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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Break it with what?
We know what happened last time when IAF made a assumption it wasnt pretty
Conviently ingnoring 8 squardons of PL-15 equiped jf17 which what pakistan thinks is its leading aresenal is good for us..
Pakistan was broke in 1990 its gdp was just 50b$, debt was >100% and it was under IMF yet it paid 4b$ in advance for f16 under benazir/nawaz ..then pakistan had no alternative and china was poor

Today US senate said buy f16s and pakistan walked away despite the bill being just 699 million dollars what does this tells u. PAF doesnt think f16s are worth the full unsubidized price
Once PAF thinks it needs a few it will just go and buy the comoditized block 70 which is now rhe standardized version available to pakistan (provided we foot the 70m/unit price tag)
My guess is PAF wont buy it on full paid price without CSF.
The whole idea for the CSF filter is that Pakistan has been dragged into an unconventional war due to the US, having suffered the most casualties. Getting Vipers via CSF should be the only option they'd pursue as it would allow not only for more jets but free training.
Those F16 will be useless without American support and technicians AND please spare me the Turks will do this that and other. Even Turkey relys on massive USA suport for its USA military hardware.

Your USA hardware could well be compromised but you only have to yourselves to blame from your mistakes be it OBL or the terror support for Banned groups as you ty to pursue your local South Asian Agenda,

You could certainly have balanced it better AND i am sure today you would have 36 block 52 NOT 18
And the other 55 legacy platforms would have got the MLU that many other nations are benefiting from and paid by USA tax payer in the main.

I know HOW important the F16 is in your PAF pysche. Deemed to be your finest PLATFORM even today .

When Swift resort took place it was F16 that LED THE CHARGE .

ITS is YOUR spearhead

You really need 36 block 70 soon but the chances are next to zero

BY THE WAY its the one that IAF FEAR.

In any war that meaningful in future between IAF V PAF the indians have always concluded break the F16 fleet you win the air battle .

THAT MAY CHANGE with BLOCK 3 , will see


Really? Well, add this to your shattered dreams

This aircraft was repaired inhouse after own bomb damage (during a strike on TTP). They yellow paint shows the area which was repaired/replaced.
Don't waste your precious time on someone who don't want to listen the truth. He just want to live in his delusional world.

Your F16 are excellent you dont need to convince me
thank god Mushraff & Co screwed up your relations of USA and you ended up in china,s laps.

We wll take on PAF with chinase fighters ALL DAY

F16 is a head ache ,,,,,,,,,,,,,thank god you only have 18 block 52 the rest are vintage legacy planes with some MLU kit added.
Your F16 are excellent you dont need to convince me
thank god Mushraff & Co screwed up your relations of USA and you ended up in china,s laps.

We wll take on PAF with chinase fighters ALL DAY

F16 is a head ache ,,,,,,,,,,,,,thank god you only have 18 block 52 the rest are vintage legacy planes with some MLU kit added.

that f-16 is Pakistani from ser#82602 from griffins .
and we are greatful of all those whom take us away from devil USA . we salute all those whom save us from curse of USA and AID .
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