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Pakistan clerics issue stoning death decree

you cant just attack other members here! or their ancestors!

take your bigotry to indian forums
Sure. Post edited. I generalized it to all Punjabi Muslims.

You cant attack Hinduism here. Take your bigotry to some Talibani jihadi forum.
Sure. Post edited. I generalized it to all Punjabi Muslims.

You cant attack Hindu religion here. Take your bigotry to some Talibani jehadi forum.

edited your post? i have reported your post again for attacking other members. why are you attacking our ancestors?

what right do you have to attack our ancestors for accepting islam?

no where was the hindu religion attacked!
edited your post? i have reported your post again for attacking other members. why are you attacking our ancestors?

what right do you have to attack our ancestors for accepting islam?

no where was the hindu religion attacked!
This is what you posted:

the only inherent cruelty in Punjabi culture is the racism/biradarism/casteism brought in from the pagan hindu religion into islam.

Are you this stupid that you need me to explain to you what you did?
This is what you posted:

Are you this stupid that you need me to explain to you what you did?

typical indian paranoia. Where is the attack? explain

This is what you posted:

Are you this stupid that you need me to explain to you what you did?

why are you attacking Punjabi Muslims, other members, for accepting Islam?

why are you attacking our ancestors for accepting Islam?

Did we steal something from you? Unless it is all your bigotry and hate for Islam and Muslims
typical indian paranoia. Where is the attack? explain
Are you actually low on intelligence?

You post:
the only inherent cruelty in Punjabi culture is the racism/biradarism/casteism brought in from the pagan hindu religion into islam.
And you dont even understand that it was insulting? Is this Pakistani upbringing, that when you insult other religions, you dont even understand it because it seems so normal to you people? Is bigotry so ingrained in you?
Are you actually low on intelligence?

You post:

And you dont even understand that it was insulting? Is this Pakistani upbringing, that when you insult other religions, you dont even understand it because it seems so normal to you people? Is bigotry so ingrained in you?

where is the attack on hindu religion?

why are you attacking our ancestors for accepting Islam? what did they do to you?
where is the attack on hindu religion?

why are you attacking our ancestors for accepting Islam? what did they do to you?
If you still cannot understand despite me quoting your statement 3 times, then maybe you need to ask some other Pakistani's, because you are truly a bigot.
Do call @Oscar , @Aeronaut , @Jungibaaz
If you still cannot understand despite me quoting your statement 3 times, then maybe you need to ask some other Pakistani's, because you are truly a bigot.
Do call @Oscar , @Aeronaut , @Jungibaaz

yes, please explain where the bigotry is. Because you attacked three groups here

1) Punjabi Muslims
2) Other members
3) Ancestors of Punjabi Muslims

why? Just because they accepted Islam!
yes, please explain where the bigotry is. Because you attacked three groups here

1) Punjabi Muslims
2) Other members
3) Ancestors of Punjabi Muslims
Yes I did. Infact I attacked all Muslims. Because you attacked Hinduism in your post.

And since clearly you are incapable of understanding that what you wrote is very offensive, there is no point in discussing this with you.
There are somany good things in Islam..... But the problem start when idiots interpret them and make their interpretation the real one.....
the fundamental flaw of a religious law is, it is not supposed to change. If god told you explicitly xyz is wrong, you cant say that to be correct after 1000 years just because you got more info. That will make god look stupid.
the best you can do is to reinterpret it(which magically and beautifully fits into the current moral/scientific sensibility, just say religious texts have multiple layers of meaning)
Imagine we made zero amendment to the constitution that was created in 47. It would be serious need of revision by today even though it was authored by quite intelligent people.
Yes I did. Infact I attacked all Muslims. Because you attacked Hinduism in your post. And since clearly you are incapable of understanding that what you wrote is very offensive, there is no point in discussing this with you.

where is the attack on Hinduism?

why are you attacking all Muslims?
where is the attack on Hinduism?

why are you attacking all Muslims?
Boy stop repeating yourself.
As long as you dont understand what you wrote is offensive to Hindus I cant help you. What this clearly shows is that Pakistani's are so brainwashed into insulting other religions, they dont even understand when they do it.

Ask some fellow Pakistani who maybe able to tell you how it was offensive. Once you have done that. Do come back.
Boy stop repeating yourself.
As long as you dont understand what you wrote is offensive to Hindus I cant help you. What this clearly shows is that Pakistani's are so brainwashed into insulting other religions, they dont even understand when they do it.

Ask some fellow Pakistani who maybe able to tell you how it was offensive. Once you have done that. Do come back.

how was the attack on hindu religion? tell me

Why are you attacking Muslims?

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