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Pakistan court orders rebuilding of Hindu temple

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Preserving the Harapppan artifacts doesn't improve the life of people as well. By your logic you should stop that too ?

No it does not and similarly all heritage should be preserved, incl. the said temple but its definitely not the job of judiciary to meet politicians and issue orders upon their personal requests.
Politicians of Pakistan are trying hard to making judiciary a celebrity.... and we know why!
No it does not and similarly all heritage should be preserved, incl. the said temple but its definitely not the job of judiciary to meet politicians and issue orders upon their personal requests.!

Judiciary gave orders because someone from Hindu community submitted a petition in the court. It is simple logic genius.
Thats the spirit . We are much better then our neighbors .
No it does not and similarly all heritage should be preserved, incl. the said temple but its definitely not the job of judiciary to meet politicians and issue orders upon their personal requests.
Politicians of Pakistan are trying hard to making judiciary a celebrity.... and we know why!

You are still in your cultural shock stage :)
It's okay..happens to everybody..almost.
Yes, good decision. Hindu Pilgrims used to come to the place for worship until recently , then land grabbing mafia moved in and dismantled it.
Our religion does not allow us to take away someone's right to worship, no matter what god or goddess they worship.

Do you live there? Why would some one grab such baron land of no value? and if the land is really so precious than wisdom is to demolish the temple and re-built it some where else.
interference of judiciary in all non related matters, is indeed an attempt to make Pakistan look like a banana state.
Court should not address issues beyond its jurisdiction, or some thing has changed?

Hi there bin qasim ... The issue is well within the Supreme Courts jurisdiction .... And the honourable judges are much more educated and intelligent than you and your likes...
Do you live there? Why would some one grab such baron land of no value? and if the land is really so precious than wisdom is to demolish the temple and re-built it some where else.

Why Maulana tot batot? Why should a historic temple be destroyed and rebuilt somewhere else ? Does your highness own the land ? Does your highness have even a sane and rational reason o such retarded suggestions ?

You are crying over a non issue..

P.S; As for "tax payers" BC barely 4% population pays tax"... So first actually pay tax before openin your "invalid" mouth.
Judiciary gave orders because someone from Hindu community submitted a petition in the court. It is simple logic genius.
Such petitions can't be admitted to court. Looks like some genius is born in the region after hundreds of years...
Not even Hindus are interested in it. Its just one politician, who most likely is doing all this with some ill will.
Such petitions can't be admitted to court. Looks like some genius is born in the region after hundreds of years...
Not even Hindus are interested in it. Its just one politician, who most likely is doing all this with some ill will.

So they can't be admitted to court and yet the highest court in the land - The Supreme Court passed not only afmiitrdvtge petition but also gave a judgement in favour of the temple?

This is a historic and legally built temple on govt land .... People like you go apeshit even an illegal mosque is demolished to widen main roads?
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