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Pakistan gives green signal for Sharda Temple Corridor for india

That's a given.

If it is opened, it WILL be a religious site.

Hindus and Buddhists will BUILD A HUGE temple to show their beauty (read capability).

And that may weaken the faith of many around the place. Powerful imposing and beautiful buildings do have a psychological impact.
They will also erect a 500 feet statue of some creature and cleanse it with special liquids.
Generally everything becomes dead once Islam enters. So naturally temple also became dead.
We would never be a slave of British empire if Hindus didn't backstab us, it is human history and blaming anyone can't restore the past, it would be nice for both of us that accept this truth and move on. We can in return blame your religion too. And guess what there will be another debate with pathetic arguments.
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Pakistan, India mull over opening Sharada Peeth Corridor


LAHORE: After agreement on Kartarpur Corridor, Pakistan and India are now making preparations for opening Sharada Peeth Corridor in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

An important announcement on the Peeth Corridor is expected to be made within few days. According to sources in the Indian foreign affairs ministry, a proposal is under consideration to build a corridor at the Sharada Peeth temple situated in AJK, situated 22 kilometres from Kupwara in the Indian Held Kashmir (IHK).

The Indian government has written several letters to Pakistani authorities on this proposal. Sharada Peeth temple is a highly reverent place of worship for Hindus which is about 5,000 years old. It is also considered the oldest education centre for some Hindus which was established in 237 BC during the reign of Maharaja Ashoka. Until 1947, Hindus used to visit the temple for Darshan, but after that their access to the temple became difficult.
You no need to be so good to a not-so-good India.
As long as Indians don't start shitting in public then its fine.
Excellent step. Pakistan needs to open itself to the world and beyond. Starting with neighbors.
No seriously.
Actually the RSS is after the constitution of India. After the desired amendment(s) , there will be no future for Congress in India.
So far Hindus were feeling lonely world over, and RSS is taking advantage of that. Like Sikhs, we must mitigate this situation. So, the more we could give these hindus a sense of love and attachment, the more we will be able to prevent the dent to minorities as well as Hindus by RSS.
You know what was the biggest catalyst in the creation of Pakistan? It was RSS, not Muslim league.
RSS was suppressed by Gandhi gang, but they murdered him. And it was gandhis policies that India is still unite after partition.
But now, as RSS is again in power, India is destined to disintegrate. All Pakistan is doing is to mitigate the coming chaos in the region.
Here you will see, South will leave India first, then Bengal..and there will be a huge chaos in North. But we are getting ready for that. Indian minorities must buy weapons as much as possible to avoid demages during those times.
No seriously.
Actually the RSS is after the constitution of India. After the desired amendment(s) , there will be no future for Congress in India.
So far Hindus were feeling lonely world over, and RSS is taking advantage of that. Like Sikhs, we must mitigate this situation. So, the more we could give these hindus a sense of love and attachment, the more we will be able to prevent the dent to minorities as well as Hindus by RSS.
You know what was the biggest catalyst in the creation of Pakistan? It was RSS, not Muslim league.
RSS was suppressed by Gandhi gang, but they murdered him. And it was gandhis policies that India is still unite after partition.
But now, as RSS is again in power, India is destined to disintegrate. All Pakistan is doing is to mitigate the coming chaos in the region.
Here you will see, South will leave India first, then Bengal..and there will be a huge chaos in North. But we are getting ready for that. Indian minorities must buy weapons as much as possible to avoid demages during those times.
Wishful thinking. The opposite is happening.

Hindu unity is cutting across other identities. That is the issue. Only Muslim and Christian majority areas may be under threat.

Another misconception is that Congress is the good guy. Again, a mistake.
They are no less Hindutvavadi.

They will also erect a 500 feet statue of some creature and cleanse it with special liquids.
Wait and watch.

Hindus will consider this a PR opportunity and try to spread Hinduism again.
Pathetic decision by emmy
why he is bending over again for Indian and Afghans?
First he gave refugees nationality then released Abhi none done now this
Pakistan needs a strong leader in this time of turmoil not spineless coward who would go to any extent to please those who want to see us dead
I’v been thinking abt this for a long time since Katarpur corridor opened and now this new proposal is being mulled over by our govt....I will speak to a learned scholar so I can understand whether this is allowed in Islam - allowing Hinduism to flourish in a Muslim country. Protecting them is a different matter.

This may be a new tactic / different approach by IK & ‘those who hold power’, to appease/ give an image that we are more tolerant
There is thousands & thousands of temples in India. Yet all of the stinky want to flock to Azad Kashmir.

Don't you chaps go to religious sites outside Pakistan? Heck, Pakistanis flock to Indian mosques and dargahs.

We would never be a slave of British empire if Hindus didn't backstab us, it is human history and blaming anyone can't restore the past, it would be nice for both of us that accept this truth and move on. We can in return blame your religion too. And guess what there will be another debate with pathetic arguments.

The first people to bend over to the British was Siraj-ud-Daullah. The Marathas and Sikhs fought the British tooth and nail. Learn some history.

And anyways, Pakistani PR seems to be in overdrive. It is good. They want to improve their image as being a tolerant nation and society. And this will once again force India's hand - what will India say but accept this gesture.

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