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Pakistan Denies Operation in N. Waziristan

I Know Moulana Ghazi Shaheed Was Not Aalim u Can Read All Ulama Name,s

And yes They Are Martyr Bcoz They Are Fighting For The Sake Of Allah In Pakistan Afghanistan Iraq All Over The World And Remember No one Can Defeat Soldiers Of Allah

I think you have some personal link with Taliban,Ask your Soldier of Allah to not kill innocent people,dont destalize a muslim country to such an extent that I might fall in the hands of USA like Afghanistan,Iraq etc.
Your provided links have some doubts It asks some specific questions about Mujahideens not terorist.It also carried a statement of Mufti Shamzai who was killed by Taliban not by anyone else.


They Are Not Killing Innocent Watch The Videos I Posted Above Pak Army is Killing Innocent People And Where,s The Proof That Mufti Shamzai Was Killed By Taliban He Was Killed By ISI
Pak Army is Supporting Nato By Their Supply From Karachi To Afghanistan And They Are Killing Innocent Muslims In Afghanistan Your Islam Allowed This

Now Dont Say That They Are Terrorist They Are Fighting For There Land If USA Send Troops To Pakistan Obv Then We Will Fight Then We Also Become Terrorist
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How do you know that Shamzai was killed by ISI?? Shamzai was killed when he gave fatwa in favour of PAk Army
If he was killed then why ISI left the remaining 299 of your quoted reference,its stupid thinking.

Look,there is doubt everything happening here is good.We should reject US aid and reject their orders.

and your quoted Ayyah caries a word "Munafiq" i-e best set on Taliban who claim to be muslim but in fact working for USA and destablizing Pakistan so it too falls in their hands.
Can You Please Answer My Other Questions Also Bombing On Markets by Pak Army And Whats ABout Nato Supply And This

They Are Kuffar Who Killed Half An Million Children In Iraq
Islam also says "the one who kills single innocent,has killed the whole humanity"
These terrorist had killed thousands of innocent people in 9/11 and US embassy attacks.This all war strated from there.
Osama assured and misguided the muslims that he will liberate Palestine from Israel and the stupid tried to do this by killing innocent people.He could not succeed in fullfilling his promises but gave another country in the hands of Us i-e Afghanistan.
He pledged the muslims that he will fight US and did not exit from Afghanistan in 2001.In all his vedio message he repeated his pledged and at the end died in a comfortable compound with three of his wives and took the arm at end to protect himself not to muslims.So these people have no moral values and ethics he betrayed the muslims.
Pak Army did not started offensive against them these were the terrorist who killed civilians and armymen first.They have killed 30000 pakistanis in suicide attacks and attacking more in pakistan than US controlled afghanistan.So their purpose is to destroy Pakistan not US so killing them is legal through Islam and Our ARMY MEN ARE TRUELY SHAHEEDS.
Mr.UnknownEx, can you tell me. If you are so sure about Talibans being Pure Martyrs. What about Khawarjies which rose against Hazrat Ali R.A. they were muslim too, they had the same logic, that everything should be deduced from quran and sunnah and nothing from human interpreations. Tell me Does that Make Hazrat Ali and His Army Kufar at that time???? (Nauzubillah). Khawarjies were headache to all muslims leaders during their time. until their fitna died some how.

Now tell me another thing. There is a clear cut rulling in Quran about the people who spread Fitna among people. That who ever Spreads Fitna, Should be dealt accordingly. Now tell me, all this Fitna in Pakistan? Was it started by Pakistan or By Taliban when they start suicide bombing. Tell me one thing exactly, when Pakistan acted first and Spread fitna among people.

Keep American equation out.Tell me If Pakistan are helping America. Because Pakistan is a weak Islamic State. which needs help. A rebellion started by people should not and must not be Given Islamic Name. because they are the Khawarjies of our time
Can You Please Answer My Other Questions Also Bombing On Markets by Pak Army And Whats ABout Nato Supply And This

They Are Kuffar Who Killed Half An Million Children In Iraq

I personally think bombing markets and residential areas is unislamic but what if terrorist hide in those Areas??? as Osama was hidding.

Yes,the half million killed in Iraq are Shaheed,but you know this also goes to Saddam Hussain who brought Iraq in this position just to protect his Govt.
Answer My one Question Do You Think There,s Shariyah in Pakistan
Osama is Terrorist ???? They Can Kill Half an Million Muslims In iraq And We Cannot Kill 2500
Once Again Mr.Unknown Ex. I will give you another example. Remember the 2004-2007 Fitna of Al-qaieda in Saudia Arabia, when they start fighting with security forces and stat killing Foreigners. they had the same logic presented by you. And did you Know that Imam Of Khana kaaba at that time and all the leading Ulemas of Saudia arabia gave the joint declaration that this is against Islam and security forces fighting the fitna will be martyrs. Go on net, you will find easily all this Saudia arabia fatwas

Now, When The Center of Islam Ulemas says that this is Un islamic. I will give a damn what your so called Ulemas have jointly declared. I gave much weight to Saudia Arabia ulemas who have clear understanding of what they are talking about. not you or your so called Ulemas, who are so blinded in their hatred. takes a dirt everytime and Forgot What Taliban did in SAWAT. How did they broke promises after Army made a Deal. but alas
Answer My one Question Do You Think There,s Shariyah in Pakistan

Have you read my all posts??

I answered ysour above question 3 post ago.

You have not answered even a single question of mine???

Can you Answer Where is Shriya in the world???it

Even Taliban are using this word to get attention from people.They used Shariya to impose their thinking on people of Afghanistan and Swat.
If There,s No Shariyah In Wolrd Its Mean We Dont Need Shariayh Lol And I think Its Waste of Time And Want To know Who is Martyr See This Videos and See The Faces Of Murdar Napak Army
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Answer My one Question Do You Think There,s Shariyah in Pakistan

Then if there is no shariya in Pakistan. Then You did not have right to fight against the state. Because if a True shariyat Government Do acts like these that our government do. then we understand Taliban like groups rosing against. Now According to your own logic. What's the use of Taliban now, they have no right to Spread Islam or Impose shariat in Pakistan by using force and guns

And here is the proof in Quran... Surah Al Baqrah. " La ikraah fd- deen" This is the ayah just after the ayah Of Ayat ul kursi. It means "DEEN MAY KOI JABR NAI"

If there is no "Zabardasti" in Islam. as The Allah has provided the right of not forcing the Islam or imposing Sharia forcefully especially using weapons and threats. Then What the hell taliban struggling for with weapons and suicide bombings?

THey are clearly vioalting the Right provided by Allah that Islam Should not be imposed forcefully. Which Only means one thing. They are spreading Fitna. And for spreading Fitna. Qurna has clearly said. Who ever spread fitna, should be dealt severely.

Next time. Talk on facts and Islamic Ayahs. Not by providing some Fatwas and blah blah.
oke But We Will Fight For islam If U Dont Want Go To USA

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