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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Simple answer they aren't going anywhere for a while and why should they !!

Of course, they won't, there like a leech, but Pakistani government should start distancing themselves. We should focus on making reliable partnership with our neighbours and nearby countries. The USA has not benefited us and publicly denounces Pakistan.
52s I think but in future Pakistan can get Turkeys help to upgrade and modify them..
all to 52s? just when did this happen? early 2020 u sure? or as per some members, they were having some inside info about block 70/72, that they were coming and current ones to be upgraded which obviously wasnt true back then and wont be it seems. but this block 52 upgrade done for all naaaaaaa. i wish but naaa didnt happen. unless top secret stuff.:undecided:
dont tell me u r a believer of 70/72s too. :cheesy:
all to 52s? just when did this happen? early 2020 u sure? or as per some members, they were having some inside info about block 70/72, that they were coming and current ones to be upgraded which obviously wasnt true back then and wont be it seems. but this block 52 upgrade done for all naaaaaaa. i wish but naaa didnt happen. unless top secret stuff.:undecided:
dont tell me u r a believer of 70/72s too. :cheesy:
Bahi I am not part of airforce just a civilian with love for forces and defence weapons...

I believe know they were upgraded and MLU happened what was the block range not sure about that most likely will be 52s because that's basic block we need...
here is future


Of course, they won't, there like a leech, but Pakistani government should start distancing themselves. We should focus on making reliable partnership with our neighbours and nearby countries. The USA has not benefited us and publicly denounces Pakistan.

Did you deliberately start this thread out if a genuine interest in the future of the F-16 fleet or to highlight Pakistan/US relations, it's hard to tell reading your posts....
No, but whats wrong with discussing two different things? You may complain to the administrator then, if it bothers you so much.

The blunder of not taking charge in Yemen---pakistan is paying that price now.

The worst is yet to come---.

I can assure you Pakistan can buy what ever it wants as long as Pakistan pay's for it.

Dear PDF community,
I was wondering now that PAF has heavily invested in the JF17 Thunder programme and soon to roll out the block 3. What will happen to the Pakistani F16s, since PAF can not buy anymore or have them upgraded from US or its partner allies, correct me if I am wrong. Will PAF make there own upgrades on the F16 or, will the U.S bark as usual?

PAF will sell them for scraps and then they will be turned into Razor Blades. In near future when you are shaving ( if you shave, that is,) you can wonder if it was made from one of the PAF F-16s. That Titanium is good for Razors /wink
Dear PDF community,
I was wondering now that PAF has heavily invested in the JF17 Thunder programme and soon to roll out the block 3. What will happen to the Pakistani F16s, since PAF can not buy anymore or have them upgraded from US or its partner allies, correct me if I am wrong. Will PAF make there own upgrades on the F16 or, will the U.S bark as usual?
they will easily be relevant till 2035
after wards they would need an upgrade
a structural upgrade wll be possible but they will also need a technological upgrade
Dear PDF community,
I was wondering now that PAF has heavily invested in the JF17 Thunder programme and soon to roll out the block 3. What will happen to the Pakistani F16s, since PAF can not buy anymore or have them upgraded from US or its partner allies, correct me if I am wrong. Will PAF make there own upgrades on the F16 or, will the U.S complain as usual?
Following is latest news: https://dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/p...urity-team-tst-continued-support-f-16-program

Current inventory:-

Block 52+ variant = 18 in total (12 = C; 6 = D)

Other older Block 15 variants received MLU update from a Turkish firm with American consent and approval.

The entire fleet is in good shape and state of readiness in the present. Indians learned as much the hard way on 27-02-19.

The upcoming JF-17 Thunder Block III will reinforce F-16 variants in FRONT-LINE engagement roles (vs. IAF) but not a substitute/replacement. Other fighter jets will continue to offer SECOND-LINE engagement roles.

WE are not allowed to amend F-16s on our own (WE cannot do much in this regard anyways). The maximum WE can do is to source crucial parts to keep F-16s operational for as long as possible.

This is why we should not buy any American military hardware, no matter how good, we should focus on being self-reliant and make indigenous weapons, like the jf17. We should concentrate on domesticating our military hardware and infrastructure even further.
Virtually any Foreign supplier provide equipment with Terms & Conditions - if this is your concern.

We should expel the technical security team, regardless of what terms and conditions. America is not what it used to be, its power/influence is diminishing. I find it frustrating they still have a lot of pressure on Pakistan.
Unrealistic and childish assumptions.
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