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Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

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Not quite, I've met some of them....nice chaps !

I've got a few friends from Jammat Ahmediya as well. :)

They don't agree with us on some beliefs but we mind our own business and they mind their own. We have no personal problem with them neither do we kill each other unlike Sunnis and Shias.

No one has answered my questions above. Would you care to answer them Sir?
Good work Imran Khan! I hope you win the elections, great election campaign.

well i blame Ahmedis internationally for giving Pakistan a bad name EG: Tareak Fatah in Canada. but all in all there should be some modernism in Pakistan. just my 2 dimes .

Is Tareak Fatah, really an Ahmedi?
They don't agree with us on some beliefs but we mind our own business and they mind their own. We have no personal problem with them neither do we kill each other unlike Sunnis and Shias.

No one has answered my questions above. Would you care to answer them Sir?

At any rate they find a lot more acceptance by mainstream Islam than Jammat Ahmediya does ! I do hope things improve.

If you could phrase it briefly, I'd be much obliged !
What question ? If you could phrase it briefly, I'd be much obliged !

Well Pakistanis have been voting for decades, what change will it bring now? Same corrupt people keep getting elected. Why should Ahmadis vote, what change will it bring for them? even PTI has back tracked on Ahmadis. Seems like the only option for wealthier Ahmadis is to migrate where as the poorer Ahmadis are stuck in Pakistan.
No they were not instrumental to the creation of Pakistan and choosing not to vote is their own problem not ours. They do have all of civil rights to vote and contest elections. They cant get enough of playing victim which is their own choice.

Why are you in denial? It is a well known fact that Ahmadis played a huge role in the creation of Pakistan. Ahmadis are a persecuted community, it is sad to see such an intelligent and hard working community being persecuted. They aren't even allowed to freely practice their faith. Maybe things would have been different if Ahmadis blew themselves up like some other sects do.
Well Pakistanis have been voting for decades, what change will it bring now? Same corrupt people keep getting elected. Why should Ahmadis vote, what change will it bring for them? even PTI has back tracked on Ahmadis. Seems like the only option for wealthier Ahmadis is to migrate where as the poorer Ahmadis are stuck in Pakistan.

I won't lie to you; if I were an Ahmedi, I'd immigrate too ! In fact most of my Ahmedi friends are just itching for their studies to complete & the possibility of going overseas.

However I've also got a couple of Ahmedi friends who think that a country like Pakistan is just worth it & so they stay & they weather the abuse, the discrimination & the possibility of being harmed ! They are almost exclusively Pro-PTI & want to change the system from within.
Who is Tareak Fatah, never heard of him/her.

I saw a video on the internet of his when I searched for Pakistan.

I think he lives in Canada, he was giving an interview and was just bitching and whining about Pakistan, he eventually said he is an Indian living in Canada and has denounced Pakistani citizenship...

Someone said he is a Qadiani/ Ahmedi, so I was wondering if that is true?

What have other politicians done for Ahmadis that you chose to target I.Khan ??

And have you bothered convincing your community to vote instead of just posting this stuff on forums ??

By continuing to boycott elections, you are making yourself completely insignificant to politicians. Stop blaming others for your mistakes and make a difference.
I saw a video on the internet of his when I searched for Pakistan.

I think he lives in Canada, he was giving an interview and was just bitching and whining about Pakistan, he eventually said he is an Indian living in Canada and has denounced Pakistani citizenship...

Someone said he is a Qadiani/ Ahmedi, so I was wondering if that is true?

I have never heard of him. Unfortunately many Pakistanis label people Qadiani if they don't agree with them. I have seen videos where they claim Najam Sethi is a Qadiani. But hes not.

FYI An Ahmadi Muslim will never be against Pakistan. Our Khalifa has told us to keep praying for Pakistan.

What have other politicians done for Ahmadis that you chose to target I.Khan ??

And have you bothered convincing your community to vote instead of just posting this stuff on forums ??

By continuing to boycott elections, you are making yourself completely insignificant to politicians. Stop blaming others for your mistakes and make a difference.

Can the state guaranty that even if Ahmadis do go out to vote, they won't be targeted?
Can the state guaranty that even if Ahmadis do go out to vote, they won't be targeted?

Security concerns exist for every Pakistani voter, not just for Ahamdis. What makes you so special? Are you a Pakistani or not?

There was a time when Urdu-speakers faced worse than what Ahmadis are facing today. Yet with perseverance and efforts, we have managed to make a place for ourselves in Pakistani society and prospered like no other group.

You can choose to stay in a shell or come out in the open and make yourself heard.
Security concerns exist for every Pakistani voter, not just for Ahamdis. What makes you so special? Are you a Pakistani or not?

There was a time when Urdu-speakers faced worse than what Ahmadis are facing today. Yet with perseverance and efforts, we have managed to make a place for ourselves in Pakistani society and prospered like no other group.

You can choose to stay in a shell or come out in the open and make yourself heard.

I am aware of the situations of Urdu Speakers, specially during the 1992 operation. It was a more ethnic situation. Religion seems to ignite some kind of passion in Pakistani Muslims. Most of them are not ready to accept Ahmadi Muslims as equals in the society. don't take me wrong there are many educated Pakistanis who stand up for Ahmadis but unfortunately they are in minority.

What makes us special? Because Pakistani constitution condones the persecution of Ahmadis.
Good work Imran Khan! I hope you win the elections, great election campaign.

Is Tareak Fatah, really an Ahmedi?

yes the only reason why he says that he is Indian is that because Mirzai. and we all know Mirza came from india from the village ahmedbad some thing like that i cant recall now , i know another one which is Tahir Gora he had an interview with Tareak Fatah, it was all a set up just to down play Pakistan which dose not consider them as Citizens let alone Muslims.
How dare you people denounce someone's belief? What if someone were to speak ill of mohammed? You wouldn't like that so why speak ill of their prophet?
I am aware of the situations of Urdu Speakers, specially during the 1992 operation. It was a more ethnic situation. Religion seems to ignite some kind of passion in Pakistani Muslims. Most of them are not ready to accept Ahmadi Muslims as equals in the society. don't take me wrong there are many educated Pakistanis who stand up for Ahmadis but unfortunately they are in minority.

What makes us special? Because Pakistani constitution condones the persecution of Ahmadis.

The constitution does not condone any such thing. You can continue believing in this self-persecution if you want, but that's your own choice. There is a difference in being equals in society (which Ahmadis are) and being accepted as Muslims.

Leave that behind and work for Pakistan's future. Boycotting will only put Ahmadis further away from integration. Again, your choice.
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