansion would not have been sought by means of ex-USN OHPs.

If there is a need for a 4000ton ship and money is not an issue, we should see a bid on 4 RN Type 22 Batch 3 decommissioned this year by PN. Keep in mind though that PN declined to bid on the 3 newer and better Type 23 that were available a few years ago and that ended up in Chilean service, aling with 4 ex-Dutch ships. We're also not seeing PN bidding on RN Type 42s retired in recent years. There also isn't a straight order with China for a number of 054A.

In conclusion, money has been, is and will remain an issue
10 Frigates x 275 million USD (Type 054a) = 2.75 billion USD
20 Missile Boats x 125 million USD (Type 22 FAC) = 2.5 billion USD
36 J11 x 45 million USD = 1.6 billion USD
6 Submarines x 300 million USD = 1.8 billion USD
4 Agosta x 400 million USD = 1.6 billion USD

TOTAL - 10.25 billion USD

Pakistan Military Budget - 5.7 billion USD
Procurement Budget (25%) - 1.4 billion USD
Navy's Share (25%) - $350 millon per year

Please do the MATHS before posting!!!!!!

khurak nahi mukdi :lol:
Pakistan Govt and Navy both focusing on modernising of PAkistan navy from last 30 years DAMN IT! and still lacking in ALLL KINDS OF IMPORTANT WAR STUFF ESPECIALLY IN MODERN WAR!

lack in technolog.. old subs and frigates.. naval strike forces ... full of 30 40 years old mirage with just UPGRADE not New...
guys where is the MILGAM project standing last i herd production was going to start this year in a 10 year program

That would be the best course of action. Nonetheless, it is folly to suggest funding is not an issue for PN.
A new naval aviation wing of PN equipped with J-11Bs or JF-17 blkII plus a few more warships will help...
Pakistan should have around 24 Frigates and 10 above Submarines plus we should have more Fighter Planes to support our Navy so we should go for J-11b and we are getting JF-17 Block 2
Pakistan should have around 24 Frigates and 10 above Submarines plus we should have more Fighter Planes to support our Navy so we should go for J-11b and we are getting JF-17 Block 2

There should be peacefull coexistence.

Seriously, PN can barely afford to replace the existing old hulls, let alone expand to 24 frigates and 10 submarines. This is balony, dreaming. Why does the navy need fighter wing (air force can't do antishipping, or what?)?
There should be peacefull coexistence.

Seriously, PN can barely afford to replace the existing old hulls, let alone expand to 24 frigates and 10 submarines. This is balony, dreaming. Why does the navy need fighter wing (air force can't do antishipping, or what?)?

Sir, it is indeed necessary as air wings becomes part of Naval doctrine and war plans. PAF certainly can do anti-shipping but still these squadron would be mainly an air force unit rather than a naval unit which is a requirement of modern naval warfare.
There should be peacefull coexistence.

Seriously, PN can barely afford to replace the existing old hulls, let alone expand to 24 frigates and 10 submarines. This is balony, dreaming. Why does the navy need fighter wing (air force can't do antishipping, or what?)?

Agreed with most of your post except the last part. The necessity was felt after the 71 war when PN was in all sorts of dismay. 14 Mirage 5PA2, 3 were allocated under Naval Aviation Command as they are facing a much bigger, resourceful and career equipped enemy. Its not whether PAF can or cant handle antishipping, rather it is for expanding navy's strike and reach to some extent. Soon Naval Aviation will be based on JFT strike variants replacing Mirages.
Agreed with most of your post except the last part. The necessity was felt after the 71 war when PN was in all sorts of dismay. 14 Mirage 5PA2, 3 were allocated under Naval Aviation Command as they are facing a much bigger, resourceful and career equipped enemy. Its not whether PAF can or cant handle antishipping, rather it is for expanding navy's strike and reach to some extent. Soon Naval Aviation will be based on JFT strike variants replacing Mirages.
Oh! that will be great progress on the Naval part, movement towards total freedom from foreign dependancy ..Insha-Allah.:)
There should be peacefull coexistence.

Seriously, PN can barely afford to replace the existing old hulls, let alone expand to 24 frigates and 10 submarines. This is balony, dreaming. Why does the navy need fighter wing (air force can't do antishipping, or what?)?

PN has always been the step brother of the state. As the threat largely conceives from land and air, bulk of the funds have always gone to the Army and the Air Force. Thus, PN always finds itself under budget and always have to rely on cheap alternatives to fulfil its combat needs.

Coming back to the point, the navy does need an aviation wing that is solely under its command. Whether we like it or not, inter service rivalry does exist and the Air Force will always put its needs before the Navy. Thus i believe a wing dedicated for Navy is absolutely essential for Pakistan to keep its sea lanes open.

I have been following developments recently and in my opinion the biggest threat that Pakistan faces is from the sea, not from land or air. SU30MKI's long endurance allows it to fly longer and gives it the ability to attack from coastal areas where our defences are weak. As IN's aircraft carrier comes online and MIG29's become operational, this will be a huge headache for Pakistan. These aircrafts can simply out fly PAF's jets as they have longer legs, except for the F16's no aircraft in PAF's inventory can fly long CAP's. Thus, i believe its suffice to say that we need aircrafts with longer legs and that are under the command of the PN Aviation.
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