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Pakistan election: the 4m votes no one wants

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Shun Ghulam Mirza qadiyani from your sect and you will be called muslims then
That is exactly the type of mentality why Ahmadis will never vote. Pakistani society is so tribal and violent.
Btw Ahmadis vote in other countries. IN UK we vote and also have Ahmadi MPs and an Ahmadi in the House of Lords. There are Ahmadi MPs in Ghana, Nigeria etc so its not that we don't like vote, there is something seriously something wrong with Pakistani society.
Ahamdis of course had a role in creation of Pakistan. Its just that present public mentality is too biased to concede any thing favourable to Ahmadi community.. & for those who are saying that Ahmadis are playing a Victim card should actually know that they are indeed victims of extremist mindset that BTW prevails is almost sections of Pakistani society.

IK is just rolling along with the public sentiment, i mean votes & power are of course more precious than voicing for the weak & oppressed
No they are not allowed to vote until they agree to change their religion. This is forced religious conversion by the of Pakistan. This is clear apartheid, persecution and oppression. Which other state persecutes its own citizens like this?

if you are Muslims then why you have changed the Quran? Why do you commit blasphemy?

Do you believe in the finality of Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet of Islam?

If you are Muslims then why Instead of Makkah you have your rabwah?

The fact is that you have created a new faith so you should better accept that you are followers of new faith NOT Islam. NOBODY stops you from voting its just that you want us to accept ghulam mirza as prophet which is NOT acceptable to us Muslims.
That is exactly the type of mentality why Ahmadis will never vote. Pakistani society is so tribal and violent.
Btw Ahmadis vote in other countries. IN UK we vote and also have Ahmadi MPs and an Ahmadi in the House of Lords. There are Ahmadi MPs in Ghana, Nigeria etc so its not that we don't like vote, there is something seriously something wrong with Pakistani society.

My sympathies, Pakistani society is too extremist at the moment and one group which really got screwed was Ahmedis. Ahmedis in Pakistan should vote though, isolation from electoral process will only make it worse.
That is exactly the type of mentality why Ahmadis will never vote. Pakistani society is so tribal and violent.
Btw Ahmadis vote in other countries. IN UK we vote and also have Ahmadi MPs and an Ahmadi in the House of Lords. There are Ahmadi MPs in Ghana, Nigeria etc so its not that we don't like vote, there is something seriously something wrong with Pakistani society.

You are creation of Britishers hence no surprise they will host ahmedi MPs.

In UK you are enrolled as ahmedis why dont you enroll here as ahmedis
That is exactly the type of mentality why Ahmadis will never vote. Pakistani society is so tribal and violent.
Btw Ahmadis vote in other countries. IN UK we vote and also have Ahmadi MPs and an Ahmadi in the House of Lords. There are Ahmadi MPs in Ghana, Nigeria etc so its not that we don't like vote, there is something seriously something wrong with Pakistani society.

So A person name Ghulam Mirza comes and claims he is mehdi, Jesus incarnation, and finally the prophet sent to reform whole indian subcontinent, when we reject him, we are called violent and tribals. Good Going Ahmeddiya sahab

And if he was all that, why muslim ummah didn't prosper? Why there was so much fitna and disunity during Mirza ghulam period?

Judging from the history of Reformers, Just go and read Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, the First reformer of Islamic history to get an idea how reformer lives and do's to bring unity among Ummah
So A person name Ghulam Mirza comes and claims he is mehdi, Jesus incarnation, and finally the prophet sent to reform whole indian subcontinent, when we reject him, we are called violent and tribals. Good Going Ahmeddiya sahab

And if he was all that, why muslim ummah didn't prosper? Why there was so much fitna and disunity during Mirza ghulam period?

Judging from the history of Reformers, Just go and read Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, the First reformer of Islamic history to get an idea how reformer lives and do's to bring unity among Ummah

His lies are clear sign that he was just fooling the people for political gains

in ahmedi book of his Roohany Khazaen his lies are enough to expose him.

ghulam mirza qadyani claims in this book and i am quoting his words bellow with reference from research

In the books of hadith - Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim Sharif, Dani-Ail's - and in the Holy Bible, where ever there is a description of me, the word "prophet" is written by my name."
(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 17, P.413; Arbaine, No. 3, P. 30)

NOW can any qadyani tell us where in books of hadis the above is mentioned??
So A person name Ghulam Mirza comes and claims he is mehdi, Jesus incarnation, and finally the prophet sent to reform whole indian subcontinent, when we reject him, we are called violent and tribals.

Didn't he also claim to be Dajjal all at the same time? :laughcry:
Didn't he also claim to be Dajjal all at the same time? :laughcry:

dont know about this claim. but mirza had claimed falsely that there is mention of qadian city in Quran . now this is one of his lies.

often the mods close threads about qadyanis here i say let these be open and discuss things in civility and expose the lies of mirza ghulam
You are creation of Britishers hence no surprise they will host ahmedi MPs.

In UK you are enrolled as ahmedis why dont you enroll here as ahmedis

Make your mind up please. Are we British agents, Israeli agents, American agents or Indian agents?
I find conspiracy theorists insane and hilarious.

dont know about this claim. but mirza had claimed falsely that there is mention of qadian city in Quran . now this is one of his lies.

often the mods close threads about qadyanis here i say let these be open and discuss things in civility and expose the lies of mirza ghulam

One of the biggest lies i have ever came across LOL. He didn't say name of Qadian is in the Quran. But he said he saw in a dream that Qadian is mentioned in Quran. Dreams are not meant to be taken literally they are meant to be interpreted.

This thread was about ahmadi votes. Why are people starting religious debates. Religious debates will go as long as Humans will live.
Make your mind up please. Are we British agents, Israeli agents, American agents or Indian agents?
I find conspiracy theorists insane and hilarious.

One of the biggest lies i have ever came across LOL. He didn't say name of Qadian is in the Quran. But he said he saw in a dream that Qadian is mentioned in Quran. Dreams are not meant to be taken literally they are meant to be interpreted.

This thread was about ahmadi votes. Why are people starting religious debates. Religious debates will go as long as Humans will live.

Evasive techniques LOL. Ye Bhai will not respond on the questions asked about Ghulam Mirza
So A person name Ghulam Mirza comes and claims he is mehdi, Jesus incarnation, and finally the prophet sent to reform whole indian subcontinent, when we reject him, we are called violent and tribals. Good Going Ahmeddiya sahab

And if he was all that, why muslim ummah didn't prosper? Why there was so much fitna and disunity during Mirza ghulam period?

Judging from the history of Reformers, Just go and read Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, the First reformer of Islamic history to get an idea how reformer lives and do's to bring unity among Ummah

Why are you so angry? So killing ahmadi muslims while they are praying in mosques, destroying our mosques and desecrating grave stones of ahmadis is not violent? its just Love right?
Make your mind up please. Are we British agents, Israeli agents, American agents or Indian agents?
I find conspiracy theorists insane and hilarious.

I dont care who's agents you are as we also have some among us Muslims as well. mir jaffars are everywhere .

here is something which ghulam mirza said

He (ghulam mirza qadiyani )declared:

"It has been proven from my continuous seventeen year long speeches that I am faithful and sincere to the English Empire from the core of my heart and soul. I am the son of a father who was also a friend to this Government. My faith is to obey this Government and love the people; These are the conditions set for my devotees and followers who take the oath of allegiance to me. I have stressed this clause under the fourth item of my pamphlet Shuroo-al-Baiat (oath of faith) which has been distributed among my devotees and followers."
(Kitab-ul-Barriah, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 13, P. 10; Kitab-ul-Barriha, P. 9, Supplement)

"I published the provisions of faith so that these may become a constitution for my sect and for everyone who follows me and I have named it as: 'Completion of the Mission and requirements of Fealty'. I have sent one copy to the Government so that it may know that I have planned for my followers to be faithful to the British Government."
(Tabligh-e-Risalat, Vol. 7, P.16)
Evasive techniques LOL. Ye Bhai will not respond on the questions asked about Ghulam Mirza

Answers are all over the internet. Try Google, its a great search engine.
Why are you so angry? So killing ahmadi muslims while they are praying in mosques, destroying our mosques and desecrating grave stones of ahmadis is not violent? its just Love right?

Mincing of words huh? That's what you are good at? We are discussing why Ahmmidiyas are declared non muslims. Yet you are discussing crap which nobody even said here
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