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Pakistan court orders rebuilding of Hindu temple

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Such petitions can't be admitted to court. Looks like some genius is born in the region after hundreds of years...
Not even Hindus are interested in it. Its just one politician, who most likely is doing all this with some ill will.
There are temples in pakistan that have been shattered like the one in Soldier bazaar. How can we progress if we don't keep in mind the problems our minorities face daily. We need to give them equal if not extra rights.
Why is court making such orders?
such are beyond the jurisdiction and authority of judiciary.
If it was brought before the courts (which it was), then it is very much in the judiciary's jurisdiction. This is called a civil case.

You, once again, have no idea what you're talking about.
Why Maulana tot batot? Why should a historic temple be destroyed and rebuilt somewhere else ? Does your highness own the land ? Does your highness have even a sane and rational reason o such retarded suggestions ?

You are crying over a non issue..

P.S; As for "tax payers" BC barely 4% population pays tax"... So first actually pay tax before openin your "invalid" mouth.

Here comes brigade of mulla sadar, with all its sectarian hate.
''Land is being grabbed by land grabbers'', this was a brazen lie, and It needed to be reasoned, but haters like you failed to see the argument, which I made. Your behind is on fire for no logical reason.
Blind character, I'm not challenging it being heritage or not, infect in post above... i have gone as far in saying that ''it should be preserved same as harrapa''.
Now before you commit suicide, I like to pass my opinion about your heritage claim over a mond.
Go build another temple next to it, call your extended family from bharat or Iran to live there. I care not.
However, the fact of matter is centuries have passed and not even Hindus were interested in its rebuilt, at least they failed to demand from British to declare it heritage and rebuilt it for them, instead of building new infrastructure.
Rebuild Babri Mosque then talk . :)

That issue is much more complicated than this.

On topic Great move Pakistan :pakistan: . I hope our media do notice this move will be a change after so many hatred news about Pakistan.
Oh mr judge . " rebuild Babri Mosque" ..does this this line hit you where it hurts ?

No it makes me laugh when I see a typical Pakistani worrying more about what is going on in India or Palestine than his own country. Okay, may be I don't even laugh at that any more, just chuckle...
Good processing they have done there in your country. It will take two more generations to clean up the mess if they start making changes now.
Apparently sitting govt hasnt the brain nor the will to push the project to happen while judiciary has to do the pushing ....Plus why not? Its not like they are pushing something wrong!

Apparently its not only the govt. which is acting banana, as you see lots of posters failed to see the nonsense behind court orders.
Court can only under take the case of corruption in relevant dpt. which may have lead to mishandling of such many monds, not this one alone.
demolish the temple and re-built it some where else.
You dont make sense no more :(

in 1 sentence you are concerned about tax money and living standards and in the next sentence you are like demolish and rebuild it....Dude which is cheaper?

Apparently its not only the govt. which is acting banana, as you see lots of posters failed to see the nonsense behind court orders.
Court can only under take the case of corruption in relevant dpt. which may have lead to mishandling of such many monds, not this one alone.
Dude 1 of the 2 bros you are ranting at is a lawyer...I would side him any day!
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