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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Mirage was the a.c. used to lure in the Indian jets on the 27th and once the iaf a.c. where in range, the mirages in question used their speed to exit the area.
So to ans one of the members they still are the fastest a.c. in our inventory and drivers still have full confidence in their ability.
They have been the fastest aircraft in PAF, but that was many moons ago, you have to wonder how much of that capability still exists in such old airframes and what the confidence level of the pilots is to try and extract that level of performance for fear of the airframe breaking apart in mid-flight, or the engines exploding on them .... would you "rag" a car that is that old in car years and expect it to behave the same as it did when it left the show room...
If you had ever studies fatigue and fracture mechanics and how much aircraft are overdesigned in comparison to flight envelope stresses you wouldn't say that
Question to you , @airomerix and @Raider 21

I have seen Azman sb wearing Anti G vest (similar to one below) in one of the videos. However, I don't see it normally being worn (at least in pictures).

Does the F-16 community use it in PAF or was it just a one off personal item?

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i have seen Mirages giving pretty tough time to F-16s in WVRs. Both in real and simulators. Again, several years ago, i flew alot on simulators against PAF pilots, my obvious choice always used to be Mirage in a dogfight.....and i used to be pretty good against F-16s. 8-)
Those were probably mediocre F-16 pilots. I've heard Vipers are normally on the upper hand against Mirages in BFM.
Those were probably mediocre F-16 pilots. I've heard Vipers are normally on the upper hand against Mirages in BFM.
There are no mediocre's in flying ---Either you know what you are doing to a high standard or you dont, Obviously with time and Experience one can be superior than the other----It all boils down to team work, situational awareness and aggression.
i have seen Mirages giving pretty tough time to F-16s in WVRs. Both in real and simulators. Again, several years ago, i flew alot on simulators against PAF pilots, my obvious choice always used to be Mirage in a dogfight.....and i used to be pretty good against F-16s. 8-)
The answer is it depends----F-16 is known for agility and turning--the Mirage Not so much the only time I see a mirage 3-5 beating a F-16 is in a low-high energy stance where the Viper is low on energy and the Mirage is high and attacks within the turn circle and keep it between Lead and pure. Keep in mind that the Mirage will need to keep its distance.
only time I see a mirage 3-5 beating a F-16 is in a low-high energy stance where the Viper is low on energy and the Mirage is high and attacks within the turn circle and keep it between Lead and pure.
That's what used to happen.... The opportune time for Mirage to strike.... My love for deltas.
The answer is it depends----F-16 is known for agility and turning--the Mirage Not so much the only time I see a mirage 3-5 beating a F-16 is in a low-high energy stance where the Viper is low on energy and the Mirage is high and attacks within the turn circle and keep it between Lead and pure. Keep in mind that the Mirage will need to keep its distance.
M3's not good in turns vs F1's; F16s definitely they cannot out turn; again it is all up to tactics u adopt.
Mirages are hit and run high speed high altitude the F-1 is a much better solution.
Correct - shoot/scoot. We did the same in Angola. M3's were just purely for that purpose vs Mig23 there was a serious challenge; only F1AZ could take them on 1:1.
Looking back; F1s' should have been bought lock stock barrel.
Correct - shoot/scoot. We did the same in Angola. M3's were just purely for that purpose vs Mig23 there was a serious challenge; only F1AZ could take them on 1:1.
Looking back; F1s' should have been bought lock stock barrel.
I dont know much about the Angola war I would be interested in the Air-Air component if you could shadow a little for me that would be greatly appreciated. Its sad to see Rhodesia begone like that was the attempt same for south africa.
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