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Pakistan finally given up on Saudi Arabia?

Taimoor Khan

Jan 20, 2016
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United Kingdom
I have been saying this for sometime now, the relationship between Pakistan and GCC has come to the point of diminishing returns.

Now even prominent Pakistani anchors are saying this.

Orya Jan, who is a very pro Taliban and far right "sunni" media person, said the same thing. I have time stamped the video:

Finally Pakistani establishment have realised that the regardless of how much we can cajole these Sheikhs, they are neck depp, fully embedded into the western block with America and will never be part of new "Asian revival" led by China. China on its part, clearly favour Iran now for its energy needs and signed the treaty with Iran. For Pakistan, one thing is clear, it can never be part of the "board of governors" in the western lead alliance, infact, it is way down the pecking order , down the dumps in hierarchy where the crumbs come down from west, to the GCC and the onwards to Pakistan. On the Chinese side however, Pakistan is already in "board of governors", by default.

Its really no brainer now for Pakistan to grab this once a century opportunity and full integrate into China-Russia-Iran-Turkey emerging alliance, infact Pakistan is the pivot.

Iranian FM is in Islamabad for this reason. And while he was here, King Salman of Saudi Arabia urged the "world" to take decisive stance against Iran. Very convenient timing!

12 Nov 2020

Saudi king urges world to take ‘decisive stance’ against Iran

Apparently China is pushing Iran for it to clear its territory of any Indian presence which can be used against Pakistan and CPEC.

No one can say that this has not been coming, GCC has crossed many red lines when it comes to Pakistan core national interest, biggest of it all Kashmir, and their support to India.

But at the end of the say, on the global scale, it is the fight between two giants, China and America, and this time, Pakistan and GCC are standing on the opposite camps.
Saudi Arabia is a spineless country. We need to look towards Turkey and Iran for any sort of alliance and put aside any sectarian differences.

They are just neck deep into western camp, the biggest is the petro dollar arrangement. Saudi Arabia, under house of Saud, can never leave this arrangement, their vary existence and influence depend on it. China will have none of it. And Pakistan will be left with no choice to say goodbye to Saudis.

We need to start planning receiving our expats back. Lets remove that one last leverage they got.
Saudi Arabia is a spineless country. We need to look towards Turkey and Iran for any sort of alliance and put aside any sectarian differences.
For short to medium term, we will get more closer with Turkey and China while retaining our ties with Gulf states, but in the end, we only have ourselves to count on. No alliance will help us when push comes to shove (Except some logistic and covert support by friends).
Pakistan needs to define areas of cooperation with friend countries. Unfortunately we are very emotional people, we tried to drag KSA into Kashmir issue when they were with Indian on their own interests. Our emotional attachment with all countries should go and our interests should be the front runner. We have seen our friendships with India centric lense which costs us later on. We need to handle India on our own without involving others.
They are just neck deep into western camp, the biggest is the petro dollar arrangement. Saudi Arabia, under house of Saud, can never leave this arrangement, their vary existence and influence depend on it. China will have none of it. And Pakistan will be left with no choice to say goodbye to Saudis.

We need to start planning receiving our expats back. Lets remove that one last leverage they got.
What about the billions of dollars from KSA ? Pakistan has no replacement for it so we will continue to be like we are...neither any alliance will help physically in war time (neither we do except some cases) ..
Saudi Arabia is a spineless country. We need to look towards Turkey and Iran for any sort of alliance and put aside any sectarian differences.
For the decade I have been on PDF I never thought I would read this. I am sure everybody knows my position. I never was a Shia, I never was a "Irani mullah lover" and I never was a Arab hater. I am absolutely cool with Maghreb Arabs, Levant Arabs. My issue was with the oily Arabs of GCC. And now the reason has been exposed.


What about the billions of dollars from KSA ? Pakistan has no replacement for it so we will continue to be like we are...neither any alliance will help physically in war time (neither we do except some cases) ..

KSA is an alternate route, when direct calls from 001 are not feasible and plausible deniability is needed. You are way down in this pecking order which simply is not fit for the size and power Pakistan posses. Pakistan has been trebly marketing itself as well. Time is now to reverse all that non sense. Why do you think Pakistan got involved in Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict? I heard we are getting Azeri oil now as an alternate to Saudi.

You see the problem is, Pakistan can juggle relations with both China and America, Saudis cant. Its their weakness which make them misfit in the new emerging world order. They are part of old world order and are refusing to acknowledge and change with time.
For the decade I have been on PDF I never thought I would read this. I am sure everybody knows my position. I never was a Shia, I never was a "Irani mullah lover" and I never was a Arab hater. I am absolutely cool with Maghreb Arabs, Levant Arabs. My issue was with the oily Arabs of GCC. And now the reason has been exposed.

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Agree, this is the reason for shift in many people's heart. They have sold Palestinians and there is zero stopping on Israeli aggression towards Palestinians.

IMO, we can continue to have ties with them but don't expect much.
Last year Saudi govt requested to Pak embassy staff not to celebrate Kashmir black day event as public event. Saudi foreign policy in regards to Kashmir is totally changed over the period of time.
I have been saying this for sometime now, the relationship between Pakistan and GCC has come to the point of diminishing returns.

Now even prominent Pakistani anchors are saying this.

Orya Jan, who is a very pro Taliban and far right "sunni" media person, said the same thing. I have time stamped the video:

Finally Pakistani establishment have realised that the regardless of how much we can cajole these Sheikhs, they are neck depp, fully embedded into the western block with America and will never be part of new "Asian revival" led by China. China on its part, clearly favour Iran now for its energy needs and signed the treaty with Iran. For Pakistan, one thing is clear, it can never be part of the "board of governors" in the western lead alliance, infact, it is way down the pecking order , down the dumps in hierarchy where the crumbs come down from west, to the GCC and the onwards to Pakistan. On the Chinese side however, Pakistan is already in "board of governors", by default.

Its really no brainer now for Pakistan to grab this once a century opportunity and full integrate into China-Russia-Iran-Turkey emerging alliance, infact Pakistan is the pivot.

Iranian FM is in Islamabad for this reason. And while he was here, King Salman of Saudi Arabia urged the "world" to take decisive stance against Iran. Very convenient timing!

12 Nov 2020

Saudi king urges world to take ‘decisive stance’ against Iran

Apparently China is pushing Iran for it to clear its territory of any Indian presence which can be used against Pakistan and CPEC.

No one can say that this has not been coming, GCC has crossed many red lines when it comes to Pakistan core national interest, biggest of it all Kashmir, and their support to India.

But at the end of the say, on the global scale, it is the fight between two giants, China and America, and this time, Pakistan and GCC are standing on the opposite camps.

For the decade I have been on PDF I never thought I would read this. I am sure everybody knows my position. I never was a Shia, I never was a "Irani mullah lover" and I never was a Arab hater. I am absolutely cool with Maghreb Arabs, Levant Arabs. My issue was with the oily Arabs of GCC. And now the reason has been exposed.

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Is it me but don't these oily gulfis look like gangus?
Last year Saudi govt requested to Pak embassy staff not to celebrate Kashmir black day event as public event. Saudi foreign policy in regards to Kashmir is totally changed over the period of time.

Or maybe it’s MBS. Saudi policy has changed a lot under him. Perhaps the rest of the Saudis will see how the US will act under Biden because of MBS and it will bring them back to their old ways.

In the mean time, Pakistan should continue on with building its ties to China and Turkey (and the Turkic world). Iran may come around for the sake of the opportunity China is providing them, and then a trade and energy corridor through Iran will decrease Pakistan’s need for the Saudis, but not eliminate. We shouldn’t burn any bridges with the Saudis just in case then come to their senses.
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