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Pakistan finalized Z-10ME Helicopters deal with China : Journalist Sumaira Khan

I have feeling that Sh. Rashid’s Statement on J10s and ISPR Chief response to an obviously planted question were not random but are meant to send a message to certain quarters. We will most than likely get both the J10s and Z10s, but there are still possibilities albeit remote of goodies from other and unexpected sources.

The ISPR Chief never said that the T129 deal has been abounded but rather PA has moved on. This can be interpreted in different ways.
T129 vs Z10.

Z10ME data not available, but its is expected to be better than Z10.

raw data source: wikipedia.
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10-ton ATAK-2 will have the engine integration in 2022, according to the TAI boss Prof Dr Temel Kotil in the following video. They don't bluff for a living....

I still don‚t understand Your posts … ATAK II won‘t be ready in 2022, even other Turkish members confirm this.
This export permit was recently granted to the Philippines, which had negotiated the purchase of six units, also in 2018. According to the latest available information, the first units of the Philippine T129s would have been received in December.

The approval to Philipines proves that this has got nothing to do with Turkey-USA relations and everything to do with USA sanctions on Pakistan.
Also no, helicopters aren’t going to 1v1 each other at all, that’s not their purpose, they’re ground support machines. PA has always laid more emphasis on them Than IA, that’s why we’ve always had more and better gunships, until recently where both of our purchases got blocked so IA got ahead with their few Apaches and it’s gonna be difficult to get that lead back with their LCH coming into service.

Exactly my point - everything the Americans have done in the last several years has been designed to hurt and degrade Pakistan capabilities both on an economic, political and military perspective - eg FATF sanctions, IMF conditions, stopping repayment of CSF Debts to Pakistan, the AH-1Z sanctions, etc..

That is why a number of people need to "wake up" and realise the hostility shown to Pakistan from the Americans and why AH-1Zs are as dead as the dodo for Pakistan ...

The Armed forces of Pakistan have made a strategic decision - to base their security requirements fulfilments from China, Turkey, some EU countries( for ITAR free items ). Nothing new from the Americans. Period. That is why we are seeing J10Cs, VT4s, new Frigates and submarines, etc and eventually Z-10MEs...
The T-129 is a 5 ton-MTOW class helicopter. The empty weight of the helicopter is 2900 kg. What is actually an armed reconnaissance attack heli with similar engine sets to the RAH-66, with hot-high performance and maneuverability at the forefront.

The equivalent ptoject for the Chinese Z-10 heli (6-7 ton-MTOW) is the T-629.
The T-129 is a 5 ton-MTOW class helicopter. The empty weight of the helicopter is 2900 kg. What is actually an armed reconnaissance attack heli with similar engine sets to the RAH-66, with hot-high performance and maneuverability at the forefront.

The equivalent ptoject for the Chinese Z-10 heli (6-7 ton-MTOW) is the T-629.
Very Important point here. Thank you for mentioning it.
It'll be ready for the field tests in 2023 by the Turkish Army as per the Turkish bosses. It's all I want to say...

Oh come on ... a helicopter that isn't even build should have engine integration this year and already start "field tests in 2023 by the Turkish Army"! That's ridiculous regardless what the Turkish bosses say. That's plain impossible to have such a brief flight test phase which usually takes years. So do you really developing that type as well as engine integration and flight testing could be done within only one year? Again, think on your own and do not simply take every word of propaganda for granted.
If you're arguing about the ATAK-II: The first engine deliveries for the Heavy Class Attack Helicopter are planned in 2022. After the engine delivery of the Ukrainian MotorSich company, ATAK-II will start to run rotors for ground tests as of the second half of this year. The first helicopter is expected to join the TAF inventory in 2025. These will lead to highly speculative interpretations that have little relevance to the current issue and if we consider them in line with Pakistan's relevance.
I think the Z-10s should have given the priority over the VT-4s. We need gunship helis not just for LOC but afghan border sometimes requires quick response. The checkposts can only identify infiltration, they cannot effectively chase heavily armed militants in the darkness of night. The drones are slow / carries much lower payload. Fighter jets are too costly Op / plus not suited for this role of chasing individuals.

See this Apache action on Taliban:

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