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Pakistan fares better than India on hunger index


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has fared much better than it arch rival India on the Global Hunger Index. Pakistan ranked 57th while India stood at 63rd position lagging behind China, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

The number of hungry people has dropped in India with its score on the Global Hunger Index improving to 63rd position in 2013.

In 2012, India stood at 67th position on GHI. According to the latest GHI, India still has "alarming levels" of hunger with highest prevalence of underweight in children under five at more than 40 percent.

The GHI report has jointly been prepared by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and NGOs Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide.

On the GHI, China scored 6th position with moderate level of hunger, while Sri Lanka was at 43, Pakistan at 57 and Bangladesh at 58, having 'serious' levels of hunger.

The report observed that South Asia has the maximum number of hungry people in the world followed by Sahara region, even as the global hunger is decreasing.

“Social inequality and the low nutritional, educational, and social status of women are major causes of child under-nutrition in this (South Asian) region that have impeded improvements in the GHI score,” it said.

As far as global hunger levels are concerned, the report said the world score on GHI has fallen by 34 percent this year from the 1990 level, but hunger levels still remain "serious" with 19 countries suffering from either alarming or extremely alarming levels of hunger.

The Index identifies hunger levels across 120 developing countries and its scores are based on three equally weighted indicators: proportion of people undernourished, proportion of children under five underweight, and mortality rate of children under five.

IFPRI research fellow Derek Headey said, "Adopting a resilience lens is challenging. We need to build consensus on what it means and on that basis adopt programmes and policies that bridge the relief and development sectors."

The report said there was a need to break down the institutional, financial and conceptual walls separating the worlds of development and humanitarian assistance within donor and UN agencies to achieve greater synergies in strategies and implementation plans.

“Also, policies that undermine resilience must be revised. To foster resilience to under-nutrition, policies should be designed with the intention of improving nutrition outcomes and realising the right to adequate food,” it said.

The report also suggested that the countries needed to develop national approaches to food and nutrition security that were resilient to shocks and stresses.

Pakistan fares better than India on hunger index | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

Number of hungry people drops in India; still behind China, Pakistan - Economic Times
What is your excuse? India has over 800 million more people than Pakistan, and it's only 6 slots behind Pakistan and climbing. Pakistan should be way higher, but it's not.

India also has more resources and more food supply and more electricity and more natural resources than Pakistan. :cry:
How come India is close to our third world nations like Pakistan :whistle:
India should be a superpower with that much :rofl:

Therefore I blame your nations lagginess on your lazy and backward culture.
India also has more resources and more food supply and more electricity and more natural resources than Pakistan. :cry:
How come India is close to our third world nations like Pakistan :whistle:
India should be a superpower with that much :rofl:

Therefore I blame your nations lagginess on your lazy and backward culture.

You guys have much of Punjab, which is one of the biggest breadbaskets of the subcontinent, but still you guys are 6 slots a head of a nation with 800 million more people. It's not looking that amazing for you guys too. If anyone is lazy, it's that small country with one of the biggest breadbaskets under it's belt, but is 6 slots a head of a nation with 800 million more people.

India in 2012 was ranked 65th, now it's 63rd. That's a pretty good jump for a nations with billion+ people to feed.

Matter a fact, you guys didnt even move at all since last year.

2012 - http://www.ifpri.org/node/8839

It seems it's you guys that love to bring up this superpower thing more than Indians themselves.
You guys have much of Punjab, which is one of the biggest breadbaskets of the subcontinent, but still you guys are 6 slots a head of a nation with 800 million more people. It's not looking that amazing for you guys too. If anyone is lazy, it's that small country with one of the biggest breadbaskets under it's belt, but is 6 slots a head of a nation with 800 million more people.

India in 2012 was ranked 65th, now it's 63rd. That's a pretty good jump for a nations with billion+ people to feed.

Matter a fact, you guys didnt even move at all since last year.

2012 - Country Global Hunger Index Scores by Rank | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

It seems it's you guys that love to bring up this superpower thing more than Indians themselves.

What idiotic logic.

I told you India has more fertile land than Pakistan. It also has more food supply per head than Pakistan. Why then, do 90% of Indians live like sub-saharan Africans?

Btw, India changes its poverty statistics to adjust to its ego. Here is a good article to explain- Search up India beats poverty- with accounting
Good read.
Africa is not that bad to be honest.

Some regions have very decent living standards, like Namibia, Mauritius and Botswana.

Whereas some regions are awful, like Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
What idiotic logic.

I told you India has more fertile land than Pakistan. It also has more food supply per head than Pakistan. Why then, do 90% of Indians live like sub-saharan Africans?

Btw, India changes its poverty statistics to adjust to its ego. Here is a good article to explain- Search up India beats poverty- with accounting
Good read.

You're a small country, with a population that's dwarfed by India's. Yeah, India has fertile land, just like your midget sized country as well, but it also has 1.2 billion+ people to feed. Know with this all said, India jumped two slots since last year alone. Pakistan stayed in it's place.

Matter a fact, a country smaller than Pakistan(Bangladesh) with even less fertile land and is consistently getting hit by bad weather and has similar population than you is only one slots lower.

Matter a fact, Bangladesh was at 68th last year. Now it's at 58th.
India also has more resources and more food supply and more electricity and more natural resources than Pakistan. :cry:
How come India is close to our third world nations like Pakistan :whistle:
India should be a superpower with that much :rofl:

Therefore I blame your nations lagginess on your lazy and backward culture.

What a shame it is for India to be so low ranked! Feed your people India. Shame!

Pakistan surpasses India in the Hunger Index! Great! Slowly we will cross slum land country in each and every field!
What a shame it is for India to be so low ranked! Feed your people India. Shame!

Pakistan surpasses India in the Hunger Index! Great! Slowly we will cross slum land country in each and every field!
You know what this sort of dreams are called - it's called wet dreams!!So enjoy your wet dreams. :D

It is funny that you saying this. An Indian. Most delusional fools in the world.

Well,if I'm not mistaken,that title has been awarded (quite rightly so) to you guys!!
What a shame it is for India to be so low ranked! Feed your people India. Shame!

Pakistan surpasses India in the Hunger Index! Great! Slowly we will cross slum land country in each and every field!

Dont be too happy on 2013 news, check the latest 2015. India is doing better than Pakistan.

2015 Global Hunger Index
Well,if I'm not mistaken,that title has been awarded (quite rightly so) to you guys!!

You are indeed mistaken. It is because of your delusional nature that you think like this.
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